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Big Brother Canada Season 3 |OT| - Premieres Monday, March 23rd at 8:00pm on Global

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I'm just watching the shows so way behind the feeds, but gotta admit they're doing a pretty good job with editing. It's another fun group of people. The pool party was a classic move to get the showmances going and increase the fun factor.

They kept refering to Sindy as the beauty queen. Really? Not by my standards. Good riddance.

Naeha is like a sixty year old full of botox. Ewww.

I love the way they torture these people. Comps are really hard, and the April Fools caused all sorts of havok. The sadistic nature of BBCAN is great.

Am I wrong to assume that the guys are doing a really good job at playing the gals? The guys are going to dominate this show.

I'm not so sure the Chop Shop is lame. They've got the numbers and could go a long way. The spinoff alliances will do a decent job protecting each other, but this early in the game the large alliance will succeed at picking off the others.

Beware the invisible. Laying low is the perfect strategy early in the game.


This only fucks over Johnny and Sarah more. Why won't BB make it quick and just evict them both at once on Wednesday? Then give the money to Bobby or Graig? Would save us a few months of suffering.
This only fucks over Johnny and Sarah more. Why won't BB make it quick and just evict them both at once on Wednesday? Then give the money to Bobby or Graig? Would save us a few months of suffering.



Oh yeah, Willow and Ashleigh sooo wanna hook up with the other girls now. Just so they can take out the guys their precious Chop Shop want out.
Will Zach or Ashleigh try to win HOH this week so they can get each other off in private for once?

I feel like your making some kind of joke... but I'm not sure what. I just can't quite put my finger on it....

Also this episode is awesome... but did we really miss a fight when the feeds were down? That's laaame.


Johnny's voice over was really weird at the end of tonight's episode. I guess he must have mentioned his target by name and they forced him to do the voiceover.


Will Zach or Ashleigh try to win HOH this week so they can get each other off in private for once?
Seems pretty clear Zach is still fixated on throwing HOH comps and is presently having a panic attack over how he'll be able to lose tonight's with this added advantage he's earned and not look too obvious about it.

Not to mention that it doesn't seem like him or Ash mind an audience. There is no privacy in the BB house. Even if your fellow houseguests aren't around the cameras aren't going anywhere.

As of right now, I'm expecting Johnny to be the primary target this week if Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey or Willow win HOH.
Zach will prop up Willow as the primary target this week if either Sarah or Johnny win HOH... although Sarah will be a tough sell.
Newport seems have backed down on Bobby leaving and want him around a little bit longer as a comp threat distraction.

Seems like everyone else will be throwing HOH... unless they manage to win by accident (which Kevin has already done once).


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Brittnee was amazing last episode, she's now one of my faves. Didn't know she had it in her. LOL @ watching the Ginga' Ninja (barf) scramble when he finally realized what was going on.

Is Jordan's alliance with Kevin, "The Fortress" still fake on Jordan's end? The edit makes it seem like he's on board with Kevin now?


Brittnee was amazing last episode, she's now one of my faves. Didn't know she had it in her. LOL @ watching the Ginga' Ninja (barf) scramble when he finally realized what was going on.

Is Jordan's alliance with Kevin, "The Fortress" still fake on Jordan's end? The edit makes it seem like he's on board with Kevin now?
Both the Fortress and the Bromuda Triangle are legit in that they're being open with Kevin about the game they're playing (ride the middle while throwing comps).
It's fake in that JP still considers Zach and Newport to be his #1.

They still talk about cutting Kevin with each other.
They never talk at all about cutting each other with other houseguests.

For the time being, there's a legit 5-person "ride the middle" alliance (tentatively being referred to as The Diaper Alliance) consisting of the Bromuda Triangle and Zach/Kevin's showmances (Ashleigh & Pili). Queen B, Sarah and Johnny are on one side. Bobby, Bruno and Godfrey are on the other. With Willow floating and Graig soon-to-be toast.

Hexagon Alliance and the remnants of Chop Shop are mere prop alliances for the sake of telling a story on the prime time show.


UberTag is back. :eek:

Was that Graig's attempt to make a big speech? Try to call Johnny out and stumble along the way? Surprised he was even able to string along two complete sentences.


UberTag is back. :eek:

Was that Graig's attempt to make a big speech? Try to call Johnny out and stumble along the way? Surprised he was even able to string along two complete sentences.
I liked my theoretical exit speech for Graig better.
"Those of you evicting me tonight because you believe I'm in a 4-person alliance with Bobby, Bruno and Godfrey... well, I hate to disappoint you but you're wrong. I have actually been in a 6-person alliance since Night 3 with Bobby, Bruno... pause for dramatic effect... Zach, Ashleigh and Willow known as the Chop Shop. And, if you want to know why Bobby and I were targeting Kevin and Johnny a little over a week ago... it's because Zach talked me into those two being serious threats and then I sold Bobby on the idea. He was also hardcore gunning for Naeha before she left on instant eviction night. And, for some reason, JP doesn't seem at all surprised that I'm telling you all this. I wonder why.

Anyhow, it's been a blast folks. See you on the other side."
Of course, that would have required Graig to be intelligent.


Well, I appreciate Brad Lascelle's insightful comments in a site full of annoying posters.

My gut is telling me Godfrey or Bobby will win this.


If it was anyone else, I would've expected the new veto twist to screw over Godfrey. Now I don't know. I'm going to assume that veto will take two of
off and the replacement will probably be one of
Kevin or Pilar.


Depends a lot on Bruno's noms.
Newport will be directing Bruno to nominate Johnny. And he'll likely get put up against Britnee due to her sending Graig out of the house.
The only person playing to win that competition will be Sarah... if her name even gets pulled.

And, unless the veto twist is that she can win a veto that can be used twice or two vetos just by herself, it's likely that whoever remains on the block between the two will get sent home... although I can envision a scenario where Willow goes up as a replacement nom and gets axed.

If it was anyone else, I would've expected the new veto twist to screw over Godfrey. Now I don't know. I'm going to assume that veto will take two of
off and the replacement will probably be one of
Kevin or Pilar.
Yeah, I'm thrilled with the HOH winner for pretty much that reason. I love Godfrey.
Fairly certain that latter group is safe.


Someone burping repeatedly off-camera on the first set of cams, and Bobby barfing and then smacking real loud on the other set of cams. Nah.


really did receive help from the others, then it would be consistent for production to disqualify him considering how often they did it to the houseguests in the first season. But the HOH has already received his room, so I dunno.


The people who have left are so un-likable, I don't want anyone to come back.
It's not like the people still left in the house are all that rootable themselves. They're all varying degrees of shallow, bland or terrible at Big Brother. I'm kind of only rooting for Bruno or Godfrey to win at this point and for Pilar to finish 2nd (and I'm not deluding myself into thinking Bruno or God will get anywhere close to winning).

Maybe if Naeha returns to the game I can get behind her. I'm still expecting Newport to cruise to the finish line.


I'm a little bit confused at this double veto thing. Is there going to be a regular veto + ceremony (where one person might come off), and then later (eviction episode?) the double veto is used? Or will be regular veto turn into the double veto during the ceremony? Will they know beforehand that it's a double veto? So many questions.


They've kept things deliberately vague on purpose so they can tailor the rules however they see fit I would imagine. There's no doubt in my mind that the double veto stip will be in play, however.


It's not like the people still left in the house are all that rootable themselves. They're all varying degrees of shallow, bland or terrible at Big Brother. I'm kind of only rooting for Bruno or Godfrey to win at this point and for Pilar to finish 2nd (and I'm not deluding myself into thinking Bruno or God will get anywhere close to winning).

Maybe if Naeha returns to the game I can get behind her. I'm still expecting Newport to cruise to the finish line.
I like Newport. Cheering for them and Kevin.


I like Newport. Cheering for them and Kevin.
They're playing the best games in the house. No question.
Will be an awful boring season if they simply continue to surf the fence until the end, though.

Out of the three, I like JP the most despite his reality TV obsession. He actually strikes me as genuine and would be a good winner to represent BBCAN. Zach is playing the best game but is also the guy I like the least. Dude has an inflated ego and is bullshitting everyone in that house except when him and JP are patting each other's backs. Kevin's gameplay I respect the least because I think he's lucking into a lot of things and has Production favor, but he's a better human being than Zach.


I can pass along the following clarification relating to the current Twistos Twist.


This language doesn't make much sense, does it?

Well, the official BBCAN Twitter account clarifies things...


When you cast your vote in this twist, it says that we can expect to see the outcome of the twist play out on next Wednesday's show following the aftermath of the POV ceremony.


The twist messing up player's strategy again.

Didn't really get to see much of the Cougar, but the rest of the eliminated can stay eliminated as far as I'm concerned. Having a player return this early in the game is just an easy target for another house decision to have them out the door again. I expect the return visit to be brief.

There are plenty of players trying to stay on the down low. Easier said than done, but at least most realize that target avoidance is extremely important. The big mouths and arrogant fail miserably at this.
Pretty good group of knowledgeable players again. They might not play out the game like they hoped, but at least they're not completely clueless how to play the game.


Britt had a good week and her plan worked out perfectly to eliminate a strong player from a strong alliance, but it does put a pretty big target on her back now. Players get all cocky and think are genius strategist when they've got the power, but that power never lasts.

Backdoors work too easy. Especially early in the game. When a guy has no chance to prevent it, it seems like a pretty big flaw in the game IMO. Avoiding becoming a backdoor target is extremely important. Part of the laying low strategy.


I'm gonna need Pilar getting screwed over by this twist and leaving, a target being painted on Zack (and JP)'s backs, and Naeha coming back in the house for this week not to be a dud.


I'm gonna need Pilar getting screwed over by this twist and leaving, a target being painted on Zack (and JP)'s backs, and Naeha coming back in the house for this week not to be a dud.
For a season that has consistently underwhelmed and failed to deliver, that's an awful lot to hold your hat on.


Sarah is on to Zack and JP... girl needs to go to the HOH room fast and talk to Bruno. He can be convinced. She can't keep this to herself.


POV Ceremony Completed:
Noms remain unchanged. One of either Sarah or Johnny will join the other 4 evicted houseguests in the KFC re-entry challenge.
Houseguests now discussing how much this week's veto twist flopped.
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