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Bill O'Reilly pussies out at Fahrenheit 9/11 screening

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Banstick Emeritus
I love it.

Give Fox News Channel star Bill O'Reilly credit for even attending Monday night's lefty celeb-glutted premiere of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" - even if he walked out of the 110-minute Bush-bashing movie halfway through.

Only last week on his syndicated radio show, O'Reilly likened Moore to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels - author of the "Big Lie" theory of political communication. As O'Reilly explained to his radio audience, "Joseph Goebbels was the minister of propaganda for the Nazi regime and whose very famous quote was, 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.'"

So it was a tad awkward when O'Reilly, trying to sneak out of the Ziegfeld Theater and almost at the exit, came jowl to jowl with Moore himself.


"Don't you want to stay and watch the whole film?" the director demanded.

A Lowdown spy reports that O'Reilly blushed, shook Moore's hand and muttered something about having to "tape something," and then slunk off into the night. But "The O'Reilly Factor" tapes in the afternoon, hours before it airs at 8 and 11 p.m. - and well before Monday night's premiere.

Moore - who didn't return Lowdown's call for comment - was apparently skeptical. When his wife, Kathleen Glynn, came inside the theater a moment later, the filmmaker excitedly repeated O'Reilly's alibi in a scoffing tone.

Yesterday, a Fox News spokesman explained: "The movie started 40 minutes late, and Bill had a previous commitment to go to."

The flack added that O'Reilly was simply confirming Moore's booking on his Fox News show next week and that O'Reilly had already asked "Fahrenheit 9/11" producer Harvey Weinstein's office for a screener.

Again, problematic: A source close to the movie says no videotapes are being given out to anyone under any circumstances.


Give Fox News Channel star Bill O'Reilly credit for even attending Monday night's lefty celeb-glutted premiere of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" - even if he walked out of the 110-minute Bush-bashing movie halfway through.
He's just lucky he didn't get eggs and tomatoes thrown at him.
A Lowdown spy reports that O'Reilly blushed, shook Moore's hand and muttered something about having to "tape something," and then slunk off into the night.
With that handshake, it must have been like matter and anti-matter colliding.


Heh. If there was any true justice in this world, people like O'Reilly, Hannity and Rush would be chained ankle to ankle with Rummy, Ashcroft and Bush and forced to wander the country, begging forgiveness for raiding the Treasury, pissing on the Constitution and lying to America.


Raoul Duke said:
Heh. If there was any true justice in this world, people like O'Reilly, Hannity and Rush would be chained ankle to ankle with Rummy, Ashcroft and Bush and forced to wander the country, begging forgiveness for raiding the Treasury, pissing on the Constitution and lying to America.

*thumbs up*


Setec Astronomer
Only last week on his syndicated radio show, O'Reilly likened Moore to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels - author of the "Big Lie" theory of political communication. As O'Reilly explained to his radio audience, "Joseph Goebbels was the minister of propaganda for the Nazi regime and whose very famous quote was, 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.'
From one propagandist to another, I'm sure.


Raoul Duke said:
Heh. If there was any true justice in this world, people like O'Reilly, Hannity and Rush would be chained ankle to ankle with Rummy, Ashcroft and Bush and forced to wander the country, begging forgiveness for raiding the Treasury, pissing on the Constitution and lying to America.

Wait, so you're saying citizens of the USA should be shackled and forced into labor for the things they say and believe in?

Maybe you should read some of that Constitution before you start using it.


Tenguman said:
Wait, so you're saying citizens of the USA should be shackled and forced into labor for what the things they say and believe in?

Maybe you should read some of that Constitution before you start using it.

This will be amusing.


before it does, it's worth noting i hate listening to o'reilly, rush, hannity ;)

but it doesn't mean that we should chain them up for what they say.

Doth Togo

I'm a moderate and my opinions range the spectrum. It's painful to watch Fox News as they distort their opinions with fact. When I approached some people that I know who watch the channel and asked them why they watch it, they said that they like to have opinions introduced with the news.



Tenguman said:
Wait, so you're saying citizens of the USA should be shackled and forced into labor for the things they say and believe in?

Maybe you should read some of that Constitution before you start using it.
It's more like a goodwill mission than labor. Kind of like going to entertain the troops, but instead they get to entertain ME. "Dance Rummy! Dance!"



THE O'REILLY FACT: Yes, Bill O'Reilly walked out of "Fahrenheit 9/11" because he was due elsewhere. And yes, he was, like others who asked, turned down for a videotape of Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie. But Fox News Channel wants the world to know that producer Harvey Weinstein offered O'Reilly a private screening. Instead, O'Reilly plans to sit through the whole film on his own time and on his own dime.


and the olbermann/O'reilly feud sucks since only one side is yapping about it, I want the Olbermann/Imus feud again.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I believe O'Reilly... he doesn't strike me as the sort to be diplomatic about walking out of a movie if he was really walking out in disgust.


O'Reilly didn't walk out of Fahrenheit 9/11. He was thrown out after yelling "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" repeatedly at the screen.



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
FnordChan said:
O'Reilly didn't walk out of Fahrenheit 9/11. He was thrown out after yelling "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" repeatedly at the screen.

FnordChan said:
O'Reilly didn't walk out of Fahrenheit 9/11. He was thrown out after yelling "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" repeatedly at the screen.


Then quickly realising he had no switch or power to turn it off.


I thought he was screaming:

"SHUT UP! This is a no-spin zone. Buy something at billoreilly.com for your father for father's day. Maybe a nice mug! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!"
Christ, this whole thread is so one-sided and tainted with prejudice. Cannot a busy person have to leave a movie that was started 40 minutes late? I'm sure the man has an extremely tight schedule. I love the thread title, too. "pussies out." Yep, I'm sure he just couldn't take it and had to run off crying. You think that O'Reilly wouldn't want to see every minute of F911 just so he could have as much ammunition as possible to blast Moore when he appears on The Factor? Of course he would want to.

BTW, when he ran into Moore in the hallway, Moore apparently said that he will be appearing on the Factor very soon.
Error Macro said:
You think that O'Reilly wouldn't want to see every minute of F911 just so he could have as much ammunition as possible to blast Moore when he appears on The Factor?

Yes because we all know O'Reilly likes to research stuff before he rails on it.


Error Macro said:
Christ, this whole thread is so one-sided and tainted with predjudice. Cannot a busy person have to leave a movie that was started 40 minutes late? I'm sure the man has an extremely tight schedule. I love the thread title, too. "pussies out." Yep, I'm sure he just couldn't take it and had to run off crying. You think that O'Reilly wouldn't want to see every minute of F911 just so he could have as much ammunition as possible to blast Moore when he appears on The Factor? Of course he would want to.

BTW, when he ran into Moore in the hallway, Moore apparently said that he will be appearing on the Factor very soon.

There was a vote on his website whether to invite Moore on or not. They wanted him on....that is why....he accepted.


Error Macro said:
Christ, this whole thread is so one-sided and tainted with predjudice.




$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

All whiney-ass politics aside, that picture is fricken' hillarious...


Banstick Emeritus
Error Macro said:
Christ, this whole thread is so one-sided and tainted with prejudice. Cannot a busy person have to leave a movie that was started 40 minutes late? I'm sure the man has an extremely tight schedule. I love the thread title, too. "pussies out." Yep, I'm sure he just couldn't take it and had to run off crying. You think that O'Reilly wouldn't want to see every minute of F911 just so he could have as much ammunition as possible to blast Moore when he appears on The Factor? Of course he would want to.
You big baby.

What kind of fool sets out to see a movie - one which will provide tons of fodder for the mouth-breathers who share his POV - and suddenly remembers that he's got a "taping" to attend? Is this the first week of the O'Reilly Factor? Does he know know 1) when his show is taped, and/or 2) how long it takes to tape? If he doesn't, what kind of an idiot is he? (Rhetorical question, folks, no need to answer) Sneaking out of the flick, only to be caught out by the director of said film? Muttering an excuse which is easily debunked by anyone who knows the show's taping schedule?

Sheeeit. Pussy is as pussy does. As would be expected from a pussy when confronted head-on.

If you'd like to enjoy some more one-sided and prejudicial reporting, feel free to turn on Fox News whenever you like.

Doth Togo

bishoptl said:
You big baby.

What kind of fool sets out to see a movie - one which will provide tons of fodder for the mouth-breathers who share his POV - and suddenly remembers that he's got a "taping" to attend? Is this the first week of the O'Reilly Factor? Does he know know 1) when his show is taped, and/or 2) how long it takes to tape? If he doesn't, what kind of an idiot is he? (Rhetorical question, folks, no need to answer) Sneaking out of the flick, only to be caught out by the director of said film? Muttering an excuse which is easily debunked by anyone who knows the show's taping schedule?

Sheeeit. Pussy is as pussy does. As would be expected from a pussy when confronted head-on.

If you'd like to enjoy some more one-sided and prejudicial reporting, feel free to turn on Fox News whenever you like.


It's gossip mongering only when it's not favorable to your beliefs, right? For a party that seems to dish it out all the time, it really is baffling when those same people can't take it.
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