Cody sounds like he's taking Derrick when counting possible jury votes.
Unless he realizes what a monumental error that would be when he realizes so many people are going to vote Derrick's way.
is the first HOH done? I know it started at the end of that episode.
I think he just realized that he can't beat Derrick...
He's in a good position though isn't he? [spoiler} He won part 1 of the HoH. He just needs to boring Victoria along. [/spoiler]
He seems like he wants to remain loyal to Derrick, but it may be setting in that he'd be guaranteeing himself second place if he did that.
Cody won. Second comp between Victoria and Derrick is going on now.
I'm thinking 6-3 Derrick-Cody if that happens.
Cody will call out Frankie at jury questioning. "You suck! Go roll off your sister's piggy bank. I will fucking punk the shit out of him"
Furthermore, he had the nerve to walk around the Big Brother house wearing Christine's wedding ring on HIS finger - which I find to be a major slap in the face of Christine's husband (especially considering he was non-stop touching & flirting with Christine - and not because he was attracted to her, but was willing to fuck up Christine's reputation/marriage for his own financial gain by toying with the emotions of a girl he knew had a crush on him).
Yes, Christine was also in the wrong, but I just thing Cody was particularly gross with what he did to Christine, especially knowing she's married and has suffered a half decade long history with mental illness (and taking anti-depressants which Christine had disclosed in the Big Brother house).
If anyone thinks that Cody was just being friendly with Christine, then you're clueless. It was a strategy and he knew exactly what he was doing - and that was to string along a nerdy girl with likely low self esteem that he knew wanted him, not caring whatsoever how it would affect her or her husband.
Friday show ignored Joey, Paola, Amber, Brittany, Jacosta, and Christine. Pretty much everyone who has no shot for fan favorite.Anyone else find it odd that on the Friday show they did not mention Christine at all? I mean other than that she was in the alliance. But she was involved in a lot of stuff...mostly Cody![]()
Friday show ignored Joey, Paola, Amber, Brittany, Jacosta, and Christine. Pretty much everyone who has no shot for fan favorite.
didn't watch it but did they really ignore 6 of the 8 women?
do people seriously think Nicole is a lock for all stars? she was one of the worst HGs this season
I agree. I didn't like it, but it might be interesting to see how it would work with two distinct alliances. What it did this year was make it even easier for the boy's club to target the idiots.Also, Fuck the double HOH, and BOB, it's a terrible formula.
Victoria cements herself as the worst BB houseguest of all-time.
Derrick wins 6-3.
Derrick Votes:
Victoria - Obvious.
Caleb - Votes for the best player and not the guy who voted him out.
Frankie - Votes for Derrick who he respects. Him and Cody are not on the same page.
Nicole - A superfan, has commented already that Derrick is running the house.
Donny - Team 'Murica!
Hayden - Gamer. Knows Derrick is running the house and will reward him for it.
Cody Votes
Christine - lol.
Zach - Bros. They were close in the house, but I could seeing him giving a vote to Derrick.
Jocasta - Cody and Jocosta were close, she'll give him her vote.
Yes he can. It's Cody.Cody can't be this stupid to count votes in his head knowing Derrick will win and not take Victoria if he wins the last HOH
Seeing how the game was played this year (the only year I've watched) I'm sure the Jury House will vote unanimously.
9-0 Derrick
Derrick should give that extra 50k he'll get to Cody.
Derrick should give that extra 50k he'll get to Cody.
It is against the rules to give your prize money away to another cast member.