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BEYOND: Two Souls (Ellen Page, Willem Dafoe) |OT| Press Triangle to Aiden


Then there is a group who likes Beyond more simply because it does correct some really big flaws HR had. Mainly bad voice acting, weird animations, glitches and a lot of plot holes. This alone killed HR for many and Beyond is much better here, which is what Cloudy means. Going back to HR after Beyond makes these flaws obviously stand out even more.

Yeah this exactly.. I'm still playing HR and I like it but I'm just not hooked like I was with Beyond. And the VA is pretty bad compared to Beyond (some of the best VA I've ever heard in a game so this isn't quite fair lol)

I'm just not emotionally attached to any of the characters in HR yet. That's the biggest difference I see so far...


I only just played Heavy Rain a few months ago and I finished Beyond Two Souls today (got it yesterday :lol). I preferred Beyond but I couldn't put down both games and I enjoyed my time with them. Might replay Beyond not sure yet. Has anyone tried playing the chapter in chronological order?
Finally got a chance to sink a few hours into this game past the initial chapters. Just finished the

First the negatives:

- Movement controls. YOU HAD ONE JOB, QUANTIC DREAM! Well, not really, but y'know. There isn't much happening here gameplay wise, so it's absolutely imperative that what DOES happen feels great. Unfortunately, this game does not feel great. Jodie's movement speed is painfully slow and locomotion is clunky, even during moments where the game NEEDS a sense of fluidity and speed to properly convey the urgency of the scene. It's like controlling GTAIV with an even more wily camera system and makes an already slow paced game feel lumbering. There's no reason to not have a reasonably paced, manually activated "jog" for most of the game, and character movement within the environments needs to be MUCH more responsive and fluid.

- Lack of "game." I'm not one to criticize Cage for wanting to make what he makes, and in fact I'll defend his right to do so, but there's still a lot that could be done here, while sticking to the Adventure game mold, to let the player have a bigger feeling of participation. Aiden is the perfect player companion to build all kinds of investigative and puzzle sections where the player actually has to use his or her brain to advance. It's frustrating because the game places you NECK DEEP in situations where QD is RIGHT on the edge, teetering between "movie-game" and "Adventure game," but they pull back every time simplifying the "answer" and either having Jodie do everything automatically, or avoiding what could've been altogether. An inventory, and creative puzzles involving your brain and environmental manipulation from Aiden could've gone a long way in making this feel more substantial.

- Narrative progression. The non-chronological presentation of this story was the wrong choice, flat out. Not only does it wreak havoc on the pacing, especially early on, as you jump from random scenario to random scenario, but it feels completely pointless. It's almost as if they didn't want a long build up as child-Jodie for 3 hours before getting into more action packed and dramatic scenes, so they just toss you wherever expecting you to care about any of the characters or events. It simply does not work.


- The idea of the story so far. One of the reasons I dislike the non-chronological progression is that I've actually really enjoyed parts of this story, but their impact is negated so much by how the game presents them. The idea of
Jodie being used and manipulated for most of her life as a test subject + weapon developing an antagonistic relationship with Aiden, who simultaneously becomes more and more annoyed + aggressive due to how Jodie's treated, and how she rejects Aiden for trying to project her, is interesting. Then she's put through military training which strengthens both of them to the point that she's able to survive on her own, and escapes to find adventures of self worth, independence, and camaraderie with the Homeless group + relationships and spirituality with the Native American family, all while Aiden is forced to become less of a nuisance
is also interesting. Who's to say how nonsensical the story gets from here, but there's a solid character journey hiding beneath the mess of time skips.

- The visuals. The character models in this game are, for the most part, extremely well done, the color palette is varied, and the lighting and environments are sometimes impressive. It honestly, at points, looks like a cross-gen game running on the PS4. That illusion is broken, of course, whenever you get too close to environment textures, or even in wide shots where pop-in and low background detail rear their heads. It's still a very pretty game on the whole.

- Performances are pretty good all around aside from a few moments of cheese. For a game as narrative heavy as this one, it does a well enough job of not taking you out with terrible voice work or acting.

- Soundtrack is good.

At this point, I don't see any of my negatives being flipped by the time I'm finished the game, so it's safe to say I'll forever consider this game flawed, but I'm still enjoying my time with it. As long as the plot doesn't totally crap out at the end, I'm okay with this.
- Movement controls. [...] so it's absolutely imperative that what DOES happen feels great. Unfortunately, this game does not feel great. Jodie's movement speed is painfully slow and locomotion is clunky, even during moments where the game NEEDS a sense of fluidity and speed to properly convey the urgency of the scene. It's like controlling GTAIV with an even more wily camera system and makes an already slow paced game feel lumbering. There's no reason to not have a reasonably paced, manually activated "jog" for most of the game, and character movement within the environments needs to be MUCH more responsive and fluid.
The DLC actually implements R2 as a constant "jog" button. Works pretty well. Really weird they didn't use that for the main game. But I don't think the controls are that bad honestly. It doesn't have to feel "amazing" as precise movements are not required 99% of the time, so "good enough" does it for me. And it is good enough. In Heavy Rain I constantly walked in circles or actually failed critically parts because of the clunky controls, that's what I would call bad. Didn't happen once in Beyond, so I don't mind the controls that much. It's certainly improved over HR.

About the movement speed: Something is glitched there as well I think. During the Homeless section there is a part that is pretty urgent and I could jog just fine pressing the left stick all the way up. Others I watched online could only walk for some reason and the faster animation didn't kick in until a minute later. Navajo scene is pretty similar in this regard during a certain section as well.

So while I would like to have a dedicated run button, there was only one instance I can think of in the main game where the movement speed bothered me. Especially in scenes where it matters most like the Forest escape the speed feels just right.

- Lack of "game." I'm not one to criticize Cage for wanting to make what he makes, and in fact I'll defend his right to do so, but there's still a lot that could be done here, while sticking to the Adventure game mold [...] An inventory, and creative puzzles involving your brain and environmental manipulation from Aiden could've gone a long way in making this feel more substantial.
Agreed. But I don't think the game needs an inventory. Just do more creative stuff with Aiden itself. The DLC that comes with the SE is way too short to be worth $3.99, but for free it's alright. It's basically a series of rooms where you have to solve puzzles using Jodie and Aiden. It's not deep or anything, but definitely more involving than the main game. Could have included some of that. Also there are still 3 sections coming up in your playthrough that use Aiden in a neat way. Too bad there aren't more of them, as they show promise.

- Narrative progression. The non-chronological presentation of this story was the wrong choice, flat out. Not only does it wreak havoc on the pacing, especially early on, as you jump from random scenario to random scenario, but it feels completely pointless. It's almost as if they didn't want a long build up as child-Jodie for 3 hours before getting into more action packed and dramatic scenes, so they just toss you wherever expecting you to care about any of the characters or events. It simply does not work.
It's definitely the best choice for the story as it is right now. You will see this by the end. A linear type of progression would have killed the pacing as well with 3 hour little Jodie sections without much happening. Then 1 hour of people being mean to teenager Jodie. Finally 4 hours of almost constant action without much time to calm down as adult Jodie.

It's actually alright to play the game chronologically on your second run, because you know what's going on. But on your first run the game wouldn't work very well either. They would have to serious rewrite many parts of the plot for it to work as a linear story. Especially how the plot is laid out by the end.

That being said, while the choice was the right one, the execution is not perfect at all. They should have implemented better transitions between the chapters, some of them especially in the beginning just don't flow very well together. At least near the end they do some neat stuff with it and the last ~10 chapters flow relatively well together (soon starting after Navajo).

As long as the plot doesn't totally crap out at the end, I'm okay with this.
Get ready for some Jodie Bond action and a bit more sci-fi, but it doesn't really crap out no. I love the ending actually.

Has anyone tried playing the chapter in chronological order?
Someone did yeah. Said it was pretty good, using the chapter selection all the time between chapters is a bit annoying, but it works "well enough".
It's definitely the best choice for the story as it is right now. You will see this by the end. A linear type of progression would have killed the pacing as well with 3 hour little Jodie sections without much happening. Then 1 hour of people being mean to teenager Jodie. Finally 4 hours of almost constant action without much time to calm down as adult Jodie.

It's actually alright to play the game chronologically on your second run, because you know what's going on. But on your first run the game wouldn't work very well either. They would have to serious rewrite many parts of the plot for it to work as a linear story. Especially how the plot is laid out by the end.

That being said, while the choice was the right one, the execution is not perfect at all. They should have implemented better transitions between the chapters, some of them especially in the beginning just don't flow very well together. At least near the end they do some neat stuff with it and the last ~10 chapters flow relatively well together (soon starting after Navajo).

After finishing the game, I still feel that the non-linear narrative was the wrong choice. Flashbacks are one thing, but to continuously jump back for extended scenes when the subsequent chapter NEEDS some time before seeing certain characters again, or to jump forward before the player has any sense of who the characters are and why he/she should feel anything for them takes a lot of impact from the story. I just feel like the journey, certain developments, and certain scenes would've fared a lot better if the narrative was chronological, and the player was experiencing things in a more natural progression of time.

As for the 2nd half of the game, it ended in a fairly satisfying way despite the narrative stumbling with some contrivances and shifting character portrayals. My one big issue, though, is that as the narrative got bigger, and went from supernatural adventure to more CIA ops and sci-fi, I felt like I wanted to be playing the game in a more traditional manner with tighter controls. Because of that, I feel like the game peaked with the
Homeless and Navajo
sections where the slow pace made a bit more sense, where the supporting cast + story was interesting, and where the game beginning to show
signs of Jodie maturing and developing a more friendly relationship with Aiden.
A lot of the chapters after that really had me itching for a faster paced game with "normal" third person action controls and less control taken away from me. I want to believe that's not because of my gaming tastes, since I really liked the previous chapters, but a fault of the gameplay not being intense enough to match the tone of the story at those times.

To go off on a slight tangent due to my last statement, I feel like The Last of Us actually does a better job as a "cinematic experience" than Beyond, ironically, because it's rooted in traditional gameplay. Because Beyond wants to get its tension and intensity across to the player, the lack of consistent third person action mechanics lets the narrative down. Player input in the climactic scenes is still as basic and lacking as it is during "slow" moments, but everything around the player is going crazy so it creates a disconnect. The game is urging you along, but you, as a player, aren't necessarily feeling that urgency or fluidity. I don't think Quantic Dream will ever fully realize the games they're making until they create a better set of core mechanics for movement. Beyond could absolutely work as a slower paced adventure with sporadic moments of QTE action, but the hybrid it turned out to be means none of its elements are done to their full potential.
A lot of the chapters after that really had me itching for a faster paced game with "normal" third person action controls and less control taken away from me. I want to believe that's not because of my gaming tastes, since I really liked the previous chapters, but a fault of the gameplay not being intense enough to match the tone of the story at those times.
What chapters are you referring to? I can only think of The Mission and Dragon's Hideout and while those two are certainly prolonged action scenes (the latter one should have ended on the cutting room floor IMO), they are partly filler too. The "meat" are still mostly slower chapters like The Dinner or Norah. It's not like the first half of the game was any different with scenes like Hunted, CIA or the second half of Condenser.
The only time I really got that feeling was during Dragon and that's why I think the scene should have been removed. I actually liked The Mission when you don't use the cover system that much. Freely sneaking around and checking out the scene with Aiden was a lot of fun. Especially since there are a lot of alternative ways to get to your target. Just going from cover to cover holding X is pretty boring in comparison, so I'm glad that the game doesn't force you to use it. Like Splinter Cell Conviction it's much more enjoyable just sneaking around in a more traditional way IMO. Gives you a higher sense of freedom.

Overall I agree though that their mechanics are more suited for slower scenes. A little bit of action to shake things up is okay, but extended action scenes don't really work that well most of the time. Beyond was likely an experiment to see if it can work and while doing a decent job within their constraints, they probably realized as well that it doesn't function as well as it should.

I hope their next game will be slower paced again like Heavy Rain with the occasional fight scene. Doing a traditional game feels like a bit of a waste to me, so I don't think I want them to explore traditional 3rd person action mechanics. Something semi open world would be interesting, similar to their first game Omikron. Their recent hires hint at a sci-fi game which is pretty exciting for me.


I finished this last night and got what my wife and I consider the "good" ending. We were also, surprisingly, very touched by the big reveal at the end of the game. Maybe we're suckers, I dunno, but it legit put a chill through both of us and made us misty eyed.


Finished the game Sunday. It was pretty good. Very nice graphics. Better looking than Heavy Rain I think.

Gameplay was good. Kinda wished they had arrows during the fight scenes just because sometimes i would react in the way I thought would make sense but turns out she did something else. I kept having to remind myself "look at her hands". haha

Didn't like that
there weren't that many important choices. Heavy Rain had more choices that mattered than this one which was very unfortunate.

Story wise: Story was good. Jodie's life super sucked. :( I got teary eyed in some bits.
The homeless section was my favorite part. All the homeless people were super enjoyable and really the only true kind people to Jodie. they didn't use her. they were understanding. those homeless people rocked.

Least favorite scene was the punk rock scene. Sis and I both rolled our eyes. Jeez it just seemed so out of place. Didn't expect Jodie to go through such a phase.

Also hated Nathan's "twist". It didn't fit him or how he was throughout most of the game. Just came up all of a sudden. "guess what I've lost it!"

I gave Ryan a hard time for most of the game because A) total ass to Jodie when they first meet B) totally sucked at comforting her when she had her crisis (why the fuck did he walk away? could have stayed to comfort her!). But once i saw that he truly did like her then I was nice to him and picked his ending which was pretty cute.

Overall pretty good game.
Beyond 2 plz :'D



It was in my backlog and yesterday I was able to play it finally.


Currently at
, and so far
homeless chapt
is by far one of the best gaming experiences along with Journey, TLoU and Two Brothers.

This game is golden.

Sad to read that it didnt sell, a sad picture of the state of the industry when gems like this or Teraway bomb and COD sells regardless the quality.


I'm puzzled. At the end of the
homeless level, at some point, you get a black screen with only Aiden to control. I have no idea what to do here. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I'm puzzled. At the end of the
homeless level, at some point, you get a black screen with only Aiden to control. I have no idea what to do here. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
After Jodie died? Just walk forward and look at the TV. Then Aiden appears in front of you (the cord) and you should be able to walk towards him with the left stick (to the end of the cord).


After Jodie died? Just walk forward and look at the TV. Then Aiden appears in front of you (the cord) and you should be able to walk towards him with the left stick (to the end of the cord).

Thanks Dragonbane. I tried everything yesterday but nothing worked so i assume i'm experiencing a bug. I googled and apparently someone else had the same problem. Maybe i didn't push forward long enough with the left stick. I'll try again today.


You know, I finished the game and everything, and I thought that would be the end of it, but I ended up buying the DLC just so my GF and I would have something more to do with Jodie. I guess that says something.
Reading through this page and I got so confused. Bar scene? Attempted rape? Like Other Girls?

I guess what happened was I failed to even get out of the building. I didn't let Cole speak... ended up missing what sounds like one of the better scenes of the movie


Reading through this page and I got so confused. <Removed small spoiler>

I guess what happened was I failed to even get out of the building. I didn't let Cole speak... ended up missing what sounds like one of the better scenes of the movie

Yes. That scene only happens if you get out. And it also has a direct impact on a very big scene later in the game.
I failed the condenser part 7. Does that affect my ending?
Depending on where you failed you missed between 5-20 minutes of additional gameplay/content in the Condenser chapter (you can fail at multiple points in the chapter). It only changes the ending in a minor way. It doesn't fuck anything up regarding your choices, don't worry about that.

Thanks Dragonbane. I tried everything yesterday but nothing worked so i assume i'm experiencing a bug. I googled and apparently someone else had the same problem. Maybe i didn't push forward long enough with the left stick. I'll try again today.
Yeah sounds like a bug. Hopefully restarting helps.

You know, I finished the game and everything, and I thought that would be the end of it, but I ended up buying the DLC just so my GF and I would have something more to do with Jodie. I guess that says something.
Haha. Nice!


Ok, finished the game, I preferred Heavy Rain because the story was way more focused, streamlined and certain elements weren't overdone. Namely the time jumps, it would have been a lot better served to have the old and young Jodie stories in parallel and more linear. Story wasn't served by doing it randomly.

My thoughts, spoilers and all.

- I will say that this, putting aside resolution and framerate, is the best looking game I have ever played. It is jaw dropping, awe inspiring, simply breathtaking at times. Some of it gets to near realism levels. When the old lady in the desert shows her face, I thought it was a cut scene. The when she spoke... my god! And the desert itself was perfect, the horses, oh man.. simply beautiful. Even that park scene, something simple just knocked me for six. I include next gen games in this btw, I thought Killzone looked great but this game is truly amazing.

- The love interests were horrible, I am a guy so maybe tough to put myself in her shoes but you are basically left with the choice to go with the douche who lied to you. Took you from your home 'under orders', treated you like shit and yet suddenly becomes Mr. hero at the drop of a hat and suddenly declares his love. Bullshit. Or you can go live in the middle of the desert with nothing to do. I picked going it alone out of those two, and not even entertaining going to look after a random woman's kid who I met for like a week at most.

- Jodie can take on an army, jump from helicopters, take a hail of bullets... but if someone has the butt of a gun or a chinese guy about she has no chance. Kind of spoiled the immersion when they build up her powers so much but simple things bring her down not once, but about 4 times. Also, even if she is knocked out why does that affect Aidan? He is a separate entity, why doesn't he just murder/death/kill her attackers. Hell, Aidan is literally right behind you all the time by default yet never stops attacks from behind. And why does he go into bullet time to stop some bullets but others he lets go? Real inconsistency with the power usage.

- The game mechanics are terrible at times, and the way the game was made it would of been a lot better if they just gave up on the quicktime shit. I appreciate Cage's stories but I would prefer there was more of a game to play and this game deserved it. Parts of it felt like a normal game and those were quite fun. The problem when he focuses the game on being a storytelling device in itself means the story has to hold up that much more. Which is probably why he doesn't get as much of a pass as other games do.

I hope the game gets its money back, hopefully I have helped in a small way as I really appreciate what Cage and co. are trying to do. I like they mix it up, and try different things. I do think he needs to remember it is a game after all and make a game with a twist perhaps. I think it would really help the mass appeal of his games. As on a technical level, the game is on another plain of existence... it is ridiculously good.
it would have been a lot better served to have the old and young Jodie stories in parallel and more linear. Story wasn't served by doing it randomly.
Agreed. Good idea.

- Jodie can take on an army, jump from helicopters, take a hail of bullets... but if someone has the butt of a gun or a chinese guy about she has no chance. Kind of spoiled the immersion when they build up her powers so much but simple things bring her down not once, but about 4 times. Also, even if she is knocked out why does that affect Aidan? He is a separate entity, why doesn't he just murder/death/kill her attackers. Hell, Aidan is literally right behind you all the time by default yet never stops attacks from behind. And why does he go into bullet time to stop some bullets but others he lets go? Real inconsistency with the power usage.
I think this makes all sense though. Jodie can fight yes, but most of it is done by Aiden. Except for their connection she doesn't have any powers of her own. So if Aiden decides it is jealous time and doesn't help she has to solve her current situation pretty much like a normal human would. That's why she was trained in combat so much, so that she isn't completely helpless without Aiden. Jodie doesn't take on an army, Aiden does. She never actually fights more than two people at the same time in hand-to-hand combat. When she jumps from the helicopter Aiden shields her. Otherwise she would die like every other human being. And I don't see where she takes a lot of bullets? If she gets shot, it's mostly in the leg or shoulder area. Again, Aiden mostly shields her.

When Jodie is weak, so is Aiden. This is because of the cord. He might be a separated entity, but he is still tied to her. So if Jodie gets knocked out or gets drugged Aiden is helpless too. Since he doesn't have a 360 degree view, he can't see attackers when they come from behind either. I guess he only lets those bullets through he can't see coming. If I recall every moment where Aiden shields Jodie from bullets it is always instances where it is pretty obvious that someone is going to fire a gun at Jodie.

When it comes to hand-to-hand combat Aiden sometimes doesn't participate because he is too weak (after a lot of power usage for example, the game implies his power is not unlimited and he has to recharge at some point) or he just wants to give Jodie a chance to solve the problem without him so he can save power and only steps in when it gets critical.
My wife has her week off and really wants to play this game. Does anyone know where I can get this game for cheap and fast? Amazon has it for $33 but not in stock till 12/27. Everywhere else it's $59.99.


I finished the game today. I went with
life and alone
. With this type of game, i feel that it needs one playthrough only and i was happy with how it ended and the choices i made. I then watched the other possible endings on youtube and i was surprised at how different everything could have worked out.

Anyway, from the 3 Quantic Dream games i've played, Beyond felt like the most flawed game yet (i had serious issues with many aspects of the game). But it also might have ended up being my favourite (and i loved both Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain). I feel that i need to take some time to digest it all. But i think i might have finally played my GOTY 2013.

I can understand people not being into this type of game and i can understand gamers being annoyed with it's obvious flaws. But somehow, it works for me. I ended up being emotionally attached to the main character(s). I ended up caring for them. And i applaud Quantic Dream's ambition to do something different than most games. I hope they will continue doing so. I will keep supporting them.
I finished the game today. I went with
life and alone
Good choice. My second favourite ending. My personal ranking:
1. Life - Zoey (I really liked Stan though as a character, so this is a no brainer for me)
2. Life - Alone
3. Beyond
4. Life - Ryan
5. Life - Jay
6. Jodie dies before destroying the condenser - Bad ending

My wife has her week off and really wants to play this game. Does anyone know where I can get this game for cheap and fast? Amazon has it for $33 but not in stock till 12/27. Everywhere else it's $59.99.
Amazon says it is in stock right now, although through a different seller.


Good choice. My second favourite ending. My personal ranking:
1. Life - Zoey (I really liked Stan though as a character, so this is a no brainer for me)
2. Life - Alone
3. Beyond
4. Life - Ryan
5. Life - Jay
6. Jodie dies before destroying the condenser - Bad ending

I think it fitted well with the overall story and provided a sad but nice ending. For me
Zoey was second choice and i agree about Stan (and friends). In fact, the homeless section was one of my favourite sections in the game. It's from that point onwards that the game really clicked for me.

Part of me really wants to play the game a second time, not necessarily to make different choices but because i enjoyed it so much. However, i'm not sure if the experience would be as satisfying and fresh.

I bought the soundtrack yesterday (5 euro on PSN) and it's amazing.
I think it fitted well with the overall story and provided a sad but nice ending. For me
Zoey was second choice and i agree about Stan (and friends). In fact, the homeless section was one of my favourite sections in the game. It's from that point onwards that the game really clicked for me.

Part of me really wants to play the game a second time, not necessarily to make different choices but because i enjoyed it so much. However, i'm not sure if the experience would be as satisfying and fresh.

I bought the soundtrack yesterday (5 euro on PSN) and it's amazing.
Yeah Homeless was one of the best parts of the game. Really enjoyed all of the characters and the amount of freedom you had. Very emotional too.
Finding the picture of Stan's dead wife and then allowing him to talk to her....fuck that was rough. Fantastic acting and music throughout. The panhandling segment also had some pretty depressing options, like begging or trying to eat rotten pizza from a trashcan (amazing acting from Page there as well, made me tear up watching it). Beautiful singing too when you pick up the guitar.
It's pretty cool that afterwards in the hospital you can pick up various objects and watch flashbacks of the group to see what happened to them. Stan finding a new apartment and Tuesday telling you her real name, Elisa, was a nice touch.

The game clicked for me from that point on as well. Chose Zoey for my ending and was very happy with it.
But the experience on a second run definitely won't be as fresh. The story still works and holds up, but some parts become a drag like Navajo where you already know everything and just want to progress. I replayed some chapters though using chapter select. I found a lot of new stuff that I missed the first time, for example in the chapter "My Imaginary Friend", which was pretty neat. I recorded some of the less obvious things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE0xyyhJd-8

And the soundtrack is definitely fantastic. Unfortunately even the extended OST from PSN doesn't include some of the more shorter, but amazing pieces. Luckily there is a guy currently uploading all of them straight from the game files. Here is the playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCkUfk45ikc&list=PLLr7Q1-SdtL8omZ8oXuVYU1XO_mrr72CB&index=1

Some truly beautiful stuff in there.


But the experience on a second run definitely won't be as fresh. The story still works and holds up, but some parts become a drag like Navajo where you already know everything and just want to progress. I replayed some chapters though using chapter select. I found a lot of new stuff that I missed the first time, for example in the chapter "My Imaginary Friend", which was pretty neat. I recorded some of the less obvious things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE0xyyhJd-8

I think i will leave it at that and not replay. I have very fond memories of this game and i want to cherish those. Someday in the future i might go through it again depending on how much i have forgotten about it.

I've been thinking about what makes the game so great for me. It's not the gameplay nor the story. For me, it's all about Jodie (and Aiden). One of the best acted and interesting characters in any game i've encountered.

There is one last thing i was wondering: how do you unlock the bonuses? I have unlocked only two items during my playthrough but i have no clue how i did it. I was interested in watching some of the videos and the concept artwork.
I think i will leave it at that and not replay. I have very fond memories of this game and i want to cherish those. Someday in the future i might go through it again depending on how much i have forgotten about it.

I've been thinking about what makes the game so great for me. It's not the gameplay nor the story. For me, it's all about Jodie (and Aiden). One of the best acted and interesting characters in any game i've encountered.

There is one last thing i was wondering: how do you unlock the bonuses? I have unlocked only two items during my playthrough but i have no clue how i did it. I was interested in watching some of the videos and the concept artwork.
Yeah Jodie is one of the most well realized characters in gaming for sure. Here is a handy timeline of the game showing just how diverse the game is: http://abload.de/img/beyondtimeline_jodie_fto2c.png

This was pierced together entirely by clues in the environment, which is pretty impressive that the game has a so detailed and consistent world that you are able to do this. They did such a good job realizing all of this. You truly play the life of a character. No small part is Page's amazing acting of course, which is probably the best full body acting ever put into a game. It's stunning how well she feels present in the scene, even though it was all done on an empty stage and she had to imagine all the environments.

You unlock the bonuses by exploring the environments with Aiden and collecting these blue orbs that are hidden everywhere. If you collect one it unlocks a bonus.
Here are all the bonuses related to concept artwork combined in one video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTiyNLi_1Rs

Finally here are all the making of videos that got released for the game. Each video has unique content, even though they reuse some stuff, so just keep watching. Really cool and some funny stuff in there as well:




Some other interesting things like their Comic-Con panel they did last year and the launch party:

Finally got around to playing and finishing this a few weeks ago. I&#8217;m sorry Dragonbane, but I thought this was an absolute mess and the biggest disappointment of the year. It was just dumb.

It&#8217;s a shame since I still think Heavy Rain was amazing and one of the highlights of the generation for me. Beyond has the better voice acting, graphics and motion capture, but that&#8217;s it. Whoever&#8217;s idea it was to tell the story out of order should be fired. Though even if it was in order it would still be terrible. The pacing was awful. It honestly feels like David Cage made the game as boring and dull as possible. The Navajo chapter - my God it was so boring and stupid. In fact the whole game comes off as boring and stupid. The fact that like 90% of your choices meant nothing was an instant fail.

With Heavy Rain a character could die at pretty much any moment.....but here? You can just sit the controller down and watch what happens during the action scenes &#8211; nothing changes except for a few very rare occasions. It all felt so unengaging. I mean a good story, choosing your choices and branching paths are what makes these types of games and Beyond failed at all of them. I was expecting something interesting to happen at the end to tie everything together, but nope. Instead we get a reveal that
Aiden was your stillborn brother.
Errrrr, ok? What an uninteresting reveal. The story made me feel like I wasted my time after the credits finished. And the characters? Apart from Stan I thought they were all completely forgettable and here comes that word again &#8211; boring. The romance between Jodie and Ryan was laughably bad.

So yeah......the game was a dull, amateurish boring mess. It failed at pretty much everything it tried to do and it felt like it was more interested in being a tech demo rather than a game. 4/10


I just finished this game in the holiday season, I actually pre-ordered it, but it was just sitting on the shelf since.

So let's get this show on the road, up until now, I avoided every review, every forum topic, and basically every source of information about Beyond, as I wanted to avoid any spoilers. So basically it was all new to me, I had no bias getting into it. I'll try to be as spoiler free in my review as possible, but there might be a few minor details that are necessary to explain my feelings on the game, but the game is more focused on whys rather than whats anyway, so most facts can't even be considered spoilers about it.

The 'clever' thing about the game is that the story doesn't play in a chronological order. You see episodes from Jodie's (the main character) life encompassing 15 years in random order. Between the age of 9 and 24. To be honest I can't decide if this twist is a curse or a blessing. Knowing facts from later events can certainly sway you in a direction when you play an earlier episode. At least It certainly made me choose differently in some cases knowing what I known from later.

The basic premise is that Jodie is in an inseparable connection with a ghost like entity she calls Aiden. This entity gives her special abilities, that of course makes her the outcast as a child, other kids pick on her, as an adult everyone wants to use her. This pre-sets the dark mood of the story, you already feel that this story can't have a happy ending.

Before dwelling into the story I want to explain the controls of the game. Which I'd rather not even call controls, because you're not really in control ever. The interaction begins and ends with nudging the story along it's predetermined path. You don't initiate any action, you just help Jodie do what she wants to do. You can't make any life changing decisions until the very and of the game, which makes sense, since otherwise the chronology would have to be in order. The degree of freedom is a bit higher when you control Aiden, but it's only a pretence. You might be able to move around freely in three dimensions, but the things you can interact with and how you can interact with them is very limited. Basically limited to mission critical things only. The biggest choice you can have is when there are 5 objects to interact with and it's enough to interact with 3 of them to move the story along, so basically you choose if you want to twerp around with the toaster, or make the lights flicker, that's your freedom of choice.

Let's move on to action sequences, I think the creators really had or have the wrong idea about what players want. Action is done by moving the right stick in the right direction when the action turns to slow motion, that's it, nothing more, that's your level of involvement. And the right direction is not something you choose it's predetermined by Jodie. So she starts a left to right punch, then you have to push the stick to the right to finish the movement, end of story. And the worst is, that everything is relative to your view, and not to the character. So if the camera is in front of Jodie, then suddenly you have to invert your every movement, so a left to right move, becomes a left nudge on the stick. I never could wrap my head around this, I always thought relative to the character. Almost all of my mistakes were caused by this. But it doesn't really matter, since the game is still so easy that you can play it blindfolded. Compared to this Heavy Rain's easiest mildest levels made me piss blood. And I played this game on normal mode, imagine that there is a casual gamer mode in it too. How hard can that be?

Another thing about action sequences that made me loose immersion often, is that Jodie is a slim and small girl, no more than maybe 5'3" or 160 cm. But she takes down 250 pound men like it was nothing. And not with help from Aiden, this is just by herself. OK, according to the story she takes basic hand to hand combat as part of her training, but that doesn't substitute for physical strength. For me to believe some of the things she does in the story she'd either have to be built like Joulie Foucher, or be as big as Floor Jansen. But maybe it's only me and my sense of realism, and other people doesn't even care about this.

And speaking of gameplay, since the game is so easy on the action side, people might think that it makes up for that with the puzzles, Heavy Rain was strong on puzzles as well right? Sadly they'd be mistaken, there aren't any puzzles in the game, apart from one level, but I wouldn't even dare call it a puzzle, what they present on the Kazakhstan level.
So sadly we have to conclude that Beyond draws a blank on gameplay. The player basically has the role of an extra. So it makes up for this with the story right? Heavy Rain had a great story, with multiple playable characters, many forks and decisions, but no matter how you do it, it all came together at the end one way or another. But Beyond relies solely on manipulating your emotions, with sad and moving scenes, which of course works many times, but it doesn't make up for clever writing. And it doesn't really give closure, not by a mile. You don't even get some fake science explanation. You just have to accept everything and be quiet.

I'd like to add a few words about the bonus level coming with the collectors edition of the game. Yes I so blindly trusted Quantic Dream, that I went for the Steel Book edition. But it was only 5$ more than the basic when pre-ordered, so not much extra hurt on my wallet. They were announcing it as 30 minutes of extra gameplay, well that's a lie by definition, there is a thirty minute time cap on the level, but it can be easily finished within 15 minutes. I took it very slow at first, I didn't even use the run button at all, and I ended up doing it in 18 minutes. For which the game reprimanded me, that I was so slow. and made me do it again, so I did it and finished it in 8 minutes. So if I add up the two it almost fulfils the promise of 30 minutes, but i didn't think it would be made up by repeating the level over and over again :) The level by the way is a Portal style series of tests, the only difference is that you use Aiden instead of a Portal Gun. But the difficulty of the puzzles is on the pathetic level here too. Not comparable to Portal. But I liked it anyway so I'm not mad about spending the extra money.

So let's see the pros and cons


Graphics (For the PS3 this is amazing stuff, even for my PC adjusted eyes it's beautiful so big plus on this one)
Basic premise
Emotional, and strong scenes
The Navajo level
It's not short, I played for two days while only stopping to sleep and eat.


Lame controls that are relative to the screen and not to your character.
Too easy
You have no real role in the story, you're only there to assist and nudge it forward
Zero freedom in gameplay
You basically choose an ending by choosing A B or C from a list at the end of the game, it's not determined by your actions during the game like in Heavy Rain.
Sometimes it takes a lot of moving around like a crazed rat to make some interact points show up.
There is a lot of potential in the Aiden Jodie team, sadly the game never fully lives up to that potential.
The usage of the name Aiden is not very wise since there was a main character in Heavy Rain called Jayden, so it always reminded me of him each time Jodie said Aiden.

All in all this is a good game, but it could have been a lot better, with some tweaks. For example if action sequences would've been real TPS levels, but it seems Quantic can only make QTEs.

Scoring card:

graphics : 10
story: 7
atmosphere: 10
gameplay: 5
controls: 4

Overall impression: 6.5/10


The Navajo chapter - my God it was so boring and stupid. In fact the whole game comes off as boring and stupid. The fact that like 90% of your choices meant nothing was an instant fail.

Interestingly that was the only level I found interesting. It really worked for me, with the mystery, and then the clue searching, and finally with the big show-down. And that's the only level I think where your choices can actually make a difference.


Just finished it. Played till 5 AM yesterday and wrapped it up today. Lovely.. visually amazing for PS3 and unbelievable in some parts. Story:
Ending Norah's misery affecting the save everyone trophy irks me. :(
The 'clever' thing about the game is that the story doesn't play in a chronological order. You see episodes from Jodie's (the main character) life encompassing 15 years in random order. Between the age of 9 and 24. To be honest I can't decide if this twist is a curse or a blessing. Knowing facts from later events can certainly sway you in a direction when you play an earlier episode. At least It certainly made me choose differently in some cases knowing what I known from later.
It's certainly not perfect, but I thought it was pretty dope how you were able to pierce together the entire timeline and even attach specific years to each chapter by the end of the game using dialogue hints and clues you can find in the environments. The game is ridiculously consistent when it comes to Jodie's age and time in general. Here is a pretty accurate and sound timeline I created of the game using only evidence I found in the chapters themselves (click to enlarge):


Before dwelling into the story I want to explain the controls of the game. Which I'd rather not even call controls, because you're not really in control ever. The interaction begins and ends with nudging the story along it's predetermined path. You don't initiate any action, you just help Jodie do what she wants to do.
I think that depends on the given sequence. Some are very linear, but a couple offer relatively large amounts of freedom, such as Homeless (finding out about Stan's wife, begging in and messing up the restaurant and getting all the flashbacks in the hospital room are just some of the optional things you can discover yourself that add to the story and world), My Imaginary Friend, The Embassy (watch this and this), Like Other Girls, Hunted, The Dinner and Navajo. Watch this video of My Imaginary Friend for example, I doubt you got everything: http://youtu.be/ZE0xyyhJd-8?t=1m13s

Let's move on to action sequences, I think the creators really had or have the wrong idea about what players want. Action is done by moving the right stick in the right direction when the action turns to slow motion, that's it, nothing more, that's your level of involvement. And the right direction is not something you choose it's predetermined by Jodie. So she starts a left to right punch, then you have to push the stick to the right to finish the movement, end of story. And the worst is, that everything is relative to your view, and not to the character. So if the camera is in front of Jodie, then suddenly you have to invert your every movement, so a left to right move, becomes a left nudge on the stick. I never could wrap my head around this, I always thought relative to the character. Almost all of my mistakes were caused by this.
I thought Heavy Rain did it better as well, but considering how piss easy most TPS like Uncharted and Tomb Raider are as well during cinematic moments (press forward and occasionally X to jump) I didn't really mind it and actually thought it felt mostly natural and less like QTEs. Which occasionally still show up, like mash X or shake the controller.

Moving the stick relatively to the camera felt pretty natural as well. I did it instinctively this way and never made much mistakes, but I guess it depends on the person playing. They also did some neat stuff with the action scenes in general, like how you can avoid all the fights on the train roof when you move past the cops quickly without bumping into them:


And speaking of gameplay, since the game is so easy on the action side, people might think that it makes up for that with the puzzles, Heavy Rain was strong on puzzles as well right? Sadly they'd be mistaken, there aren't any puzzles in the game, apart from one level, but I wouldn't even dare call it a puzzle, what they present on the Kazakhstan level.
Heavy Rain wasn't strong on the puzzles in the slightest. In fact the example you cite from Beyond is probably more "difficult" than anything in Heavy Rain. The Jayden sections were amazing, but not challenging at all. There wasn't any puzzle like element to them, just analyse everything and Jayden will solve it for you. It doesn't bother me really, as I'm not looking for challenge in these games, but HR really wasn't any different in this department beyond the surface level.

And it doesn't really give closure, not by a mile. You don't even get some fake science explanation. You just have to accept everything and be quiet.
Want do you want to know? Maybe I can help. I felt like I got closure on everything necessary. If it is related to the supernatural events themselves, thank god the game didn't try to explain any of that. It gets so bad in 99% of the movies when they come up with antimatter or some nonsense to explain it. Just leave it to my imagination.

And that's the only level I think where your choices can actually make a difference.
You should read this well written article on how choice works in Beyond: http://playersdelight.blogspot.co.at/2013/10/beyond-two-souls-most-unique-feature-is.html
It's very subtle yet awesome how some small decisions affect scenes hours later in the game.


It's certainly not perfect, but I thought it was pretty dope how you were able to pierce together the entire timeline and even attach specific years to each chapter by the end of the game using dialogue hints and clues you can find in the environments. The game is ridiculously consistent when it comes to Jodie's age and time in general. Here is a pretty accurate and sound timeline I created of the game using only evidence I found in the chapters themselves (click to enlarge):
I didn't say it wasn't consistent, I just might have liked it more to discover the story in a chronological order, which would've given more freedom of choice as well.

I think that depends on the given sequence. Some are very linear, but a couple offer relatively large amounts of freedom, such as Homeless (finding out about Stan's wife, begging in and messing up the restaurant and getting all the flashbacks in the hospital room are just some of the optional things you can discover yourself that add to the story and world), My Imaginary Friend, The Embassy (watch this and this), Like Other Girls, Hunted, The Dinner and Navajo. Watch this video of My Imaginary Friend for example, I doubt you got everything: http://youtu.be/ZE0xyyhJd-8?t=1m13s
Yes you get some degree of freedom but only to discover things, it's not really a choice if you find everything that you can interact with. These never felt as choices to me, especially since I don't know what did they affect. I'd have to replay the game and do things differently to see what happens then. But the timeline makes it impossible to have a real impact on the story.
I thought Heavy Rain did it better as well, but considering how piss easy most TPS like Uncharted and Tomb Raider are as well during cinematic moments (press forward and occasionally X to jump) I didn't really mind it and actually thought it felt mostly natural and less like QTEs. Which occasionally still show up, like mash X or shake the controller.
Yes, but in those games you have normal gameplay this is something to make cutscenes interactive. But with beyond this is pretty much the game itself.
Moving the stick relatively to the camera felt pretty natural as well. I did it instinctively this way and never made much mistakes, but I guess it depends on the person playing. They also did some neat stuff with the action scenes in general, like how you can avoid all the fights on the train roof when you move past the cops quickly without bumping into them:
I could never get the hang of it, I was never sure if I was to push down or left/right in some situations. If it had been relative to the character then it would be clear cut. Well maybe that would've made it even easier, so it's not a big problem just something that felt unnatural to me.

Heavy Rain wasn't strong on the puzzles in the slightest. In fact the example you cite from Beyond is probably more "difficult" than anything in Heavy Rain. The Jayden sections were amazing, but not challenging at all. There wasn't any puzzle like element to them, just analyse everything and Jayden will solve it for you. It doesn't bother me really, as I'm not looking for challenge in these games, but HR really wasn't any different in this department beyond the surface level.
It's been a while since I played but I remember that I had to think in some situations with the origami, but maybe I got it wrong and you're not supposed to think I don't know.
I don't want to say anything cause it's possible I'm mixing it up with La Noire.
Want do you want to know? Maybe I can help. I felt like I got closure on everything necessary. If it is related to the supernatural events themselves, thank god the game didn't try to explain any of that. It gets so bad in 99% of the movies when they come up with antimatter or some nonsense to explain it. Just leave it to my imagination.
The whole thing revolves around science, J
odie and her mother are a part of a scientific program,
the condenser is not supernatural, it's a manmade device. Something that you can make a portal into with science is not supernatural.

My biggest question is I guess
the monsters what are those and what is their purpose? Why do they want Jodie, And how did they get mixed in with dead people's souls?
You should read this well written article on how choice works in Beyond: http://playersdelight.blogspot.co.at/2013/10/beyond-two-souls-most-unique-feature-is.html
It's very subtle yet awesome how some small decisions affect scenes hours later in the game.
I will thanks.


You should read this well written article on how choice works in Beyond: http://playersdelight.blogspot.co.at/2013/10/beyond-two-souls-most-unique-feature-is.html
It's very subtle yet awesome how some small decisions affect scenes hours later in the game.

I read the article. And I didn't even consider that someone could miss most of these opportunities. I was always an explorer in games, I rarely take the obvious path. I always look for some oddball way to solve things, but most games don't allow that. Which was kind of frustrating for me every time. I actually bash a lot of games in my reviews for this.

I liked that aspect of the game, that it didn't put up artificial walls. If there was a logical option you could do it. Like
walking out of the bar in "Like other girls" Which I actually did.

I was sure that if had I stayed something bad would've happened, so I was aware that I made a choice there.

This is truly a strong point of the game.


Finished it to one ending. Really, really enjoyed it. About the same level as Heavy Rain. So, it was what I expected and its a good thing.

Except the ending. The very ending. The...
coming apocalypse thing felt SOOOO out of place
. It literally made me laugh. I suppose it makes sense story wise as something that will happen, but that doesn't make so much about it feel out of place


Im playing through it right now, just finished the Dinner chapter. Have to say i positively love it. Very emotional game. Some of the chapters are incredible. I play all kinds of games, and it kinda bums me out there's such a large group of people that dislike it. I mean i dont think i dislike anything about it yet. Pretty incredible concepts explored over the course of her life. Hopefully the ending doesnt suck.

Also this has probably the best graphics of last gen.
Im playing through it right now, just finished the Dinner chapter. Have to say i positively love it. Very emotional game. Some of the chapters are incredible. I play all kinds of games, and it kinda bums me out there's such a large group of people that dislike it. I mean i dont think i dislike anything about it yet. Pretty incredible concepts explored over the course of her life. Hopefully the ending doesnt suck.

Also this has probably the best graphics of last gen.
Nice to see that you enjoy it. A lot of people that don't like it haven't even played it. If we would poll all gamers that have played and finished the game I think we would end up with about 60-70 percent of people that enjoyed it and 30-40 percent who didn't. The OT you are reading right now is actually mostly positive. Don't be bothered by the usual Cage haters that shit up most of the threads that are related to him. Many gaffers loved this game and there is nothing wrong in doing so.

Personally I think the ending is among the best parts of the game. And while I don't want to overpromise anything, you haven't reached the most emotional parts yet.


Just beat it. Man that was really an incredible experience. Quantic Dream really nailed this one. Such a roller coaster. This game also had that illusion of choice the Walking Dead had, at least i felt i was making important choices. I dont know how different things really get and maybe i dont wanna know. The performances were really convincing id say 90% of the time which is pretty great cause most games i don't buy half the acting. I think maybe the Last of Us was one of the few that did it better, but there arent many others. The visuals are just insane too, makes no sense how this one got so easily glossed over came awards time.

If anyone's not sure about it, and you enjoy games like Heavy Rain or the Walking Dead i highly recommend this. You arent going to get many of these big budget AAA "art" games.
Just beat it. Man that was really an incredible experience. Quantic Dream really nailed this one. Such a roller coaster. This game also had that illusion of choice the Walking Dead had, at least i felt i was making important choices. I dont know how different things really get and maybe i dont wanna know. The performances were really convincing id say 90% of the time which is pretty great cause most games i don't buy half the acting. I think maybe the Last of Us was one of the few that did it better, but there arent many others. The visuals are just insane too, makes no sense how this one got so easily glossed over came awards time.

If anyone's not sure about it, and you enjoy games like Heavy Rain or the Walking Dead i highly recommend this. You arent going to get many of these big budget AAA "art" games.


I'm currently playing it but god damn the writing(birthday party) is bullshit.

She burns down the house and almost kills the teens but the mother nor dafoe asks if they are ok, they just drive away as if nothing happened LOL.
Seriously there's a fucking house on fire, people almost died and no one bothers to ask if they are ok or what happened.
For a game that wants to hold a high standard in storytelling this scene was utter bullshit.
I'm currently playing it but god damn the writing(birthday party) is bullshit.

She burns down the house and almost kills the teens but the mother nor dafoe asks if they are ok, they just drive away as if nothing happened LOL.
Seriously there's a fucking house on fire, people almost died and no one bothers to ask if they are ok or what happened.
For a game that wants to hold a high standard in storytelling this scene was utter bullshit.
Weird. The mother asked in my playthrough. When my friend played it he actually trapped them inside the house and they apparently died. The mother went absolutely crazy lol
There are 5 different outcomes to this scene if I remember correctly. Probably some kind of glitch.


Just finished my first play through of the game (went for Saved All) - thought the writing was hamfisted at a lot of the time, but goddamn the variety of the environments and all the art assets is staggering. A lot of people give Cage/QD shit but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Heavy Rain and now Beyond.

On Demand

This game really something else. I think it's better than Heavy Rain. I haven't finished it yet, i'm up to the chapter Drangon's Hideout. At first when i started playing i wasn't that into it, the controls were too weird, the story didn't have my attention, but somewhere along the game everything started to come together. I like the jumps to different points in Jodie's life, remembering all that has happened makes you realise all the crazy stuff she's been through. Beyond can get very emotional too. I never cried, but i sure was sad. The soundtrack helped with that which is brilliant.

I hope David Cage never changes his style. He should ignore the criticisms about the way he makes games and just know there are many people who enjoy his games alot. The man has talent.

How many copies did this game sell? Did Heavy Rain sell more?
This game really something else. I think it's better than Heavy Rain. I haven't finished it yet, i'm up to the chapter Drangon's Hideout. At first when i started playing i wasn't that into it, the controls were too weird, the story didn't have my attention, but somewhere along the game everything started to come together. I like the jumps to different points in Jodie's life, remembering all that has happened makes you realise all the crazy stuff she's been through. Beyond can get very emotional too. I never cried, but i sure was sad. The soundtrack helped with that which is brilliant.

I hope David Cage never changes his style. He should ignore the criticisms about the way he makes games and just know there are many people who enjoy his games alot. The man has talent.

How many copies did this game sell? Did Heavy Rain sell more?
1 million+ so far (probably closer to 1.5 at this point). Heavy Rain sold more, but not by much. Should make its budget back at the end of the day, which is good. Glad you are enjoying it, I loved it.


Just started playing this last night, and I'm wondering if my copy is defective or if my PS3 is starting to go south, despite being less than a year old. It isn't constant, but I've had many occasions where Beyond just doesn't run smoothly at all. Lots of stuttering, short bursts of repeated freezing. Not quite bad enough to ruin the experience, but it certainly doesn't help. Just wondering if it's normal. In recent weeks I've played Infamous 1 & 2 and GTA V with no issues whatsoever.


Time to jump in. Got it for $25 on Amazon. Wanted to play, but didn't want to spend $60 on it day 1. Loved Heavy Rain, though the tearing got pretty bad in places. Is there any tearing in this game? The demo didn't have any, and it looked great!


Loving it so far. The graphics are amazing for a PS3 game, and holy hell at the facial graphics, they almost look real. Sure there is a jaggy here and there though. Still this is the best looking game between God of War III and MGS IV on PS3.

I'm probably almost done, almost done with The Mission.

Also, I still know very little about Aiden.

I can't tell if he is a villain, friend, monster. Maybe I missed something.
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