you're right girls, this ignore feature is already doing wonders
you're right girls, this ignore feature is already doing wonders
what the fuck did I miss while on vacation
If anything this shows her as the puppetmaster not a mere puppetYour fave being exposed for the cold, calculating PR puppet she is.
I now understand how Frodo felt when Sauron was defeated and his ring cast into the fires of Mordor
I love Charli but it pissed me off that she said nothing about Brexitsitting here bopping to high pop art vroom vroom ep while watching taylor's image implode
I love Charli but it pissed me off that she said nothing about Brexit
a mess
idk I think people who are #above politics or whatever are silly. she has a platform which she could use to advocate for change, so she shouldThis is like, literally, the weirdest reason not to like an artist ever this week.
idk I think people who are #above politics or whatever are silly. she has a platform which she could use to advocate for change, so she should
oh yeah, I agree with that, I don't think people should blindly vote with whatever their fave thinks (otherwise certain 5H stans might be voting trumpI think artists should stay out of the political spectrum. I sure hope no Katy Kats are voting Hilldawg, just b/c she is... At least learn the issues why.
idk I think people who are #above politics or whatever are silly. she has a platform which she could use to advocate for change, so she should
tru tbh. they probably dont even know what instagram isIt's not a question of being #above politics, but no one has to be vocal about every single thing. Even though #Brexit was/is one big change she doesn't actually have to make her views public. Not to mention that people who voted Leave wouldn't know ha anyway.
Rihanna wins by doing nothing once again. Queen.
'nothing' is quite a generous description of ANTi
Wow, exposing ha self as trash. Disgusting tbh
'nothing' is quite a generous description of ANTi
wow what a fucking asshole, I'm glad its career is about to die.
People who post negative shit about PopGAF are the worst. I don't post a ton in these threads, but this community is awesome. Even if some of you have questionable taste in music....
A disgrace to the Latino community! White/Taylor Swift America can keep her.
The thing is that everyone has their preferences. This community overall likes all kinds of things even if you see a lot of the usual Lady Gaga, Madonna, Katy Perry, Rihanna. If you look the community at the surface level which most people seem to do you'll see a rather simplistic community fanning over Pop Girls. But here we also post unknown artists and sometimes bring other genres into the community and give fair praise. The gifs on the other hand as much as they might complain they end up being used by them later on. I guess we made those bitches famous ¯\_(ツ_/¯
People who post negative shit about PopGAF are the worst. I don't post a ton in these threads, but this community is awesome. Even if some of you have questionable taste in music....
They do the same kind of fan stuff with videogames, comics, films and other genres of music. They just wanna feel superior or something along those lines.It's cool to not like a certain genre of music, yea. But "lol popgaf" posts are dumb just because someone is too damn lazy to read a thread
The best thing to come out of Taytor Tot and Seloser imploding their own careers last night is that Lady Gaga faces 2 less obstacles on her sure to be massive comeback where she'll deliver real music to the eager masses later this year/early 2017.
Gaga only faces one final opponent now on her RISE back to the top:
Katy Perry
but this community is awesome
but this community is awesome...
Never knew PopGAF existed, until Touchdown made that messy Mariah Carey Game of War thread...
Slay sis, you baptised me