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Bicycle age


I just read on 'beginner's guide to biking' that you should oil your chain every 100 miles. I bike ~100 miles a week and I have not been doing this. Like at all.

How much do you guys oil your bikes? Any recommendations for specific brands of oil?
I tend to reoil pretty regularly, but then I have to wash my chain pretty regularly as it gets filled with mud every ride.

As for what to buy, check out bikeradar's reviews. I personally love Muc Off Wet Lube and C3 Dry Ceramic Lube.
Was just looking at some potential future trails when I saw this one: http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=nzetlxsydtledbpk

I took one look at the altitude profile and thought "no, maybe not for some time".



Haven't cleaned either of my bikes' chains in quite a while. I don't oil every 100, and likely go 200-300 before I think about it, though definitely do it more in the rainy season instead of doing a proper cleanup. I use ATB ("Absolutely the best") lube. I've read elsewhere that chainsaw lube is supposed to be awesome for winter use and have been telling myself I need to get some but have yet to do so.

Just downloaded data from my bike computer for the first time in a long time, something's up as there's only data for the last 2 weeks when there should be random data from July - October in there as well. Guess I should stop trusting the Garmin to hold all my data.
Just downloaded data from my bike computer for the first time in a long time, something's up as there's only data for the last 2 weeks when there should be random data from July - October in there as well. Guess I should stop trusting the Garmin to hold all my data.

Depending on the model there may be an archive folder that you should check.
You can still do plenty on a hardtail. I've thrown mine up against hardcore natural red trails and it's survived pretty well (aside from my wheels needing truing... a lot).

I might have to rent one of their ultra fancy Trek bikes one day. See how much it flatters me. :D


You can still do plenty on a hardtail. I've thrown mine up against hardcore natural red trails and it's survived pretty well (aside from my wheels needing truing... a lot).

I might have to rent one of their ultra fancy Trek bikes one day. See how much it flatters me. :D

Yeah, I only own a HT at the moment after having had various FS bikes for many years. I like the instant response you get from the fixed geometry but do miss the plushness of an active back end on occasion. Not to the point where I think I must get another FS, mind.

Absolutely gorgeous (but bloody freezing) day here today so it'd be rude not to head out for a blast. I have to ride through the grounds of this castle to get to the local woods and it was looking particularly picturesque today, so I snapped the obligatory pic. Apologies for the cardinal sin of not having the bike in the foreground, but I did manage to capture a bird in flight.

Was at Bikepark Wales again today. Don't know why but I just couldn't get my lines right / get any flow.

Had a very minor off when trying out Vicious Valley for the first time. Stupidly it was on a really flat bit when trying to get my wheel between a boulder and a root. Had a sheepish look around and then got on with it. :D


beautiful day to ride to work. Unfortunately my (relatively) new light fell off somewhere in the ride. upshot of course is, new bike light day!

Got any recommendations? I've been using Cygolites exclusively for a few years. I could jsut get the 600 for 85 bucks, but I'm curious how some of these Chinese lights on Amazon / ebay perform.
Can't really fault my Magicshine M880U. I use ebay specials for my headlights though, only thing is that the battery packs are crap (better to go with specialists for those).

Edit - That would be a bad idea if you're riding on the road... didn't think of that. Blind drivers everywhere. :D


The magicshines do look nice. I got no qualms about having as bright as possible on my bike -- I can always go to the lower setting, and higher settings are a necessity as a day light.

The big issue I've had w/ my Cygolites are that, while bright, they have a fairly narrow cone of light. The 700 was better at this but it still didn't really provide a flood light. I'm fine w/ keeping the older gen (400 lumen) on my head, as I consider it more a be-seen / spot check light than anything else.
Could always go with different lenses. I'm sticking a single wide angle lense on my magicshine and putting privacy film on my head light.


The 808U looks interesting, it's like 60 bucks if I get it off Amazon used, which is competitive with some of the chinese knockoffs that have crappy batteries. Part of me is saying I should just get another Cygolite and be done w/ it (the single housing is really nice), but this isn't the first time that retention system's failed me...


The hipster filters are broken on my phone and we all know that you can't post photos without those.

Just print the picture out on a piece of paper you found in a damp dumpster, piss all over it, rub soil around the edges and you're good to go!

Seriously though, people: photos. Post them. We like them.
Well, friends, wish me luck on this morning's 65 mile ride. It's currently 39 degrees with 15mph winds from the north...For those in the north, that may not sound like much, but I'm in San Antonio, Texas. So here's to staying alive!


Took my bike out yesterday for the first time on an actual trail. Went to a local singletrack and it was a lot of fun. Definitely nowhere near as confident as I could've been, especially since my cousin slid off the trail not half a mile in. I can't wait to go back, though, and go further in on the trails.


Yeah, it was a nice ride. We only did the smallest (2.x mile) loop for a few reasons but I'm gonna go back soon (maybe tomorrow) and do the loops that go deeper into the woods.


What's that you say? You want a photo of a bike leaning against the carcass of a rusty washing machine at the bottom of a disused quarry? Any you want it cropped and shit-filtered to within an inch of its life? OK, I'll see what I can do.


Am I the only one making any effort here?
I may go and smash my phone and take shots of my bike hung from the ceiling of my dank garage which has been lit by candles.


With a tobacco yellow coloured filter.

From behind blades of grass.


What's that you say? You want a photo of a bike leaning against the carcass of a rusty washing machine at the bottom of a disused quarry? Any you want it cropped and shit-filtered to within an inch of its life? OK, I'll see what I can do.


Am I the only one making any effort here?
The standard on which the rest of us are judged.


Finally made the move to proper cycling shoes. It's unfortunate it's winter here so I can't test em out :( I ended up grabbing some shimano spd pedals, and everything feels perfect.


Should I put up a timer until I fall on my ass? I was thinking of grabbing a trainer and giving them a whirl.
They're actually looking reasonably good there. Not too much mud!

I've ended rides before now and not actually been able to see my shoe any more. :D


The cheap hybrid Fuji I've had since highschool is starting to fall apart, is outgrown, needs new gears etc. so I'm thinking of tossing it and getting into roadbikes/racer for the new year when the roads are free of snow and ice again. Any pointers towards my first "serious" bike purchase? Any new innovations that should be considered? The domestic selection here is somewhat limited so I wouldn't be averse to buying directly from the manufacturers either. Right now I'm just looking around and I don't have a concrete budget, but I don't need anything ûber fancy as this would be my first non-hybrid bike as well as my first researched purchase. These pics sure make offroad/mountainbiking sound like fun though...
Acquired an old Orbea MTB to have a dabble at restoration, the frame was rusty all the shop so got it for free, I stripped it back and it seems ok:


Don't know what model it is as the top tube decals were in bad shape - Tr......? The down tube is like a rounded off triangle but I can't find anything on Google. The components and Tora fork are in good condition so it's just a matter of a repaint, new cabling and a new set of wheels.

I've been quoted £60 for pre treatment and powdercoat - seems expensive? I think I'll just apply the paint on with a brush after finishing up the frame and cleaning it with white spirit, it's only going to be used in the woods so I don't care about a perfect finish.

Silly cunt also forgot to take a before picture :(


The cheap hybrid Fuji I've had since highschool is starting to fall apart, is outgrown, needs new gears etc. so I'm thinking of tossing it and getting into roadbikes/racer for the new year when the roads are free of snow and ice again. Any pointers towards my first "serious" bike purchase? Any new innovations that should be considered? The domestic selection here is somewhat limited so I wouldn't be averse to buying directly from the manufacturers either. Right now I'm just looking around and I don't have a concrete budget, but I don't need anything ûber fancy as this would be my first non-hybrid bike as well as my first researched purchase. These pics sure make offroad/mountainbiking sound like fun though...

I don't know where you are located, but having a decent bike shop close by would be a big help for a beginner. Component wise, anything SRAM Apex/Shimano 105 or above will be fine. Budget wise in the US, ~1k will get you entry level, about 2k for a nice road bike. Aluminum is just fine for frames, fork is better as carbon. Don't worry too much about innovation, just get a bike that fits and you like.
Turned out better than I expected, I gave it 4 coats of enamel paint and dried it in the garage with a fan heater



Just waiting on the decals and shifters I ordered off ebay.
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