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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I've been reading up on feeds this week and am confused as to what the reasoning behind sending Amber home is. Is she as bad as the boys running the house say she is? She seemed like a solid ally in their "alliance." It may be riskier for them to keep Jocasta. Or is it mostly to drive Caleb crazy?


I've been reading up on feeds this week and am confused as to what the reasoning behind sending Amber home is. Is she as bad as the boys running the house say she is? She seemed like a solid ally in their "alliance." It may be riskier for them to keep Jocasta. Or is it mostly to drive Caleb crazy?

I think a lot of it has to do with Amber working with the girls that are left in the house. Also its kind of a pity eviction cuz they don't want her in Jury where should would be stuck with Caleb LOL

Velcro Fly

Why is nobody complaining that this season is also 'voting with the house'. Every damn vote has been a shutout

most of the people getting railroaded don't deserve to be there anyway.

watching after dark last night you had the main alliance up in the HOH room scheming.

Then you had the floaters downstairs goofing off, not even aware they were in a competition for 500k.

I don't feel bad at all.


I've been reading up on feeds this week and am confused as to what the reasoning behind sending Amber home is. Is she as bad as the boys running the house say she is? She seemed like a solid ally in their "alliance." It may be riskier for them to keep Jocasta. Or is it mostly to drive Caleb crazy?

I think it's just a part of their overarching plan to get rid of Caleb. Whenever they're about to give someone the boot they just start embellishing on things that person has done or just straight up lying.

Amber also wasn't a very integral part of the alliance, she's too naive, talks too much etc


Frankie's HOH blog is up ... brace yourselves...

The following was written by a 31-year-old man...

AHHHHHHH!!!!! I am SOOOO excited to be at a computer and talking to you all!!! This is CRAZY!! As someone who posts vids, tweets, pics, and vlogs constantly, being disconnected from you guys has been a real challenge so I am really going to make this one count… so let's get started shall we?

First off I have to say thank you to everyone who lent their support to me and my family during this extremely difficult time with the passing of my Grandfather, Frank Grande. He was one of the most remarkable men on this planet and raised me like a father so to lose him was a terrible blow and to not be able to grieve with my family and comfort them has been very very trying. I am doing much better now and will honor my grandfather's last wish for me to stay and play this game harder than ever, for that is the biggest lesson Grandpa Grande taught me… When faced with an obstacle, don't back down, but fight harder.

Which brings me to this game. BIG BROTHER 16 is actually INSANE!!!!! For a while I was trying to put my finger on just what has caused this season to be so out of control and originally I thought it was the BOB twist, but eventually I figured it had to be more than that and here is what I have come up with. I believe that when Julie said to us "some of you are super fans and some of you are students of this game" as we entered this house it was a clue to the main twist of the season which is… BIG BROTHER 16: SUPER FANS vs. STUDENTS. It is the only thing that can explain how so many ridiculous moves were made in the first few weeks and why proven strategies have failed in this house with this cast. I believe the super fans are: me, Derrick, Donny, Victoria, Christine, Nicole, Cody, Jocasta and everyone else is a "student", which I believe is a very nice way of saying they have no idea what they are doing. Joey's outbreak, Pow Pow throwing comps and terrible covering, Devin's erratic strategies, Britney's paranoia, Amber's INSANE paranoia, Caleb's obsession with getting to the Jury, Zach's ATTACKS. All explainable by the fact that they have never seen the show. And it also explains why I have had to fight SO HARD SO EARLY in this game. I have been cleaning up messes that NEVER should have been made. So far everyone we have gotten out has been a "student" and if this week goes as planned, there will be another one out of here. That should spice things up a bit. I ADORE THIS GAME and I ADORE THIS TWIST if indeed I am right, but regardless, I'm taking out the stupid players first because honestly I feel that in the end they are more dangerous cause they are harder to control and harder to predict.

I've learned a few things about myself as a person and an actor in this house as well. It has been really amazing how much this experience has turned into an acting exercise. I play a lot of different characters in this house. I am not only talking about the characters I have created for everyone's enjoyment like ClaraBell DuPree, Rhinestone Silversmith (sorry for what a mess he is), and of course Frank, but I am talking about the many different versions of Frankie I play in this house. When I walked into this house I quickly realized that I had to leave Frankie Grande at the door and become someone else entirely, not only to keep my identity safe but to get further in the game. As an actor I am trained to amplify certain character traits within myself to aid me in playing a character and that is exactly what I am doing in this house. For example I pump up the frat boy side of me with Zach, the Boca Boy side of me with Victoria, the religious side of me with Jocasta, the competitive side of me with Caleb… And while they are all parts of the whole that make up Me, outside of this house they would never be so much in the forefront. They help me get further in this game because the more people see in me that reminds them of themselves, the longer they want to keep me here and the more they trust me. At least that is what I have observed. My only regret is that the world isn't getting to see the TRUE Frankie that exists outside of this house while I am on this show.


One of the hardest things about being in this house is getting no information on what my sister is up to. When I entered into this house Ariana was taking over the pop music charts for the summer and I am DYING to know what's currently happening. Are you guys LOVING Break Free (prob my favorite song of hers to date), how's Problem doing? When is her album coming out? How have her live performances been? I LOVE MY SISTER WITH ALL OF MY HEART AND SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND I'M HER BIGGEST SUPPORTER SO THIS HAS BEEN TORTURE! But I believe she is the greatest thing to happen to pop music in many years and I know she is doing well… it's just fun actually knowing how well. I miss her.

Ariana, if you are reading this I can not thank you enough for your letter to me. It meant the world to me that it came from you and you said exactly what I needed to hear at that moment to get me further in this game. Now I will return the favor. I know how difficult Grandpa's passing has been for you, but I NEED you to stay strong and take care of yourself and Mommy and Nonna until I get back. Know that I am meditating on all of you every day to give you the strength to not only get by, but to kick a$$ over these next few months. Grandpa told me to stay here and fight and you have to do exactly the same thing on the outside. I love and I miss you so much and please please please remember the joy Grandpa gave us and try and continue to share that light with others. You're stronger then you've been before… Oh and I CAN NOT WAIT for my beaded insult bracelets and bedazzled dragon… I have no idea what to expect but you've managed to combine everything I love into crafts so… I'm pretty sure I will be obsessed. Oh and let's go to Gringots the MINUTE I AM OUT OF HERE! AND WATCH 5,000 SCARY MOVIES… And gossip girl… and lay in bed with our puppies, and never leave the house… :)

Mommy… I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! Thank you for your letters of encouragement. Without them I would not be able to be writing you this letter as I would have probably been home right now, but I am extremely grateful that you have given me the strength to continue and the knowledge that you will be strong for the family in my absence. Please kiss my Nonna 500,000 times for me… I love you so much.

Nonna, please stay strong for me. I need you now more than ever. You are the apple of my eye. I love and miss you soooooooooo much and I can not wait to see you again. Everyone in the house thinks you are beautiful and can not get over what a gorgeous YOUNG woman you are.

To Derrick’s family, I am so saddened by the news of PePere Norman's passing and I assure you that I will look out for Derrick in this game as if he were my brother. America chose us to work together and we are now bonded in a way that no one but us can appreciate and it would be my honor to sit next to him in the final 2 and it will be my goal. I am already taking him to Africa with me to build the first school that my team America money has allowed me to build and I hope there will be a few more schools where that came from by the end of this journey. Much love to you all and stay strong.

To all of my amazing friends… I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I hope the viewing parties are going well, my apartment is in one piece and I am making you proud. I love you! OOOOhhhhhhhAAAAooooAAAHHHaaaaaAAAA!!!!!!!

To all the other BIG BROTHER fans, THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! It has been a crazy emotional roller coaster so far but I promise that my head is in the game and I am ready to make some GRANDE moves and get me and team America as far as I can in this game. THANK YOU FOR VOTING ME PART OF TEAM AMERICA AND I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! I can not wait to get out of this house and meet you guys and read your feedback but I'm not going anywhere for a while so in the meantime I'll say… Shine bright like a Frankie!



Frankie's HOH blog is up ... brace yourselves...

The following was written by a 31-year-old man...



His photos.


One of the comments below his blog -

Frankie, I know you injured your bottom during the POV comp because as soon as live feeds came back you dropped your underwear and showed your bleeding injury to the world. That's unfortunate. When you medicate your injury with your bare fingers and a tube of ointment you never wash your hands and then you immediately go to the kitchen and stick your hands in food. I don't know how you haven't made someone ill yet but for future reference, WASH YOUR BLOODY HANDS!



Yessssss Team America is going to give us our first non-unanimous vote next week. About time.

Although, it's extraordinarily disappointing that they have to use Team America to stir the pot, since no one in the game is doing anything.


Hard to argue with 'air'. Wasn't much of an argument rather than a call out
Right, but they were pretty confident that production had told them it could just be Zach berating her. We discussed that a few pages ago. I'm pretty sure it was Derrick who asked specifically and they told him it would count.


What are the two options for team America? Didn't watch the episode.

Vote against the majority of the house and then publicly accuse two people during the eviction fallout.


Get two members of Team America to become Heads of Household this week by winning it and/or convincing others to throw it.
Amber's beauty is gonna be missed, but she's gonna be better off at home. Zach did better in this "attack" than he did at the nomination ceremony.

I'm glad they failed that Team America challenge too!

I like Zach but man he looked like a clown with that speech, especially with Amber just shrugging it all off.
No one takes him serious at all. He's trying so hard to be hated that he just looks dumb.



Vote against the majority of the house and then publicly accuse two people during the eviction fallout.


Get two members of Team America to become Heads of Household this week by winning it and/or convincing others to throw it.

So battle of the block continues next week than. Which sucks.
If we vote Mission A, do they have to do it tomorrow? That's another easy task. I guess they're gonna blame Nicole and Christine if A wins and they use it tomorrow.

Team America is basically trying to make the show not so predictable, but it always seems to be kinda predictable.
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