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Bicycle age

Slept on the sofa last night in the hope of finally starting my rib healing and it seems it may have done the job. Every morning since damaging it I've woken up in agony (I guess because I move it by sleeping on my front) but today I wasn't in any pain when I woke up.

Hopefully a few more nights of that and it'll be on the mend and I can get back to normal.
I'm finally in the roadie club, my uncle upgraded so he gave me his mint condition Basso:


Can't wait to hit the road properly tomorrow :D


Hey guys & gals, my lady has recently gone away for school and now bikes everywhere. I have a specific question and a general question if anyone could help out:

Specific Question: She's been complaining about a pain/burning sensation on her private area due to her bike seat. She's obviously riding much more than she is used to but she is pretty uncomfortable right now and the burning feeling lasts well beyond just the bike ride. My question is what could be causing it? Is it the bike seat, her biking posture, or possibly both? Can anyone recommend a bike seat pad/cushion that will help alleviate the stress and/or provide some biking ergonomic tips?

General Question: Can anyone recommend a website for biking equipment? She recently bought some bike lights and they didn't even last a month - she just got pulled over last night by the cops (lol) and was given a warning on how dim her light was. Hoping to find a place that has reliable gear that isn't over-the-top expensive.
It'll probably be the seat. I suffer from a slightly different thing where my groin goes completely numb after about an hour (if I don't stand up regularly), but the reason behind it is basically the same, pressure on either nerves or blood flow.

First thing to try is riding with the seat tilted different to how she has it currently. For me (specifically on the turbo trainer) it was to tilt the seat down (at the front) a reasonable amount. The negative to this is that I always feel like I'm slipping off the front of the seat. If tilting the seat doesn't work, she may want to try different seats. There are many different shapes which can alleviate pressure on certain parts.

That's assuming that she's been setup on he bike properly (seat height, front / back). There are plenty of guides on how to do that online.

As for where to buy this stuff. Wiggle. You can look at the ratings people have given the gear, and in the UK at least they're easily one of the cheapest stores.


It'll probably be the seat. I suffer from a slightly different thing where my groin goes completely numb after about an hour (if I don't stand up regularly), but the reason behind it is basically the same, pressure on either nerves or blood flow.

First thing to try is riding with the seat tilted different to how she has it currently. For me (specifically on the turbo trainer) it was to tilt the seat down (at the front) a reasonable amount. The negative to this is that I always feel like I'm slipping off the front of the seat. If tilting the seat doesn't work, she may want to try different seats. There are many different shapes which can alleviate pressure on certain parts.

That's assuming that she's been setup on he bike properly (seat height, front / back). There are plenty of guides on how to do that online.

As for where to buy this stuff. Wiggle. You can look at the ratings people have given the gear, and in the UK at least they're easily one of the cheapest stores.

Thank you for the information. I'm going up to see her next weekend so I'll check out how she's setup on the bike and probably get her a new seat from Wiggle.


Was in NYC last weekend, and rented a bike and went round Central Park :) That was fun. Such a nice place to bike and jog. And skip sideways (saw two people doing that) or jog backwards.

Here's my runkeeper map. Not sure if you can see it or not. Went around the park twice plus with a short circuit at the end. Went at a leisurely pace: 22,71 kilometers, 1 hour 24 minutes.
Go to bike shops and look around. The fit and size are an individual comfort thing. Go with whatever feels the best. My bike is technically too big for me but I don't feel comfortable on anything smaller.

Are there any bicycle co-ops near by? You might be able to pick up something sweet from one of them for a really great price (150-300 dollar range).

As for new I'm partial to Raleigh's myself great prices and well made.

Thanks so much for this suggestion (regarding the co-op). I never knew this, but my town has a co-op with two locations in partnership with my university; one of their shops is half a mile from where I work on campus. Their website didn't have bikes listed but they seem very helpful with ready-to-ride bikes as low as $70 and most going for <$200. I'll pop in tomorrow and chat with them to get a feel for what they have on hand to try some out. The website says they usually have dozens to over 100+ in stock, so we'll see what happens.
Does anyone have any recommendations for good hard-wearing brake pads for Shimano BR-M575 hydraulic disc brakes?

My nephew uses sintered pads from Superstar. I don't know what country you're in, but I think they're UK only. EBC Gold would probably be another good bed.


My nephew uses sintered pads from Superstar. I don't know what country you're in, but I think they're UK only. EBC Gold would probably be another good bed.

Thanks - was probably swapping out for sintered now that winter is on its way. The noise risk often puts me off, but organic pads wear so quickly in the wet. I'm always torn between buying expensive branded pads or cheaper generic ones at half the price. They all seem to wear about the same and are probably all made in the same factory.

And I'm UK, as you might have guessed. I wouldn't fly in specially to ride the Forest of Dean - helicopter fuel is far too expensive...


Oh god, I'm already so many of these: http://singletrackworld.com/2013/10/how-far-along-the-mountain-biker-spectrum-are-you/

/hides fancy ales and French press

Ha ha..! Brilliant. And true.


It's getting colder here, and I haven't really been active on my bike in the cooler weather. Any recommendations for gear? I'm mainly doing it for exercise before work and not travelling.
Stupid winter riding. I rode this morning and it was so foggy my glasses were covered and all I could do was stare at the road and keep my bike on the white line. It's not so bad when it's raining - it kind of runs off - but the fog and misty rain really sucks.


Nutters and cobble covered hills: Red Bull Hill Chasers

Just watching that has made my hand go gammy again. Just got back from the hand consultant (only six weeks after the initial consultation... sigh). Xrays didn't show anything, bloods were negative, and my hand seems to have largely repaired itself in the interim. He couldn't actually say exactly what the problem is/was, but tossed a couple of theories around. Good news is, he gave me official approval to start biking again. Woo Hooooo!


Filthy hipster!

Nice, looks like it's in good condition too. Very shiny.

How much was the bike?

Didn't cost me anything but volunteering my time to the co-op for 40 hours.

Ah, look at that saddle, and the stem and that handlebar tape that's probably 15 fucking years old :p

Yup I really love old bikes. I do have a newer bike but it's not got any interesting stories behind it. I also have an ancient Concord (my favorite bike); I fixed it up back when I first started riding and I had the original bottom bracket removed a few months ago. Cottered cranks are the devil.
I'm not interested in the racing. There are some trails near me which I think would suit a CX bike particularly well, especially in winter when it all turns to slime.


Off for a dawn ride in the FoD tomorrow. Forecast says sunny, but a balmy 5 degrees Celcius. Should be great fun, but it's making me cold just thinking about it, especially as it's the first exercise I'll have done for two weeks because of a stinking cold (which I'm still bloody fighting).
It's only a couple of months ago that we were going out at dawn to avoid the heat of the day. Seems like a dim and distant memory now.
Winter sucks greasy goat balls, it really does. And it's not even winter yet!
Off for a dawn ride in the FoD tomorrow. Forecast says sunny, but a balmy 5 degrees Celcius. Should be great fun, but it's making me cold just thinking about it, especially as it's the first exercise I'll have done for two weeks because of a stinking cold (which I'm still bloody fighting).
I'm out at a new trail tomorrow. Looks like one of the few days without rain (please!) so hopefully the trail will be good too.


Went for my first winter ride ever; it was -10c today. Overall not too bad with gear I already have, but my shoes are wholly inadequate for anything below 0c. I know my tires won't be sufficient either when there's snow and ice everywhere.

SPD Winter boots are pretty darn pricey. Northwave makes a well-reviewed boot that's around $240. Tires aren't too bad at about $100 for studded 700cs. Not sure if I want to pay up just to ride in frigid conditions.


What's wrong with me? I haven't had a crash in a long time and i, i sort of want to crash. Just so i can regaine the respect for the trail or whatever..

cooo-cooo :p


What an incredible day - clear blue skies and not a breath of wind. Outside thermometer said 2 degrees at 7am but it must have been closer to 15 by 9am in the sun. Fantastic.
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