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Bicycle age


I think it's from Jimmy Savile, the patron saint of road cyclists.

Yeah his name showed up but you're Jimmy Savile sounds nothing like the dude that popped up in the search results: "... was an English DJ, television presenter, media personality and charity fundraiser" :p
So... took the road bike out for the first time this weekend with my mother in law's other half. Man, it was agony, by about two hours in my back felt like someone had snapped it in half, and at the end of the ride my forearms had completely seized up.

I was too scared to get on anyone's wheel either (at the start I very nearly had a number of crashes because the guy in front of me decided to brake for no reason at all), so I might as well have been pulling up at the front for the entire ride. Doesn't help that I have no idea how to use the brakes properly when I'm "up on the hoods".

Still, was a good workout, and I wouldn't mind trying it again next spring with a bit more fitness and after getting a bike fitting.


Too much bullshit with cars, and far too much messing around with etiquette and "rules". Scenery advantages aside (I appreciate there are some really pretty road rides, but mountain biking gets you right into the heart of nature), I much prefer the technical nature of mountain biking. I'm sure with the right ass in front of me I'd find the view more enjoyable though. ;)

I'll definitely do it from time to time though.
Doesn't help that I have no idea how to use the brakes properly when I'm "up on the hoods".

I don't think there's any trick to it, just lack of leverage and thus you need a buttload of grip strength. Or buy hydraulics.

Although it's entirely possible that I'm missing something too.
I think under normal circumstances you're supposed to just use it to modulate speed a little, so you really shouldn't have to use much pressure... but yeah, that wasn't the case here.


Whitey turned up today and I'm in love, so here's some photos for your wank banks. Big Red is looking a little shit-splattered from today's hard yards through The Devil's Dirtbox, the filthy little minx. She loves it. Did I mention these lids were £35 each? Did I? They practically paid me to take them away, they did. Very chuffed indeed. Oh yes.



Nice helmet(s). I'm jelly, too bad I was broke when the sale was up. Oh well, maybe the Xmas Goat will bring me something nice...

Also, really fucking stressed over work bullshit. Need to arrange time for a ride where I can ride until I literally drop. It's the only way. And on a mountain bike, jimmys are too dangerous for that kind of stuff.


Also, really fucking stressed over work bullshit. Need to arrange time for a ride where I can ride until I literally drop. It's the only way. And on a mountain bike, jimmys are too dangerous for that kind of stuff.
I know exactly what you mean. The physical benefits of cycling are well documented but mountain biking is like free mental therapy for me. It's where I sort out my thoughts and clear my head, kind of like a good jet wash for the brain. I can zone out for long periods and let instinct take over, which is fine in the woods but I certainly wouldn't want to do it on a Savile with the randomness of road vehicles and mental drivers thrown into the mix. I guess concentration levels need to be a lot higher on asphalt.


Picked up a cycling jersey in Ireland and my wife got me bike shorts for my birthday. Trying it out for the first time today. I feel so exposed...
The Saville. I really doubt I would have cared on a mountain bike.

Unrelated, two a day training (weights plus endurance on bike) is damn hard. =/


The Saville. I really doubt I would have cared on a mountain bike.

Unrelated, two a day training (weights plus endurance on bike) is damn hard. =/

I overdid it myself on Monday. Pissing with rain so did 90 hard minutes on the cross trainer plus a few circuits of light weights, then the sun came out so I headed out for a spin. It started pissing down as soon as I left but I was stubbornly determined to outlast the rain and ended up doing around 34 miles through a quagmire. Still raining when I eventually got home. Felt OK during the ride (those Nutribullet green smoothies are like injections of adrenaline) but my legs felt like rubber bands all day yesterday. Pleased with my efforts though.

Nice little promo for CRC's Vitus Sommet here: click


You're batshit mental. I really have to go for a ride with you some day.

Sounds like a plan - I'd be up for that. Early summer maybe?
I didn't mean to do forty miles when I set off yesterday but I was testing a new rear tyre (Conti Mountain King II - not too shabby) so wanted to give it a thorough test. I'd just stripped down and reset my rear mech as well and it was running like clockwork. Plus the weather was absolutely gorgeous - boggy as hell but clear blue skies, low winter sun and hardly any wind. Obligatory hangage photo:

Yes, I suspect I'm not hardcore enough to try and stay with you on a winter ride. :D

Related, I need to work out what tyres to use this weekend. I have an event and the ground is likely to be 90% mud. I have a pure mud tyre that I'm going to put on the front... but I'm really not sure what to put on the back.


Related, I need to work out what tyres to use this weekend. I have an event and the ground is likely to be 90% mud. I have a pure mud tyre that I'm going to put on the front... but I'm really not sure what to put on the back.

Always a tricky dilemma. If you ask ten different people you'll get ten different answers. Changing tyres is not easy for me due to historical weakness due to torn ulnar collatera ligamants from a dislocated thumb (makes shifting tricky too at times - luckily it's on my left hand) so I tend to go for all-rounders rather than differnet tyres for different terrain. Mud grip at the rear on the 2.2 Conti Mountain King II seemed ok but wouldn't be as good as a dedi.

What's your mud tyre at the front?


Bontrager XR Mud: http://www.bontrager.com/model/11876

Tempted to grab a Specialized Storm or a Maxxis Beaver for the rear.

I need a new front tyre with better grip. I've got another Mountain King so might try that one. Anything must be better that the Bontrager Jones that's on there at the moment.

This beast has been earning its keep today. So nice to stick some music or a podcast on and flop into it after a long ride. It wasn't cheap but is one of the best things I've ever bought. My spine, shoulders and calves are eternally grateful.



I don't think I'd be able to get out of that chair once you got me in it.
Luckily it's got powered recline. It's so relaxing I have been known to nod off in it after a ride then wake up around 2am wondering where the fuck I am. Good job the massage programs are only 15mins long.
Grr. That was frustrating. Got a Wahoo Bluetooth LE speed / cadence sensor for the trainer bike (so the missus can have her own data when we're out / and I don't need to switch sensors around). I don't know if there's some interference, or that the sensor is just a bit shit, but the virtual power on TrainerRoad kept dropping down by 30-40 from time to time (I assume it missed a spin of the wheel).

I changed the magnet position but it didn't do anything. Trying it with the arm up rather than down on the next ride, but if it doesn't improve it's going back to the shop.
I do, a 2008 Swobo del Norte.


It doesn't look like that though. I've been restoring it because someone stole it and treated it like crap and then abandonded it. How do I know it's stolen? The bottom bracket has a big rub spot where someone ground the serial number off. I checked the usual websites for missing bike reports but none looked the way this one did when I found it. I tried the n+1 rule out on my wife and she responded with the s-1 so once I'm done restoring it I'm selling it.

What's your question?

tangent: the stolen brand name makes it hard to search for stolen bike listings sometimes.


re fixie: just acquired a bianchi super pista earlier this week to replace my stolen leader 725, for commuting duties.

re anime: my list of known cycling manga/anime: over drive, noririn, yowamushi pedal, nasu: summer in andalusia, and its sequel. i highly recommend that nasu series.


Lovely calm, chilly, misty morning today so got prepped for a blast through the woods, only to find I had two flat tyres. Bah! The rear had two half-inch thorns in it and the front had one. Must have been from all the verge trimming in the local lanes. Oh well, shit happens. What DID piss me off though was fitting a brand-new box-fresh tube at the back only to find it had a fucking hole in it already once the tyre was refitted. Changing flats is a pain in the ass for me, especially with cold hands and cold rubber, so to change THREE tubes in one go was not a good way to start the day.

And can one of you Saviles please explain to me the allure of riding in traffic? After a few circuits of the woods I went exploring and popped out of a lane onto a three-lane A-road. Jesus-fucking-Christ, I was sure I was going to be killed. Vans and trucks skimming past me at 70mph with barely an inch to spare. I got the fuck off that road as soon as possible and headed back to the safety, tranquility and fresh air of the trails. You lot must be fucking psychotic!
I hate biking in traffic. However, I live in a fairy land that has a network of dedicated bike roads (officially "light traffic road") throughout the metropolitan area. For example if I head east, I can go to the city limits and after that pedal for 30km on a pretty much completely straight stretch of paved bike road (ending in an upper class burb).

edit: like this crop from google maps


I actually had a mountain bike ride today, and it didn't go too badly. Annoyingly the guy I paid to service my bike make a bit of a hash of it (way too much pressure in the fork, and gears setup badly), but aside from pogoing down a rocky hill (terrifying) it all went pretty well.

I even managed to do the entire of one of the hardest hills without getting off my bike, which felt like a real achievement. I'm a little annoyed I hadn't realised the course was so short though, I'd have pushed myself harder had I known.

Left a lot on the table as I thought I had about another ten miles to go.



And can one of you Saviles please explain to me the allure of riding in traffic? After a few circuits of the woods I went exploring and popped out of a lane onto a three-lane A-road.

It's not fun to ride in traffic, so I take side roads when possible. There are many nice, long roads here with very light traffic. If I ride early on Sundays, I can go for 15 minutes between each car I meet. Getting out on the heavy-trafficked roads is necessary here and there, but I can easily go for 100 km and only do 8 of them on roads where I might encounter heavy traffic.


I even managed to do the entire of one of the hardest hills without getting off my bike, which felt like a real achievement.http://www.strava.com/activities/219498816

I know exactly how that feels! There's one gravel road-hill here that I really struggled with back in February. Came a third of the way up, and had to push the rest. Now, I can get all the way up with relative ease. It still makes my pulse skyrocket, but it's no longer a big deal to go up there.
re anime: my list of known cycling manga/anime: over drive, noririn, yowamushi pedal, nasu: summer in andalusia, and its sequel. i highly recommend that nasu series.
I'm quite familiar with all of these except Noririn.

I'm such a big fan of Yowapeda I have the official Sohoku and Hakogaku cycling jerseys from Japan which I've been using in my rides lately, lol. Wasn't easy (and cheap lol) to get as I used a proxy service to get the Sohoku jersey and a friend in the US military that is stationed in Japan to get me the other one.

Both Nasu animes are wonderful, definitely very Studio Ghibli-like.
I know exactly how that feels! There's one gravel road-hill here that I really struggled with back in February. Came a third of the way up, and had to push the rest. Now, I can get all the way up with relative ease. It still makes my pulse skyrocket, but it's no longer a big deal to go up there.

Yeah, my heart and legs were just about to explode. I refused to give up though (it was particularly cool because some of the people pushing were cheering me on). It's the last hill on that you can see on this trace of the ride: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/633393198

Ooh! Nice part of the world. Used to spend a lot of time down there as a kid before we shipped out to Sith Iffikah.

First time I've been there. The ride towards / around the shore line was pretty special.


Had a nice ride on a mountain today. Very nice conditions, better than when I was there in the summer. The muddy areas were hard, though. The "crust" had frozen, but the mud underneath was not frozen through, so it was kinda slow and sticky. Kept breaking through the outer layer, getting stuck in the mud. Back in the summer, I could just power through those places. I spent almost 11 minutes today on a muddy section that took just over 5 minutes in August!

I hate that the sun goes down so fast now. It was almost down when I was at the top, and it got pitch dark on the way down. It was a nice gravel road and I had a powerful light, but I was still all alone up there, and the phone didn't work in the cold. Gotta get up much earlier if I'm going to try some of the longer or far-away routes this winter.


Did another forty muddy miles today which according to Strava burnt around 2,000 calories. Good job too - I've just scoffed a massive plate of spaghetti con gamberetti e rucola and half a Belgian chocolate cheesecake.

Got another bastard puncture too.
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