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Little Mons†er;217006747 said:
But yeah the video is coming out "soon" ��

And you know damn well what 'soon' means when Gaga says it....

It's the name of her aunt who died of Lupus at age 19 and it's also her middle name.
She said that she feels like she has to live her life to the fullest because her father's sister didn't get to.

That's her real name. This is her "real me" album.

Named after her aunt that passed away. I think she's said in the past that Joanne always wanted to do music and her dad see's a lot of Joanne in Gaga.

this post disgusts me
I see. That's a really cute concept for an album tbh


I think the album cover is pretty cool, although she might be starting to push the "natural" vibe a little too much.

Did you already talk about how awesome the Dagny EP is? I stan her a bit.


I still cant believe that Lady Gaga comeback is doing Ariana/Selena/5thHewMany numbers...

Good luck on the next single, I guess.

And speaking of 5th Harmony it seems that the rupture is imminent! Poor them and their "careers".
It's still falling down?


Apparently it dropped to 12, which is a pretty big drop since it was like 5 a couple days ago. I'm surprised it's been in the top 10 for so long, I've only heard it on the radio once...and I listen to the radio for 2 hours a day because of my commute to work. I've heard a ton of just dance and poker face and the occasional paparazzi but basically no perfect illusion. The one time I do hear the song, it's a countdown and the host is like "Lady Gaga is back, who knew."

I think Gaga is fighting a losing battle with Joanne, it seems to me people want her to be weird when she's normal, and want her to strip down when she's being over the top. Really all I want for this album is to be good. I'd kinda feel bad for Gaga if the album does end up being great and it sells poorly, but she claims not to care about sales so w/e I guess.
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