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Y'all I feel like we're on a superior level from the rest of NeoGAF especially Gaming Side, both intellectually and emotionally, the fact they never get our humor baffles me and witnessing many of them not being able to determine or understand basic sarcasm makes me ill and question humanity.



So ya'll hate Ariana's music but like Fifth Harmony's? This community indeed...
Im not endorsing that shameful pile of basic and disposable "bops" that the 5thHew released but I also cannot get into Ariana and her unfocused mess peppered with some legit good songs.

Ariana released the superior product but in the end choosing between both is like choosing between going to see Warcraft or X-Men Apocalypse.


Y'all I feel like we're on a different level from the rest of NeoGAF especially Gaming Side, both intellectually and emotionally, the fact they never get our humor baffles me and witnessing many of them not being able to determine or understand basic sarcasm makes me ill and question humanity.


The general population of earth can't function properly. It shouldn't surprise you TBH.
Y'all I feel like we're on a superior level from the rest of NeoGAF especially Gaming Side, both intellectually and emotionally, the fact they never get our humor baffles me and witnessing many of them not being able to determine or understand basic sarcasm makes me ill and question humanity.

True sentiment

It is also true that Yours Truly is Big Spider's only good alberm

And that soulscribe needs to update his Insta with his summer guns
Y'all I feel like we're on a superior level from the rest of NeoGAF especially Gaming Side, both intellectually and emotionally, the fact they never get our humor baffles me and witnessing many of them not being able to determine or understand basic sarcasm makes me ill and question humanity.


POPGAF's humor is the best. It was one of the reasons why I started posting here.


You must be listening to the wrong album, #1's to Infinity has 19 tracks


I don't know what that is but it sounds painful


This album isn't very interesting but it's pleasing to the ear. Most of the songs are radio friendly bops and it's pretty easy to tell why people would be into them.

It's not as disgusting as Katy Perry's output at least.


irresponsible vagina leak
Mau ®;204687247 said:
This comm drags ANTi, Lemonade and Dangerous Jailbait yet praises FH and ARTPOP.

the fuck.

I praised Anti and Lemonade despite saying I prefer Self Titled. Dangerous Woman I said was pretty disjointed but its not exactly a bad album but nowhere near Anti or Lemonade.

Artpop is trash and 5H did a decent album that is listenable. It's not the greatest revolution but its certainly a huge step up from the previous garbage they released.
Mau ®;204687247 said:
This comm drags ANTi, Lemonade and Dangerous Jailbait yet praises FH and ARTPOP.

the fuck.
I'm convinced half of you hoes only ironically hate ARTPOP.

Sex Dreams

Even the title track is usable under the influence of the right prescription amphetamine.

It's full of bops and you will deal


Mau ®

I'm convinced half of you hoes only ironically hate ARTPOP.

Sex Dreams

Even the title track is usable under the influence of the right prescription amphetamine.

It's full of bops and you will deal


You defend ARTPOP too? smh you lost your fire.
Mau ®;204688327 said:
You defend ARTPOP too? smh you lost your fire.
bitch you stan Rihanna

I can understand stanning her fierceness, her fashion, her philanthropy, even her acting

But her music? She's about a french fry's height more elevated than Katy Perra in my eyes

don't be blinded by the tits and pussy my confused sistren

Mau ®

So I consider Florence's "How Big How Blue How Beautiful" to be one of the best 2015 albums, and I greatly enjoy the "Ceremonials" singles, yet I have never heard a single song from "Lungs" besides "Dog Days" until now.

I just heard "Cosmic Love".




Are we trapped in an endless loop where the starting and ending point of EVERY conversation is ARTPOP?


Even Gaga is doing everything in ha power to move on from that despicable mess.

Also if you all wante quality pop music from girl group you all better served listening to 4 Walls.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Mau ®;204687247 said:
This comm drags ANTi, Lemonade and Dangerous Jailbait yet praises FH and ARTPOP.

the fuck.
Dangerous Woman is not good...it's barely above Meghan (needs a) Trainor's new album. Lemonade is the AOTY and and Anti isn't too bad. Looking forward to listening to 5th Harmony's new album when it hits Apple Music. Never going to listen to ArtPop...GaGa lost me with BTW.


Mau ®;204687247 said:
This comm drags ANTi, Lemonade and Dangerous Jailbait yet praises FH and ARTPOP.

the fuck.

Those two are trash, I have no idea who is the third one, Fifth Harmony release some bops and Artpop is radioactive trash :lipton:
I was thinking of forcing another community game/event on you guys like old times but I honestly couldn't come up with anything worthwhile. Maybe an album-off since we obviously have some.. ahem.. favorites here.

Mau ®;204687247 said:
This comm drags ANTi, Lemonade and Dangerous Jailbait yet praises FH and ARTPOP.

the fuck.
Who the hell was dragging Lemonade? Don't tell me it was the Little [redacted]dumpsters and the Britbots

edit: censored for family-friendliness


I was thinking of forcing another community game/event on you guys like old times but I honestly couldn't come up with anything worthwhile. Maybe an album-off since we obviously have some.. ahem.. favorites here.


Do it! Lemonade or Self-Titled are going to win~
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