What'd you expect from The Jerry Springer meets The Real World???Paul side is so childish. It's embarrassing.
There is some serious bullying going on here. I know this game can bring out the worst in people but maybe production should step in.
There is some serious bullying going on here. I know this game can bring out the worst in people but maybe production should step in.
lolThey already did, they told Josh to leave Jess and Cody alone, and they're talking to Paul as we speak.
Josh and Paul are not breaking the rules, production is doing this becauseCody and Jessica are threatening to walk
Kevin is nowhere to be seen.
Josh and Mark are actually having a civil conversation with each other right now. WTF is happening?
wall shouter spooked them , making them rethink of how they are edited
what did the wall shouter say?
So some crazy fan got through and now everything is suddenly civil also Paul got the lecture of not provoking a fight.
Suddenly everything is calm
Isn't it also funny how Josh is now telling Christmas that they should just ignore Cody and Jessica. Hmm, that doesn't sound like Josh. I wonder who put that idea in his head.
Fuck production.
Probably because he's smart and Cody is not.Wow Paul is literally getting everyone to do the most childish things lol. How are they following all this so blindly.
He'll get them all to jury!Probably because he's smart and Cody is not.
(Earlier tonight) Jessica handling the house, Raven trying to take charge, Paul bragging about "securing his team's spots in jury"
The house annihilating itself featuring Raven and Little Man Josh
He'll get them all to jury!
I hope Josh wins the whole show.
For meltdowns.
That'd probably make him happier than the money.They'll give him all the copper pans.
Ahhh remember the good ole days when evil dick did things 10 times this bad and production did nothing?
Now, I assume they are trying to cover their ass after the Bachelor in Paradise thing.
I almost died laughing when Paul called his minions his "dogs" right to their faces, and Raven and Josh literally started barking...especially Raven with her "motherfucking woof" whilst giving Jessica the middle finger!
I almost died laughing when Paul called his minions his "dogs" right to their faces, and Raven and Josh literally started barking...especially Raven with her "motherfucking woof" whilst giving Jessica the middle finger!
This season is lit. Paul is getting way too cocky and will get sniped, no way someone can win the game being so obvious about his contempt for the people he is working with.
(Earlier tonight) Jessica handling the house, Raven trying to take charge, Paul bragging about "securing his team's spots in jury"
The house annihilating itself featuring Raven and Little Man Josh
I almost died laughing when Paul called his minions his "dogs" right to their faces, and Raven and Josh literally started barking...especially Raven with her "motherfucking woof" whilst giving Jessica the middle finger!
Once Jessica or at least Cody is out, I expect the house to conspire against Paul.This season is lit. Paul is getting way too cocky and will get sniped, no way someone can win the game being so obvious about his contempt for the people he is working with.
She's overrated as for as playing the game but people want to rally around her because they are all bombarding her and she's likeable unlike Cody.how is jessica a good player? or better than Kevin's social game for example. she did the typical showmance alliance, let Cody ruin his game, let him drag her down with him and then got the hexshe's cute but i don't think america liked her that much.from production.
I disagree to giving Cody less credit. It probably helped Jessica that they weren't going after her personally (but rather through her to get to Cody), but his concentration during that one Veto competition was absolutely nuts. Was the whole house literally dumping shit on him and getting a fat vagrant to yell at him against the rules? No. But the way they were enjoying it was pretty disturbing.I am hoping once Cody is gone, they will at least consider listening to Jessica and start playing the game for real. If it takes Jessica being out on Paul turning on someone else then so be it, but I think Jess is a pretty good player so would rather her stay a bit longer.
I actually liked what Paul was doing with the secret alliance with Alex, but when all the childish behavior and bullying attempts started I was done. It's sad to watch them try to annoy/intimidate people at that level.
Props to Jessica (and to a much lesser extent Cody) for sitting through all this shit.
Back to Paul though... even is Jess/Cody leave, he still has two "house supported" targets before eyes may turn on him. He has setup Mark & Elena to be next out...then could probably turn on his weapon/tool that is Josh and say something like "He has gone too far, time to get rid of him".
That's another potential 3-4 weeks of safety.
She's overrated as for as playing the game but people want to rally around her because they are all bombarding her and she's likeable unlike Cody.
After all, it was Jessica that chose not to use the power of veto on Ramses because dumbshit Cody thought it was a bad idea.
What a weird comment, it's not like Jason intentionally broke her foot, why would she be 'mad' at him for having an accident? She already stuck him in the frog punishment for it. Cody intentionally targetted her, apples and oranges.I disagree to giving Cody less credit. It probably helped Jessica that they weren't going after her personally (but rather through her to get to Cody), but his concentration during that one Veto competition was absolutely nuts. Was the whole house literally dumping shit on him and getting a fat vagrant to yell at him against the rules? No. But the way they were enjoying it was pretty disturbing.
And no, they will never cooperate with Jessica. The only chance of restarting relationships is if Paul leaves. He won't, the house is too far up his ass.
FFS, Christmas is more mad at Cody for a Week 1 nomination than the guy that fell on her foot. A player like her is not going to change.
Cody and Jessica did and said some shitty judgemental things early on, but that's no reason to shut them out of the game completely.
Clip of Jessica vs Raven fight below...
I feel bad for Jessica because she had told Raven (back when they were friends), that she enjoys rimming guys (eating out a guy's ass), and Raven threw that out as an insult to Jessica's face.
I don't like her, I just think that some rally around her with the juvenile beatdown 99% of the house is giving her(I actually find it pretty funny at times).She's not likeable at all, she's been a complete bitch ever since the house turned on Cody, she was just as much a piece of trash as he was imo.
All I can say is I hope it was worth it to the alliance, because they've proven they're not above whatever they can blame Cody and Jessica for.What a weird comment, it's not like Jason intentionally broke her foot, why would she be 'mad' at him for having an accident? She already stuck him in the frog punishment for it. Cody intentionally targetted her, apples and oranges.
And yes, they did some shitty things. That's absolutely a reason to shut someone out. It's both an easy gameplay decision to make right now, and an easy personal decision. Cody is an actual R/t_d bully, and Jess is almost as bad. Josh is annoying as fuck, but the stuff those guys were saying to him is irredeemable trash imo.