Biglesworth23 said:
:lol I can't even begin to understand the whole sellout thing in music. Just doesn't make any sense to me..
So what if you want to make money? If you didn't, you wouldn't be making any more music, most likely..
So what if your sound changes throughout your musical career? Hmm.. that's strange... typically music is driven by emotion and things going on the in the world.. and I know for certain that those things change throughout time.. so why shouldn't a band's music? (Look at Alanis Morrisette's stuff.. from very angry to not really angry anymore.. and I have no problem with that.. still great stuff)..
I think perhaps the only way not to become a sellout is to:
A) Suck from the get-go.
B) Be a local garage band and not gain any popularity at all, except perhaps for about 25 loyal fans who will buy your album, but gain any more fans and you're f'ed.
:lol That's the long and the short of it...
fallout said:
Shinobi, for everything you hate, you really do get it right a lot of the time.
:lol People confuse my heavy language and strong tone for hating everything. It's simply the only way to make people listen on a forum these days.
And look at the arguing in this thread...people can't even agree with what a sellout is, yet they feel they can label one. It's absolutely priceless.
I mean, look at Bono...for all the talk of him selling out, name ANYONE who's done more to try to alleviate the debt in African countries then him. Unless you know the people who work at Amnestiy, I doubt you could. But hey, I guess that makes him a sellout right? Heh, let me know what you're doing to improve the world in between your Halo frag parties and pizza snacks bucko.
And yeah, the Rolling Stones are sellouts...even at their advanced ages, they're still selling out arenas and stadiums. :lol The most recent Stones joint I hear on the radio these days is Start Me Up, and that's over 20 years old. Mick Jaggar's already on record in saying that he wants to keep doing this until people quit buying tickets or until he croaks, and who are we to say he can't? Or how about the upcoming Pink Floyd reunion, one they said would never happen...are they now sellouts?
Hell, I guess Christian Bale is a sellout now because he went from doing small time, character-based movies to dressing up in a bat suit in a big budget popcorn flick. :lol I mean really, what's the difference here? How is it that actors can do any role they want, but musicians have to stick to something that might not generate as much income as another musical style without being ridiculed for it? Someone explain the logic to me, cause I'd love to know.
The term is simply ridiculous. Musicians who do this thing for a career do so to make money. The way some people talk, the very act of making a cent for the music that you create makes you a sellout. It's immature thinking beyond all reason.
This thread has cracked me up even though I think the whole discussion is bullshit, at least it's entertaining bullshit.
sonarrat said:
I can't believe no one has mentioned Green Day yet. Maybe because it was too obvious.
"I walk a lonely road.."
no you fucking don't, you douche.