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Bicycle age


Wait, what? It was shown live in the UK?

I always watch the highlights on the Red Bull YouTube channel.
Sorry, I meant I didn't watch it on the day but I'll watch it tonight (on YouTube). It isn't broadcast that I'm aware of, although I guess I could check the TiVo just in case.


Sorry, I meant I didn't watch it on the day but I'll watch it tonight (on YouTube). It isn't broadcast that I'm aware of, although I guess I could check the TiVo just in case.

I edited my post above with the 2013 winning run. No Gee transition? Pah!


All quiet in cycling thread land... everyone already giving up for the winter? :)

I've been trying my hand at cross racing for the last few weeks. In sum, I've improved my bike handling skills greatly but i need to learn how to wheelie and bunny hop. Also knowing how to do a tight 180 degree turn would be wonderful.
Eh, I've seen plenty of people do all sorts of things on rollers (including never have their hands on the bike at all). Of course, none of them were usually at risk of badly burning themselves. :D


just back from a week in mallorca where I put in 234 miles and 29,158 feet of climbing over colls for days







I need new pedals for my MTB but all the local shops here only sell way too expensive ones, so i guess i'm gonna have to order from chainreaction. I hate ordering things online i'm not 100% sure on.


Swapped tires on my roadbike to Schwalbe Durano Pluses for the incoming winter months. Heavy as hell and burst a tube during install due to my error, but looks like I'll finally be able to ride nearly puncture free on my "good" bike when the weather gets crappier.


Ordered my Revolights this week. Maaan they are going to be amazing riding around monuments at night. Now I just need that awesome kick-started bell and some shoes to clip in and my life shall be complete.


Fuck it. It's another couple of weeks before I'm getting my hand looked at but I can't stand it any longer. Been off the bike for about a month now and it's driving me crazy. Got a mate heading up from Windsor this morning and we're heading to the Forest of Dean to tear up some trails. Who needs a front brake anyway?

Been trying to stay fit on the cross trainer in the interim but am fully expecting to have lost a good chunk of my bike fitness. Thank God for those switchback climbs that Psycho hates so much... ;)

It's been pissing down all night but the FoD trails drain pretty well, being hard-packed and on the side of a steep mountain. Should be fun. Can't wait! Hope it's not too busy....
Yeah, at least the rain should keep the crowds down.

Be careful out there. It's easy to forget that you're not 100% and ride beyond your current limitations.


Yeah, at least the rain should keep the crowds down.

Be careful out there. It's easy to forget that you're not 100% and ride beyond your current limitations.

Will do. Cheers. Took a big tumble last time after an argument with some tree roots. The ground is bloody hard and jagged so I'll be in full-on bimble mode.

Right - we're off!


Got back from the ride about an hour ago and it was awe-to-the-mutha-fukkin-SOME. Felt so good to back in the saddle.

The car park was packed when we arrived but luckily(!) coincided with a ma-HOOsive electrical storm and torrential downpour. We sat in the car for ten minutes or so and it didn't look like abating so we just got on with it. Everyone looked at us as if we were mad, offloading the bikes under flashes of lightning in the pouring rain while all the sane people were packing theirs away. The place really thinned out which was good - the trails would have been a bit congested otherwise.

Anyway, after riding for about half an hour in the biblical conditions the rain suddenly stopped, the sun came out and it was gorgeous - God rays galore filtering through the trees causing rainbows everywhere in the rising mist. Truly beautiful. By this time nearly everyone else seemed to have left so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. The going was pretty tough but terrific fun: deep mud everywhere, deep puddles and slippery rocks and roots, but we both came through unscathed. Landing some of the jumps was a little exciting though. Even my gammy hand isn't complaining too badly at the moment, but it'll probably be a different story tomorrow.

Right, the bikes has been cleaned and lubed, and the washing machine loaded. Time to head into town for some very well-earned beers and a lamb jalfrezi.

Damn, I love this sport..!

Checked out my bike ready for tomorrow's ride and there's a sort of vibration from the rear wheel. Seems fairly true still though looks like it's jumping up and down when I rotate it really fast.

Really hope it doesn't cause me any trouble tomorrow, I'll be doing 55 miles off road on it.


Good luck tomorrow mate and thanks for the good wishes about today's ride. I was fucking apprehensive beforehand and it was a much bigger deal than I admitted to myself. The hand worries me so to have no adverse reaction was a massive relief. I know people who have had to give up biking because of the same problem and that would fucking crush me.

How are the ribs?
I need help buying a bike, GAF. My 20+ year old piece-of-shit Schwinn that my older brother was given as a gift when he was a young teen finally bit the bullet and I'm tired of sinking more time/money into repairing a shit bike.

So, I don't know where to start. I'm in Illinois on relatively flat ground, using a bike for a few mile commute on paved surfaces five days a week. I'm thinking a road bike with slick tires is my best option, but otherwise, I know nothing about what I'm looking for, not even brands that are decent. My price range is maximum $600 which I suspect isn't going to get me very far, but I'm totally fine with buying a used bike and may even find that preferable.

Can you guys give me even a rough idea of how to go about looking for a bike? Brands to look for/avoid, sizes, styles, etc? I'm completely a newb, and any help would be really appreciated.


animated gif from micycle.tumblr.com


"I saw this guy on the Santa Monica bike path. I had to draw him.

I’ve never seen someone more uncomfortable, terrified, and unhappy on a bicycle.

He had this enormous flappy raincoat and this hilarious gorilla posture. I smiled at him because he looked SO uncomfortable, but he just shifted his terrified look in my direction. Oh well!"

Odd ride yesterday. My cycling partner was utterly fucking useless and couldn't seem to maintain anything over 7mph (mostly flat, hardpack ground).

Had to abandon in the end as I had a meeting to get to and there was no way we were going to get back in time.


Odd ride yesterday. My cycling partner was utterly fucking useless and couldn't seem to maintain anything over 7mph (mostly flat, hardpack ground).

Had to abandon in the end as I had a meeting to get to and there was no way we were going to get back in time.

That's a shame! Is it someone you know/regularly ride with?
Yeah, and we've done the route before (Much, much faster). I'd turn around and see him a couple of meters behind me, turn around again and he was completely out of sight. I scaled it back until my heart rate was averaging about 130 in the hope that it would mean he could stay with me, but it wasn't helpful. By the end we were rushing to get to where my missus was going to pick us up and he still couldn't manage to put on any sort of pace.

Very odd.
No, I left him for dead and occasionally stopped to draw pictures of how much of a failure he was. I would have taken pictures and posted them to failblog.com but I had forgotten my camera.

(I asked him what was going on, fed him, gave him drinks, checked over his bike and added pressure to his tyres.)

Edit - Oh, and also transferred all the heavy stuff from his camelbak so that he didn't have to carry it.


I need help buying a bike, GAF. My 20+ year old piece-of-shit Schwinn that my older brother was given as a gift when he was a young teen finally bit the bullet and I'm tired of sinking more time/money into repairing a shit bike.

So, I don't know where to start. I'm in Illinois on relatively flat ground, using a bike for a few mile commute on paved surfaces five days a week. I'm thinking a road bike with slick tires is my best option, but otherwise, I know nothing about what I'm looking for, not even brands that are decent. My price range is maximum $600 which I suspect isn't going to get me very far, but I'm totally fine with buying a used bike and may even find that preferable.

Can you guys give me even a rough idea of how to go about looking for a bike? Brands to look for/avoid, sizes, styles, etc? I'm completely a newb, and any help would be really appreciated.

600 bucks will get you were you'll walk out of a bike shop with a bike.


No, I left him for dead and occasionally stopped to draw pictures of how much of a failure he was. I would have taken pictures and posted them to failblog.com but I had forgotten my camera.

This made me laugh.

(I asked him what was going on, fed him, gave him drinks, checked over his bike and added pressure to his tyres.)

Edit - Oh, and also transferred all the heavy stuff from his camelbak so that he didn't have to carry it.

How is he today? Sounds like he might have been fighting a virus (or nursing a hangover..!).


I need help buying a bike, GAF. My 20+ year old piece-of-shit Schwinn that my older brother was given as a gift when he was a young teen finally bit the bullet and I'm tired of sinking more time/money into repairing a shit bike.

So, I don't know where to start. I'm in Illinois on relatively flat ground, using a bike for a few mile commute on paved surfaces five days a week. I'm thinking a road bike with slick tires is my best option, but otherwise, I know nothing about what I'm looking for, not even brands that are decent. My price range is maximum $600 which I suspect isn't going to get me very far, but I'm totally fine with buying a used bike and may even find that preferable.

Can you guys give me even a rough idea of how to go about looking for a bike? Brands to look for/avoid, sizes, styles, etc? I'm completely a newb, and any help would be really appreciated.

Go to bike shops and look around. The fit and size are an individual comfort thing. Go with whatever feels the best. My bike is technically too big for me but I don't feel comfortable on anything smaller.

Are there any bicycle co-ops near by? You might be able to pick up something sweet from one of them for a really great price (150-300 dollar range).

As for new I'm partial to Raleigh's myself great prices and well made.
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