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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I didn't say anything of the sort. But the hyperbole and conspiracy theories here and other places, year after year, are beyond absurd. And it's always, coincidentally, the most personally disliked player who happens to be blessed with constant competition rigging and game manipulation by production. Last year it was Amanda or Elissa (depending on the level of dislike from the person theorizing), this year it was Frankie who was going to sail straight to the end solely due to production influence.

It's no coincidence that the people who come up with this nonsense are the same ones who declare a few weeks in that they're no longer interested in the season and are therefore no longer watching. Because, clearly, they aren't.

Oh, and now I see that production has already decided that Frankie will win AFP. Will those who are making those claims admit to being wrong if he doesn't? I'm skeptical.
They're there because they legitimately happen. This isn't regulated like TAR/Survivor, under Game Show rules. Production plays favorites. Starting with BB8, all pretense of fair play went out the window.


It's a shame there wasn't a real audience. Then again, he would convince himself and everyone else around him that any boos were from homophobic people instead of based on his actions and words.

Derrick has this one locked up I think.


I think Cody could win last HOH and evict Derrick

No they have a final 2 deal. Then he will be astonished that Derrick's been winning money this whole time plus he gets more money because he won as a member of team america.

You could say the same about evicting Dan or Will. It's smart, but that play never happens, for whatever reason.

Red Comet

I think Cody could win last HOH and evict Derrick

It's possible, but I don't think it will happen. If it does, I hope the jury votes for Victoria. I think a much bigger threat for Derrick is for Caleb to win the veto and then win the final HOH. He could likely take Cody over Derrick.

Edit: actually it looks like Cody won PoV so BMC will probably get blindsided tomorrow

Velcro Fly

I feel like someone should have had a pen and paper to record all of the outlandish shit Caleb has claimed happened in his life and somehow turn it into a movie or TV show. I swear no matter how bad you had it he's had it worse. No matter how good you are at something, he's either better or knows someone who is. I just can't stand people like that but he's so goofy and unbelievable it doesn't bother me in the least.
I feel like someone should have had a pen and paper to record all of the outlandish shit Caleb has claimed happened in his life and somehow turn it into a movie or TV show. I swear no matter how bad you had it he's had it worse. No matter how good you are at something, he's either better or knows someone who is. I just can't stand people like that but he's so goofy and unbelievable it doesn't bother me in the least.

Caleb needs to be lock up in a room with Joe from #BB14.


Derrick just won HoH and Cody just won PoV!!!

Bye Bye Caleb! You should have put either Cody or Derrick up on the block last week, instead of throwing your final 2 alliance member Frankie under the bus!

This is going to be a messy eviction! Caleb truly thinks Cody and Derrick have his back, and when he finds out they screwed him over (they already discussed they plan to evict Caleb), he is going to go nuts!


Derrick just won HoH and Cody just won PoV!!!

Bye Bye Caleb! You should have put either Cody or Derrick up on the block last week, instead of throwing your final 2 alliance member Frankie under the bus!

This is going to be a messy eviction! Caleb truly thinks Cody and Derrick have his back, and when he finds out they screwed him over (they already discussed they plan to evict Caleb), he is going to go nuts!

So this confirms Derrick wins this season. :(



The nominations are also over. Derrick as HoH nominated Caleb & Victoria.

Cody as PoV winner will choose not to change the nominations and next eviction Caleb is out, yet just a few seconds ago on the live feed he was laughing about the idea of Victoria campaigning to stay in the house.

He truly thinks Cody & Derrick are keeping him!

Red Comet

I feel like someone should have had a pen and paper to record all of the outlandish shit Caleb has claimed happened in his life and somehow turn it into a movie or TV show. I swear no matter how bad you had it he's had it worse. No matter how good you are at something, he's either better or knows someone who is. I just can't stand people like that but he's so goofy and unbelievable it doesn't bother me in the least.

Somebody did do this in a blog;


The most interesting man in the world.
Props to Derrick for playing a great (but insanely boring) game. Frankie was the winner this shitty season deserved (like Andy last season), but I can never be upset at the best gameplayer in the house winning.
I don't think Cody is dumb enough to take Derrick over Victoria if he wins.
There are parallels between Big Jon Pardy and Cody. Both are players who strategically ride the coattails of their more intelligent partners. The question is, will Derrick get Neda'd in the end, in scenario that Cody wins final HoH. I think no. The difference between the two duos is that with Jon and Neda was more of a partnership. Moreover, Neda molded Jon to become a better game player. Derrick conversely is as much partners with Cody as a ventriloquist is with his dummy. Cody is just too easily manipulated by Derrick. And from what I heard, Derrick has been drilling it into people's heads that he won't win in the end. It's a no brainer in my opinion. Derrick wins in the end. And I for one, welcome our new Derrick overlord.

Velcro Fly

I know the jury likes him but Derrick better be rehearsing his pitch to the jury. I just don't trust some of these dumb people that will end up on the jury to vote for him. We have people being called beasts for winning an inflated number of comps this year and for riding the coattails of an alliance that was the only group playing the game the entire summer.

Somebody did do this in a blog;


The most interesting man in the world.

oh my gosh yes!


I know the jury likes him but Derrick better be rehearsing his pitch to the jury. I just don't trust some of these dumb people that will end up on the jury to vote for him. We have people being called beasts for winning an inflated number of comps this year and for riding the coattails of an alliance that was the only group playing the game the entire summer.

Derrick just has to say: "Yeah, I didn't win a lot of competitions. But the truth is I was still the real HOH for the last ~10 weeks. Deep down, you all know it's true".

And if it's a final 2 with Victoria, he doesn't even have to say a word, except maybe "Thanks, Victoria".


Frankie eviction interview: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/09/17/big-brother-frankie-rewind/

Actually had a couple good answers, who wouldn't thought?

How would you describe your feelings over the fact that Victoria lasted longer in this game than you did?

I’m at peace with it. Victoria’s road in the house, though unburdened by any gaming or strategy, has been a difficult one for her. I have to give her props for lasting as long as she did without any major psychotic break. Also, I completely understand the strategy of bringing along somebody you can beat to the end of the game.

Anyone that does not win this game will have a regret or something they wish they could go back in time and change. What’s your biggest regret?

Trusting Caleb. Period. I should have known that if I was able to manipulate him so easily, someone else would have figured it out and use it against me. And looking back it should have been either him or Derrick sitting next to Victoria in my last HOH, not Cody.


Super Member
TBH out of the final 4 I wish Victoria would make the final 2. Is she kicked out yet?

On one hand, the women played really really bad games. On the other, watching all the guys picking them off wasn't very fun to watch. They only let one woman through because they thought she was the weakest.

It's not a serious hope but karma would be hilarious.


TBH out of the final 4 I wish Victoria would make the final 2. Is she kicked out yet?

On one hand, the women played really really bad games. On the other, watching all the guys picking them off wasn't very fun to watch. They only let one woman through because they thought she was the weakest.

It's not a serious hope but karma would be hilarious.
Caleb will be voted out if he doesn't win Veto. Victoria could easily make F2 if Derrick wins final HoH.
So since there are only 4 people left,
Derrick is HoH, Caleb & Victoria are on the block (?)
does that mean it's up to Cody, and solely Cody to vote out Caleb?
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