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Biggest sellouts in rock!?

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pestul said:

Gimme a fucking break. How long have you paid attention to U2? They were politically active from the release of their first album on. Bono and his wife lived in Africa for six months before the release of Joshua Tree researching social issues there.

I'd say selling out means forgoing who you are in an attempt to cash in on something you are not, or degrading into self-parody for a buck (see: KISS). Since U2 has been working their pet issues in the news media for 20 fucking years, I don't think they count.


GhaleonEB said:
Gimme a fucking break. How long have you paid attention to U2? They were politically active from the release of their first album on. Bono and his wife lived in Africa for six months before the release of Joshua Tree researching social issues there.

I'd say selling out means forgoing who you are in an attempt to cash in on something you are not, or degrading into self-parody for a buck (see: KISS).. Since U2 has been working their pet issues in the news media for 20 fucking years, I don't think they count.
Well, I tried a bit of irony, but obviously failed miserably.. or did I? Besides that, I was thinking more about the whole Ipod/Womb Raider stuff, but who isn't jumping on the bandwagon lately anyway.
GhaleonEB said:
Gimme a fucking break. How long have you paid attention to U2? They were politically active from the release of their first album on. Bono and his wife lived in Africa for six months before the release of Joshua Tree researching social issues there.

I'd say selling out means forgoing who you are in an attempt to cash in on something you are not, or degrading into self-parody for a buck (see: KISS). Since U2 has been working their pet issues in the news media for 20 fucking years, I don't think they count.



self parody you say?



oh yeah.


BigJonsson said:
Biggest sellouts EVER


Er, not really. I think to be a true "sellout", you have to have had some kind of artistic credibility at some point. Good Charlotte can't really be sellouts because they never had any in the first place. Same with Coldplay, like I said above. I'm thinking Sting would probably be the best example of a sellout.


Star Power said:


self parody you say?



oh yeah.

You realize they took NO MONEY for the iPod spots? None? They saw a product they liked and endorsed it for NO MONEY. That by definition is not selling out.

And HTDAAB is an awesome album, easily in their top few.
GhaleonEB said:
You realize they took NO MONEY for the iPod spots? None? They saw a product they liked and endorsed it for NO MONEY. That by definition is not selling out.

Oh right, they took no money. They just happened to endorse a product with their first single from their hotly anticipated album, in a nationally broadcasted commerical that was shown over and over again. Guerilla marketing, they got tons of money BECAUSE of that iPod ad. I doubt Atomic Bomb would have had such strong first week sales if it weren't for that ad. DOn't buy into Bono's tired rehtoric, it's bullshit. They knew exactly what they were doing.

And Atmoic Bomb is absolute trash, U2 by the books.


Everything is a gimmick and every band you ever knew sold out. Deal with it.

Maynard said:
I met a boy wearing Vans, 501s, and a
Dope Beastie t, nipple rings, and
New tattoos that claimed that he
Was OGT,
From '92,
The first EP.

And in between
Sips of Coke
He told me that
He thought
We were sellin' out,
Layin' down,
Suckin' up
To the man.

Well now I've got some
A-dvice for you, little buddy.
Before you point the finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

And if I'm the man,

Then you're the man, and
He's the man as well so you can
Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

All you know about me is what I've sold you,
Dumb fuck.
I sold out long before you ever heard my name.

I sold my soul to make a record,
Dip shit,
And you bought one.

So I've got some
Advice for you, little buddy.
Before you point your finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

If I'm the fuckin' man
Then you're the fuckin' man as well
So you can
Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

All you know about me is what I've sold you,
Dumb fuck.
I sold out long before you ever heard my name.

I sold my soul to make a record,
Dip shit,
And you bought one.

All you read and
Wear or see and
Hear on TV
Is a product
Begging for your
Fatass dirty

So...Shut up and

Buy my new record
Send more money
Fuck you, buddy.


GhaleonEB said:
You realize they took NO MONEY for the iPod spots? None? They saw a product they liked and endorsed it for NO MONEY. That by definition is not selling out.

And HTDAAB is an awesome album, easily in their top few.

I see your point.






There isn't a more annoying and worn out term used by music geeks then sellout...it's laughable stuff really.
kablooey said:
I would say Coldplay, but they never really had that much integrity in the first place. :p


I think they do. Just because they make well-creafted and comercially viable music does not make them sellouts. It's hard for me to prove but I do believe Coldplay make the music they want to make. They seem sincere in interviews and they don't take themselves to seriously about hot they are percieved. I would say that the definition of a sellout is an artist that sacrifices their art or does something that is of no artistic interest for money.

Let me take a stab at Radiohead on account of your avatar :). The definition of poser/phoney (or whatever) is an artist like Radiohead around 2000, that neglects to make music the way they want to, because of how that music may be perceived. Now, I'm a huge Radiohead fan (they're my 2nd or 3rd favorite band of all time), but their contrived plunge into experimentalism with Kid A was the predictable answer of a rock-band trying to cope with the fact that they've made one of the greatest albums ever. Don't get me wrong, I love Kid A, you can't go wrong with a songwriter like Thom and a guitarist like Johnny Greenwood, but IMO Radiohead has proven more to be posers/sellouts than Coldplay has so far.

I think we can all agree on the fact that U2 are sellouts though. First, the "screw it! let's just make commercial radio-rock"-attitude of their two latest efforts on account of the failure of Pop. Second, the iPod-deal. Bono's rationalizing of it with technology and music belonging together ("look at Jimi Hendrix") misses the point that iPods are technology that is only used for the distribution of the music, and not in the creative process.
Worm_Buffet said:
The definition of poser/phoney (or whatever) is an artist like Radiohead around 2000, that neglects to make music the way they want to, because of how that music may be perceived. Now, I'm a huge Radiohead fan (they're my 2nd or 3rd favorite band of all time), but their contrived plunge into experimentalism with Kid A was the predictable answer of a rock-band trying to cope with the fact that they've made one of the greatest albums ever. Don't get me wrong, I love Kid A, you can't go wrong with a songwriter like Thom and a guitarist like Johnny Greenwood, but IMO Radiohead has proven more to be posers/sellouts than Coldplay has so far.

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


how did i know there would be rabid bono supporters on this board

anyway, my vote goes to blink 182. I know they are pretty played out and all, but just the transition made between cheshire cat to whatever album was basically the american pie soundtrack just made them suck.
haha, I'm not know as the biggest Radiohead supporter, but that's the most ludicrous bullshit I've ever seen.

Kid A is a classic album, preceded by two more classic albums. The only thing Coldplay has done is sell a ton of albums, all insignificant, boring, and derivative. Coldplay never sold out simply because they've always been boring.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Let me take a stab at Radiohead on account of your avatar . The definition of poser/phoney (or whatever) is an artist like Radiohead around 2000, that neglects to make music the way they want to, because of how that music may be perceived. Now, I'm a huge Radiohead fan (they're my 2nd or 3rd favorite band of all time), but their contrived plunge into experimentalism with Kid A was the predictable answer of a rock-band trying to cope with the fact that they've made one of the greatest albums ever. Don't get me wrong, I love Kid A, you can't go wrong with a songwriter like Thom and a guitarist like Johnny Greenwood, but IMO Radiohead has proven more to be posers/sellouts than Coldplay has so far.
What the almighty fuck are you talking about? How in the hell is a guitar-rock band making a non-radio-friendly experimental electronic album "selling out"?


demon said:
What the almighty fuck are you talking about? How in the hell is a guitar-rock band making a non-radio-friendly experimental electronic album "selling out"?
Don't like a band? Call 'em sellouts.
Don't like something your favourite band did? Call 'em sellouts.
Did your favourite band just get popular? Call 'em sellouts.


demon said:
What the almighty fuck are you talking about? How in the hell is a guitar-rock band making a non-radio-friendly experimental electronic album "selling out"?

Yeah, you can't even equate that with 'stretching it'.. it's far more akin to insanity.

EDIT: Weren't 'The Killers' actually liked here at some point? I don't think they classify though, cause it's all been a blur since the Xbox 360.
Radiohead are not selling out, but they're not sincere about the music they're making. They sacrifice their art, not for money, but for how their music will be percieved by others. What I meant was that being a sellout is pretty much the same as being fake. You're making music to make money and receive acclaim respectively, and not the way you really want to. Coldplay OTOH has always been sincere about the music they are making.

Sorry about the random thoughts, but I'm too lazy to express myself accurately.

So EJB, you agree then? I never made any claims about the quality of the music produced by either Radiohead or Coldplay.

MC Safety

The Who sell out.

Eight retirement tours, and I can't go five minutes without hearing a Who song pushing everything from Dr. Shole's Odor Eaters to Hefty Trash Bags.

(Pretty sure I misspelled "Shole." My apologies to the good doctor.)
Worm_Buffet said:
Radiohead are not selling out, but they're not sincere about the music they're making. They sacrifice their art, not for money, but for how their music will be percieved by others. What I meant was that being a sellout is pretty much the same as being fake. You're making music to make money and receive acclaim respectively, and not the way you really want to. Coldplay OTOH has always been sincere about the music they are making.

Sorry about the random thoughts, but I'm too lazy to express myself accurately.

So EJB, you agree then? I never made any claims about the quality of the music produced by either Radiohead or Coldplay.
If they're so insincere about their music, why do you like it?


fallout said:
Don't like a band? Call 'em sellouts.
Don't like something your favourite band did? Call 'em sellouts.
Did your favourite band just get popular? Call 'em sellouts.

:lol Yep...like I said, it's a stupid, oversimplified term.



It's fucking hilarious really.
Worm_Buffet said:
Radiohead are not selling out, but they're not sincere about the music they're making. They sacrifice their art, not for money, but for how their music will be percieved by others. What I meant was that being a sellout is pretty much the same as being fake. You're making music to make money and receive acclaim respectively, and not the way you really want to.

How the hell do you're figure they're not making the music they 'want' to? How presumptuous of you. Do you know Thom and co.? Jonny listens to mainly avant garde classical composers and angular rock bands, Thom is a huge fan of the entire Warp Records back catalog, etc.. this is the type of music they love. They're 'sacrificing their art for how it will be percieved by others?' What a crock of shit. They're making the music they WANT TO MAKE, and people like you get left by the wayside and pissed off because they don't want to revert back to making guitar based brit-pop. Please. You think they give two shits about critical acclaim? They don't even read their own press.
"I can't think of a good insincere album."

You have poor taste in music anyway, so I wouldn't suspect you could. There are musicians (talented) who make music for fun and perform it likewise. Not *every* musician has to be on some heaven sent quest to speak to the human soul via melody.
Teknopathetic said:
"I can't think of a good insincere album."

You have poor taste in music anyway, so I wouldn't suspect you could. There are musicians (talented) who make music for fun and perform it likewise. Not *every* musician has to be on some heaven sent quest to speak to the human soul via melody.
I have pretty great taste in music, actually.

You're a terrible troll, really. I've barely seen your presence in any of GA's many music threads.

Please, enlighten me. What albums are you currently listening to?
I haven't claimed that sincerity is the sole factor of the quality of music. In fact, I haven't touched the subject of quality of music in any post.

Star Power, calm down. No, I can't prove what I claimed about Radiohead. But from what I've gathered from interviews, Thom couldn't cope with the success of OK Computer. And the usual reaction for a rock-band in that situation is to make something entirely different so you can play the old "you just don't get our music"-excuse. Which is what Radiohead did. Of course, I'm not that presumptuos that I claim to know this for a fact, but it just seems to me that way. And Thom does care what the press says, he had a big fight with NME that lasted for years for instance.
"You're a terrible troll, really."

I seem to get your attention with ease.

I don't really care to put up what I'm listening to for judgment by your self-proclaimed "great taste in music," but, I could use a good laugh so...

Relationship of Command by At the Drive-in
The Dungeonmaster's Guide by Dieselboy
Keasbey Nights by Catch 22
Form and Function by Photek
You Forgot it In people by Broken Social Scene

"Critique" at will.
Yeah, see, I don't care for your taste in music. I'm not going to pass you off as a person with terrible taste in music, though. At one time I liked Relationship of Command, but it doesn't do anything for me anymore.
Worm_Buffet said:
Star Power, calm down.


No, I can't prove what I claimed about Radiohead. But from what I've gathered from interviews, Thom couldn't cope with the success of OK Computer. And the usual reaction for a rock-band in that situation is to make something entirely different so you can play the old "you just don't get our music"-excuse. Which is what Radiohead did. Of course, I'm not that presumptuos that I claim to know this for a fact, but it just seems to me that way. .

You make it seem as if, pre Kid-A, Radiohead was making run of the mill guitar music. While Kid A wasn't exactly a logical progression, it isn't THAT RADICAL of a change. Have oyu heard heard "Fitter Happier?" "Climbing Up the Walls?" the atonal drone at the end of "Karma Police?" "Paranoid Android?" They're dabbled with electronica post-Bends, Kid A just took it to another level. And if Kid Amnesiac was 'insincere' how do you explain Hail to the Thief? Yes, bands tend to change their direction after making their, supposed, 'epic' album.. is that a bad thing? How was Radiohead supposed to follow up OK Computer? With more of the same? It's not a matter of "you don't get it." There isn't much to get, Kid Amnesiac isn't this extremely radical unlistenable album like people like to blow it up as. "Optimistic," "In Limbo," "Pyramic Song," "How to Disappear Completely," "I Might Be Wrong," "You and Whose Army," "Trans-Atlantic Drawl," etc. aren't radical departures from OKC-era.

he had a big fight with NME that lasted for years for instance

which is why he stopped reading press a long time ago...

Perhaps you only listen to pretentios, self-conscious and contrived music that is blatantly "art", suited for a music-elitist?

Shut up.

Relationship of Command by At the Drive-in
The Dungeonmaster's Guide by Dieselboy
Keasbey Nights by Catch 22
Form and Function by Photek
You Forgot it In people by Broken Social Scene

Are you insinuating that At the Drive-In and Broken Social Scene are without pretension? You'd be quite wrong. Because, yes, a song like "Anthems For a Sixteen Year Old Girl" is soo obviously made to have fun and 'rawk out' to.
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