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Bicycle age


I need some sort of reaction cam on me when I watch those. Total look of disbelief.

I know. He makes it look so damn easy..!

I still don't quite understand how he hops the bike so high with standard flat pedals. I wish someone would make a documentary with loads of super slo-mo footage explaining the science and physics behind how these guys do these things. I'd also like to know how Rodney Mullen does half the stuff he does on a skateboard.
So I've started 40/20 intervals 10x5 with 5 minute rest between each set to my routine and oh my god. 20 seconds never feels as fast as it does during that 'rest'.


MacAskill isn't actually human. It's the only explanation.

I used to buy every Hans Rey VHS I could get my hands on back in the pre-internet days - I thought his skills were unbelievable. Danny MacAskill is just orders of magnitude ahead, though. What mad shit are riders going to be pulling off in another twenty years?

Edit: talking of videos, Steve Peat's are always a good watch in case anyone hasn't seen them. The channel is well worth subscribing to.

This Is Peaty

God Bless The Internet.


I used to buy every Hans Rey VHS I could get my hands on back in the pre-internet days - I thought his skills were unbelievable. Danny MacAskill is just orders of magnitude ahead, though. What mad shit are riders going to be pulling off in another twenty years?
Yup. Hans Rey played a large part in my love of GT. Him and Libor Karas seemed supernatural. Then you had Martyn Ashton and Martin Hawyes hopping around in Chainspotting, and it seemed like anything was possible on a bike. Fast forward to today, and MacAskill has taken things to another level entirely. It's frightening.

I kinda feel bad for Chris Akrigg. I don't really feel like he's had the props he deserves. 'Five' was a great vid though, so who knows what else he'll pull out in the future.

Edit: talking of videos, Steve Peat's are always a good watch in case anyone hasn't seen them. The channel is well worth subscribing to.

This Is Peaty

God Bless The Internet.
Dude's a legend, and yeah, god bless the Internet. Tracking down decent MTB vids used to be a nightmare. I can't imagine how many times I must've watched 'Dirt' back in the day. I can still see JMC pulling a manual on that gorgeous little red Spesh every time I close my eyes.


There it is. RIP Jason McRoy.
Downhill mountain biking is huge here and it is something I'm interested in, but I doubt I have the money. I hear it can be pretty pricey.

In my head I was thinking something that is dedicated to the pavement, but only because I'd imagine that quality bikes are built to do one thing and not both. Am I wrong?

I can't see a mountain bike being very comfortable on the pavement everyday...

The only thing that makes mountain bikes uncomfortable on the road is knobby tires. Other then that it's just about the extra exertion it takes because they're heavier and have wider tires, and the gearing is lower so you can't get going as fast. Honestly, for a 1-2 mile daily trip you could get a girls child size huffy bike and be fine, so you might just want to get a cheapo commuting bike for $50 in case it does stolen. If you decide to do more off-road and trail riding that would be the time to invest in something nicer.



There it is. RIP Jason McRoy.

Sheeee-ITT! I remember that! Must have been from the mid nineties? I'm sure I've still got it somewhere.

Edit: Awesome memories!

Went for an 1.5 hr bike ride, testing out my new hydration pack. My god at dat back sweat.

It's a design feature - you can wring your teeshirt out back into the bladder. Instant isotonic refreshment, full of minerals and salts!

About to go HAM

Neo Member
Honestly, for a 1-2 mile daily trip you could get a girls child size huffy bike and be fine, so you might just want to get a cheapo commuting bike for $50 in case it does stolen. If you decide to do more off-road and trail riding that would be the time to invest in something nicer.

No...I said I plan on using my bike as my primary mode of transportation. I want something I can use everyday.

Should I be staying away from steel frames? Most the bikes in my price range seem to be steel. Are these alloys trustworthy or do they tend to break too soon?

What kind of maintenance will I be looking at?
Can you guys recommend me a bike? I have no knowledge of bicycles at all, but I really want to start learning.

Here's the terrain I'll be dealing with.
I'm moving to Bellingham, Wa for school. I'll be living in downtown while the school is at the top of a hill. Its not terribly steep as the climb is gradual. Its about a 15-20 minute walk from my apartment to campus. The roads are all very good. I plan on using the bike as my primary mode of transportation while I'm at school, but I do have a car.

I would like to spend under $300. I have no idea if that is too little, enough, or a laughable underestimate.

$300 is a bit low. at $400 you could pick up a good entry level commuter/city bike like a Trek Verve 1

$300 can buy a closeout Novara Corsa from REI


I'd also look around at local shops for a used bicycle. Buying used might leave you money for a lock, fenders, and lights. :)

Edit: also, on an unrelated note: I am running a bicycle shop again! :D


First properly muddy ride for aaaages today. It was glorious!

There's something intangibly therapeutic about cleaning a mud-caked mountain bike. It's incredibly satisfying and oddly relaxing. I almost go into a zen-like trance.

And while I'm admitting my strange fetishes, I also kind of like having itchy stings on my legs from nettles and a network of bramble scratches on my arms after a good session on the bike. They are reminders of a hard-fought battle and have been honestly earned with blood and sweat.

Weird, eh..?


Jill, I fucking love your On-One. Just love it. Cracking build.

Depends where you are - places like Cambridge and Oxford have a huge number of cyclists so drivers have no choice but to go slow.
Luckily where I live (Nottingham) there are a fair number of cycle routes and the council publish maps, though it is a fairly hilly city.
Hey, a fellow Nottinghamian!

Please tell me you're the guy I saw on a '97 LTS heading up Sherwood Rise earlier, I want to buy your bike.

Edit: yeah, I just quoted two posts from the first page. I won't hide it, I'm a bit dim.
First properly muddy ride for aaaages today. It was glorious!

There's something intangibly therapeutic about cleaning a mud-caked mountain bike. It's incredibly satisfying and oddly relaxing. I almost go into a zen-like trance.

And while I'm admitting my strange fetishes, I also kind of like having itchy stings on my legs from nettles and a network of bramble scratches on my arms after a good session on the bike. They are reminders of a hard-fought battle and have been honestly earned with blood and sweat.

Weird, eh..?

I love a bit a of body damage after a good ride.

That said, riding wet trails causes a good deal of damage to the trail. When possible, try to avoid wet sections of trail. :)


I love a bit a of body damage after a good ride.

That said, riding wet trails causes a good deal of damage to the trail. When possible, try to avoid wet sections of trail. :)

Yeah, I normally take the dry line wherever possible, but we've had a lot of rain over the past couple of days. My local trails are shared with horses so any damage from bike wheels pales into insignificance compared to hoof prints (but at least all the horse shit helps to fill the holes).
Just picked up my first road bike. It's a vintage(not sure the year) 520 Trek with the 501 chromealloy. Has SunTour Cyclone Mark-II derailleurs. Got it for $140. Good deal? It rides smooth.



Just picked up my first road bike. It's a vintage(not sure the year) 520 Trek with the 501 chromealloy. Has SunTour Cyclone Mark-II derailleurs. Got it for $140. Good deal? It rides smooth.
'84, I reckon. Brochure is here. Love a bit of Reynolds Cro-mo myself, though I don't know a lot about road bikes.

You always struck me as a man that's more comfortable in the year 2010.
Scathing. I'm a blubbering wreck now.
I find it amusing how terrfied I am to get a MTB and run into a tree or have a brand clothesline me. Yet I 'm more than willing to jump on my road bike and hit near 40 mph with just a pothole separating me from a coma.
They drilled it off the highway (?) while I was riding by. Giant boulder came too close to caving my head in. Luckily I'm paranoid as hell and was looking up the whole time..swerved away as much as I could. It hit my foot and the frame. The guy who's job it is to warn me/workers of each other was browsing the net on his phone.

He then tried to give me shit about being safer. Telling me "accidents happen" and to "move on." He's been fired..
I know it. The amount of fear I had creeping up on me trying to sleep was unexpected..didn't realize how bad it could have been till I was alone with my thoughts. Rough night.
Ha! I'm a bit nervous about those clip ins, if that's what you're referring to. I just started riding a road bike in February..spent the last 5-6 years on hybrids. Seen my buddy fall flat wearing those things..not a confidence booster lol.
Ha! I'm a bit nervous about those clip ins, if that's what you're referring to. I just started riding a road bike in February..spent the last 5-6 years on hybrids. Seen my buddy fall flat wearing those things..not a confidence booster lol.

Yeah it takes a while to get use to. Everyone falls flat like a fish at least once. Glad that you're okay though


They drilled it off the highway (?) while I was riding by. Giant boulder came too close to caving my head in. Luckily I'm paranoid as hell and was looking up the whole time..swerved away as much as I could. It hit my foot and the frame. The guy who's job it is to warn me/workers of each other was browsing the net on his phone.

He then tried to give me shit about being safer. Telling me "accidents happen" and to "move on." He's been fired..
Happy ending then.
Anyone know if you can get Strava to show you a comparison of your times on a segment? I set a bunch of PRs today and I'd like a reasonably easy way of seeing how much I took off the old numbers.

Edit - No worries, it just jumped out at me. (Apparently I didn't look very hard)


Picked this up for free today!

Was outside a bike shop with FREE written on it. Checked inside and they said take it away!

It's a Sun EZ-3 USX. Needed a good oiling and the gears needed adjustment but it runs good. Will reupholster the saddle and clean the chrome and its going to be great. My wife wants to ride with me and our daughter but doesn't get on with upright bikes so this will be perfect so we can all ride together



Made a very silly schoolboy error yesterday during a lapse in concentration at the end of a long ride. A cardinal sin of cycling, actually. I took my left hand off the bars momentarily on a fairly quick descent, hit a small rock which jerked the front wheel to the left and threw my weight forward, instinctively pinched the front brake, compressed the forks, and went flying over the handlebars. Managed to crack my left knee on the stem on the way over, tear a gash in my new hydration pack on some rocks and rip my teeshirt and shorts. Almost lost my computer as well but luckily noticed it was missing, no doubt knocked off by my knee.

Apart from a bunch of scrapes and scratches there doesn't seem to be any lasting damage to the bike, but the steering needed realigning and some spokes needed tweaking to smooth a slight ripple. My knee was sore but didn't seem too bad at the time, but this morning it's swollen up like a grapefruit and I can't bend it beyond 90 degrees. I'm very annoyed to have crashed so stupidly - I'd just spent the previous three hours bombing around the trails and flying off jumps without a hint of danger.

Oh, and to top it all off, I then got a puncture (which I HATE!) on the ride back home.

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