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Big problem with MK Deception Premium Pack (MK1)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I have the PS2 version. I can't believe no one has complained about this yet but I just found a huge problem with MK1. NO FREAKING REPTILE!! I got a double flawless & fatality on the pit using Johnny Cage and nothing happened... I just went on to the next stage. Then I started a new game and did it again with Scorpion. Again, nothing happened. Then I went online to get ProAction Replay codes so I could test it quicker with the remaining characters and still nothing. You can't fight him. Arcade perfect my ass.

*insert WTF pic here*

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Did I press the block button? Possibly, but I didn't block any attacks. Blocking anything takes away life which means you can't get a double flawless. Also, you have to press block anyway to do some fatalities (Sonya's) so thats not it.


Did you had the silhouettes scrolling in front of the Moon? You have to have those to fight Reptile

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
*slaps head*

From Gamefaqs:

To get to reptile, you must do a double flawless + fatality on the bridge
scene vs. the computer, and you must not touch block except for the fatality
if necessary, and there must have been shadows(witches, balloons, Peter Pan..)
flying across the moon in both your winning rounds.

Christ that sounds like a chore. I haven't once seen witches or anything while playing. In the SNES version you just had to get a double flawless and fatality and that was it.


The shadows only appear after several cycles. You've either got to lose a whole bunch of times or play a bunch of 2 player matches.

Sonya's is the only fatality that requires block, so that's the only time you can use block.

And no, Rep is not a glitch.

There is something like this for real in MAT 2 though. Since start pauses the emulation you cannot fight Smoke or use random select in MK II. It's such a stupid thing for Midway to miss....

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
KingV said:
Wasn't Reptile a bug? Maybe they "Fixed" him in that version.

No reptile wasn't a bug. He was a mix of sub-zero and scorpians movesets and you fight him in the pit if

1. you get the moon shadows
2. Double flawless victory, fatality with no blocks on the Pit level only (smacking the person down the pit doesn't count as fatality)

Me and my friend actually pulled this off in the arcade back in the day.

evil ways

On the Snes version Reptile was available always, but on Genesis you had to enter the DULLARD debug code to turn it on.

I've never fough him on the arcade version.


Anyanka said:
Yeah, but I'm basically certain Ermac in MK1 is a myth or gaming urban legend.

I could've sworn I saw a picture of him, but it was a long time ago so I might be remembering things wrong.


Yeah, there's a very famous pic of him that was sent to EGM but it's almost certainly fake and the story that went along with it is clearly a hoax.

You don't need to do DULLARD to get to Reptile on Genesis. The cheat menu just has a flag to make it so the shadows appear every time.

evil ways

Well I stand corrected, I haven't played MK on Genesis for a good 6-7 years.

All I remember is that there was a glitchy Reptile Sonya that had a Fatality where a flame came out her ass and burned you.


Yeah, there's a glitchy version of everybody, but Sonya is the most famous.

If you get to him during an Endurance Match his "partner" is a green glitchy version of whoever was second in the endurance.

Then there's the "metallic" Goro in SNES....
LakeEarth said:
Ermac man, Ermac.

You rang?

Anyway, Ermac (Error Macro) was featured in an issue of EGM in early 1994 I think. Some kid had snapped a polaroid of it, and provided his story. Either Boon or Tobias later confirmed that they had implemented that character in the game, but said that is was almost impossible for someone to crash the game in the way it was required to fight him. Probably over one in a million chance.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Error Macro said:
You rang?

Anyway, Ermac (Error Macro) was featured in an issue of EGM in early 1994 I think. Some kid had snapped a polaroid of it, and provided his story. Either Boon or Tobias later confirmed that they had implemented that character in the game, but said that is was almost impossible for someone to crash the game in the way it was required to fight him. Probably over one in a million chance.

didn't they add him as a hidden character in later Mortal Kombats though? My memory in this issue is fuzzy.


Ermac was added to UMK3 as a real character.

The kid's story in EGM is an obvious hoax if you read it today. He actually claims to have seen him TWICE. The first time he jumped down and gave clues and the second time(2 weeks later, iirc) he fought him. His story has all this goofy stuff, like Ermac supposedly taunting him and his name being in the lifebar, all kinds of stuff that's clearly not in the game. What he described was no "glitch".

The interview where he was "confirmed" was by Ed Boon and Roger Sharpe and was in Gamepro. It's true he said it was real, but he also was extremely vague and anything Boon says(especially about game secrets) should be taken with a grain of salt. I mean, he also hinted it could be in MK II. Either way, the EGM article and the Boon article contradict each other. At least one of them is lying.

There IS something in the game called "ermacs". It's listed in the audits menu. I'm pretty sure it's just some kind of log for errors and not a red ninja. Whatever it is it has to do with the hardware because it's in other games that use it, like Smash TV, and was removed when they made the switch to T-Unit harware.

Keep in mind this is one of the most successful arcade games of all time and over a decade old now. In all this time nobody has been able to get a clear picture, provide any solid details or been able to reproduce it. Just how rare can it possibly be?

The game has also been taken apart countless times by hackers. As far as I know none of them have found anything to support him being in.
I know I've seen a video interview from waaay back in the day when Ed Boon came right out and said that Ermac is not real. He said something like, "Its a very clever hoax that somebody came up with. In computer terms, Ermac is short for "Error Macro" like there is a glitch or something. Whoever created this red ninja kind of tipped his hat to that by naming it Ermac. Really good, but its not real."

I am positive that if I died right now and went to heaven, I could ask GOD if I'm right about seeing this video and he'd say "yes". Ermac was a hoax.

Reptile on the other hand was totally real. Like everyone said, you gotta see the silouettes flying past the moon in the background (in Deception they fly past the moon during the credits) and then get a double flawless and perform a fatality without blocking. Fatalities are the one exception where blocking is okay as Scorpion and Sonya both require you to do so. In the Genesis version of the game (SNES too I think) Reptile would hop down before matches on any random stage and give clues to finding him. One I remember well was "tip eht fo mottob" which is actually just "bottom of the pit" backwards.

Can somebody tell me more about these glitchy versions of him though? In all my MK obsession, I never heard about this. Somebody please run it by me. Flames coming out of his ass????


Uno Ill Nino said:
Fatalities are the one exception where blocking is okay as Scorpion and Sonya both require you to do so.

Am I the only one that does the fatality without blocking? Just jumping to the right spot, and just before I land, press up up? Works in the MK2 version too, just gotta press punch the second you land.


Yeah, block isn't actually part of Scorpion's fatality. If you use block while trying to get to Reptile it won't work. You can hold block for any fatality in MK. You just have to release it before the final button press. It makes a lot of them easier since you don't move around.

The glitched Reptiles in Genesis MK look like regular characters, but their colors are all messed up and greenish. They do weird mixes of their moves and Reptile's. So like Raiden will do his torpedo animation and just float in air and the spear will come out. It's like the game can't figure out if it's Raiden or Reptile. It's not really something you can describe, it's just too bizarre. You can easily try it for yourself. Just do the DULLARD cheat and put the computer to one hit kills and shadows always over the moon. Then jsut get to Rep during an endurance match and you're set.
Anyanka said:
You can easily try it for yourself. Just do the DULLARD cheat and put the computer to one hit kills and shadows always over the moon. Then jsut get to Rep during an endurance match and you're set.
Man, I'm getting all nostalgic from this Gen MK talk. :) That one's exactly 10 years old, isn't it? I'll have to break it out today...

Does the Xbox MAT2 have any advantages over the GC version?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jiji said:
Man, I'm getting all nostalgic from this Gen MK talk. :) That one's exactly 10 years old, isn't it? I'll have to break it out today...

Does the Xbox MAT2 have any advantages over the GC version?

If you don't have a stick, I suppose the controller could be taken into consideration?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
It's cute to see these games taken so seriously.

I like II and III (save for the cheapy AI) tho. I play them quite regularly in fact.
Yeah the AI in MK2 drives me batshit loco. It fuels a controller-throwing rage that I haven't known since Goldeneye. You just fucking CAN'T land a harpoon or freeze shot in that game to save your fucking life. Can't do it. I've even got the difficulty all the way down. Maybe once in 20 tries is successful but only if you get lucky and freeze them while they throw somethign back at you or harpoon them while they're right next to you about to strike. That sucks balls. However, I'll keep playing because I really like the music, stages, and overall feel of the game. Its like I'm traveling back in time.

MK3 is way more playable. The AI isn't nearly as cheap. Still hate the bosses though. Motaro is unkillable. I have no idea how I used to beat him all those years ago. Fucking Midway. Its like I always said. They just throw all the strategy you practice up to the boss right out the window and give you this god-like shit you have to cheaply kill with chip-damage. Lame.


Best way to beat Montaro is linking huge chain combos. Quick reaction times and not getting cornered are your only chance.

evil ways

MK2 has a pretty big AI weakness and flaw in that it sorta tries to mirror you. You jump back, and the CPU waits 1-2 seconds still, then jumps forward right into an uppercut, a roundhouse kick or a jump kick. That's basically how I get by the whole game except Kintaro and Kahn.

Then UMK3 has the "taunt" AI technique, where if you're using anybody with a teleport move you can sorta taunt the CPU with a backward jump kick and every single time the CPU cannot resist throwing their projectile. So all you gotta do is teleport behind them and theyre open for an attack, or if you're Robo Smoke you hit em with the tele uppercut.
It's funny that back when I played these games 10 or so years ago, I never realized how cheap the AI was, in MK2 especially. It's the first thing I thought of though when I booted up MK2 the other day after playing a few rounds.

I also don't remember it being that hard to land the harpoon throws, but I mainly played the SNES version.

I also don't remember it being that hard to get to Reptile in the SNES version on MK1. I just would sweep everyone up to the Pit stage, then uppercut and there he was.
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