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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Velcro Fly

Cody sounds like he's taking Derrick when counting possible jury votes.

Unless he realizes what a monumental error that would be when he realizes so many people are going to vote Derrick's way.

Red Comet

He's in a good position though isn't he? [spoiler} He won part 1 of the HoH. He just needs to boring Victoria along. [/spoiler]

He seems like he wants to remain loyal to Derrick, but it may be setting in that he'd be guaranteeing himself second place if he did that.
So Derrick is going to make it to the final two having run the entire season while never going on the block? Honestly, I don't care how shitty the rest of the houseguests were this season, that's really impressive.

Velcro Fly

Especially when four people went on the block every week. He never even went up as the pawn no one would vote for. He was so in with everyone he was never nominated.

although how many times did his alliance completely dominate comps for an entire week? I feel like the non detonators really had only a week or two of chances to shake things up.
I really have no idea if Derrick and Cody are going to take each other to the final 2. Watching the live streams, I kinda think they will take each other.


Yet again Cody threatening to call someone out (which he absolutely NEVER follows through with).......

Cody will call out Frankie at jury questioning. "You suck! Go roll off your sister's piggy bank. I will fucking punk the shit out of him"


Yep Cody! I can totally see you right now launching into a tirade at Frankie and shouting out insults, at the same exact time he is going to vote for you to potentially walk away with half a million dollars.


Velcro Fly

Y'all forgetting when Cody told Frankie to basically shut up when he was like "Yeah I'll decide who wins this game if I get sent to jury" and Cody was like "Nope". Everyone remembers Caleb chiming in but Cody basically told him to stuff it when it happened too.

I can't hate Cody. Dude has a heart of gold, especially if he's so gracious to give Derrick and his family 500k.


Cody has talked a LOT of shit - that has not gone to air.

He repeatedly made fun of Nicole's acne, saying he wouldn't even have sex with her for a quickie, and also commented on how Brittany looked old and ugly without make-up.

He's also called Victoria ugly on numerous occasions.

Furthermore, he had the nerve to walk around the Big Brother house wearing Christine's wedding ring on HIS finger - which I find to be a major slap in the face of Christine's husband (especially considering he was non-stop touching & flirting with Christine - and not because he was attracted to her, but was willing to fuck up Christine's reputation/marriage for his own financial gain by toying with the emotions of a girl he knew had a crush on him).

Yes, Christine was also in the wrong, but I just thing Cody was particularly gross with what he did to Christine, especially knowing she's married and has suffered a half decade long history with mental illness (and taking anti-depressants which Christine had disclosed in the Big Brother house).

If anyone thinks that Cody was just being friendly with Christine, then you're clueless. It was a strategy and he knew exactly what he was doing - and that was to string along a nerdy girl with likely low self esteem that he knew wanted him, not caring whatsoever how it would affect her or her husband.


Grandma's Chippy
Anyone else find it odd that on the Friday show they did not mention Christine at all? I mean other than that she was in the alliance. But she was involved in a lot of stuff...mostly Cody ;)
Furthermore, he had the nerve to walk around the Big Brother house wearing Christine's wedding ring on HIS finger - which I find to be a major slap in the face of Christine's husband (especially considering he was non-stop touching & flirting with Christine - and not because he was attracted to her, but was willing to fuck up Christine's reputation/marriage for his own financial gain by toying with the emotions of a girl he knew had a crush on him).

Yes, Christine was also in the wrong, but I just thing Cody was particularly gross with what he did to Christine, especially knowing she's married and has suffered a half decade long history with mental illness (and taking anti-depressants which Christine had disclosed in the Big Brother house).

If anyone thinks that Cody was just being friendly with Christine, then you're clueless. It was a strategy and he knew exactly what he was doing - and that was to string along a nerdy girl with likely low self esteem that he knew wanted him, not caring whatsoever how it would affect her or her husband.

This is all 100% on Christine. SHE is the one that is married and chose to jeopardize and disrespect HER marriage by being flirtatious with Cody. It's not on Cody to say "Hey, you are married, get off me... hey that's your wedding ring, you shouldn't let me wear that". If she isn't respecting her own marriage, then why should he give a shit about it?

This is a game for $500k, she got played for a fool, and on national television. Had she stuck to her vows, and Christian values, then she never would have been in this position.
Cody played to his strengths, which was dangling his carrot. Christine didn't have any strength, and was determined to grab it.


Death Prophet
I thought Christine handled everything pretty well post-eviction from what they showed. I would have been so flustered being boo'ed like that. She had no friends in the jury, but she kind of just took the jokes. I wonder how they're getting along.


Anyone else find it odd that on the Friday show they did not mention Christine at all? I mean other than that she was in the alliance. But she was involved in a lot of stuff...mostly Cody ;)
Friday show ignored Joey, Paola, Amber, Brittany, Jacosta, and Christine. Pretty much everyone who has no shot for fan favorite.


Saw the basis of this observation on reddit, but it's too good not to share...

If Victoria makes it to F2...

10 times nominated

0 votes to evict

0 votes to win

It will figuratively be like she was never in the house.


Top 10 things I'd like to see at the BB finale..

Julie announces that BB casting has been fired.
The audience throws vegetables at Frankie.
Caleb gets served a restraining order.
Christine gets served divorce papers.
Cody inadvertently bops himself in the face again.
Hayden proposes to Nicole.
Zach proposes to Frankie.
Victoria says she should join Utopia in progress because she's such a good player.
Derrick shows how he can put his entire fist in his nostril.
Donny wins America's Favorite.
do people seriously think Nicole is a lock for all stars? she was one of the worst HGs this season

Her decision making skills as HOH will go down as some of the worst in all of BB-US.

It amazes me how dumb some of this cast comes off as.

Also, Fuck the double HOH, and BOB, it's a terrible formula.


Victoria cements herself as the worst BB houseguest of all-time.

Derrick wins 6-3.

Derrick Votes:
Victoria - Obvious.
Caleb - Votes for the best player and not the guy who voted him out.
Frankie - Votes for Derrick who he respects. Him and Cody are not on the same page.
Nicole - A superfan, has commented already that Derrick is running the house.
Donny - Team 'Murica!
Hayden - Gamer. Knows Derrick is running the house and will reward him for it.

Cody Votes
Christine - lol.
Zach - Bros. They were close in the house, but I could seeing him giving a vote to Derrick.
Jocasta - Cody and Jocosta were close, she'll give him her vote.


Also, Fuck the double HOH, and BOB, it's a terrible formula.
I agree. I didn't like it, but it might be interesting to see how it would work with two distinct alliances. What it did this year was make it even easier for the boy's club to target the idiots.

They need to come up with some sort of gameplay twist that discourages the "house vote" habit. It's really getting ridiculous and ruining the game.
Victoria cements herself as the worst BB houseguest of all-time.

Derrick wins 6-3.

Derrick Votes:
Victoria - Obvious.
Caleb - Votes for the best player and not the guy who voted him out.
Frankie - Votes for Derrick who he respects. Him and Cody are not on the same page.
Nicole - A superfan, has commented already that Derrick is running the house.
Donny - Team 'Murica!
Hayden - Gamer. Knows Derrick is running the house and will reward him for it.

Cody Votes
Christine - lol.
Zach - Bros. They were close in the house, but I could seeing him giving a vote to Derrick.
Jocasta - Cody and Jocosta were close, she'll give him her vote.

Seeing how the game was played this year (the only year I've watched) I'm sure the Jury House will vote unanimously.

9-0 Derrick


Cody can't be this stupid to count votes in his head knowing Derrick will win and not take Victoria if he wins the last HOH


I agree with you guys. I think Cody will win the last part of the HOH comp and take Derrick to the finals because:

1. He thinks that he can somehow can get more votes from the jury than Derrick can.

2. He has been loyal to Derrick since day 2, and more importantly he respects Derrick! I can't see Victoria getting picked to the finale because Cody doesn't think that she deserves to be there and win any amount of money. On the live cam Cody admitted the latter to Derrick.

IMO Cody would rather lose to Derrick than see Victoria win any amount of money.
Derrick should give that extra 50k he'll get to Cody.

What if he did, but it's because he took Victoria to final 2 with him instead of Cody?

Derrick doubling down on a sure bet would be the smartest thing he could do. Him paying Cody off with the extra $50k in the end out of guilt, leaves Cody right where he likely would have been anyway had he gone Final 2. Victoria gets paid out for being a willing pawn for the whole game, and Derrick still walks with $500k as was expected.
It is against the rules to give your prize money away to another cast member.

Once you get it? or to promise it ahead of time?

Because I know Frankie offered to do the latter. Which makes me think that that was part of the reason they cut the feed on Frankie's eviction day, and why they told him ahead of time it was going to happen and he faked surprise.

Maybe they gave him the notice of violation and told him he had to be evicted either through process like what was likely to happen, or he could be evicted through production and outed for having broken the rules. They didn't want to catch the potential shit storm on live feeds, and that's why they were cut. [/speculation]
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