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Bill O'Reilly pussies out at Fahrenheit 9/11 screening

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WasabiKing said:
It's gossip mongering only when it's not favorable to your beliefs, right? For a party that seems to dish it out all the time, it really is baffling when those same people can't take it.
Uh, it's gossip-mongering when the "story" comes from the NY Daily News gossip columnist, and reads like something you'd hear second- and third- hand from a bunch of old ladies playing mahjong.

Lighten up. I don't care for O'Reilly, either.


Banstick Emeritus


Why all the hate for Oreilly anyways? He is just a talk show host posing as a journalist. The only thing that makes me angry is when he claims to be a journalist when he is anything but, if he would just claim to be the entertainer he is then I would have zero problems with him and he as entitled to spout his loonie thoughts as Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc.


bionic77 said:
Why all the hate for Oreilly anyways? He is just a talk show host posing as a journalist. The only thing that makes me angry is when he claims to be a journalist when he is anything but, if he would just claim to be the entertainer he is then I would have zero problems with him and he as entitled to spout his loonie thoughts as Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc.
Because people actually view him and others(Rush, Hannitty, et al) as legitimate sources of spin free information. Personally, I view them as last second replacements for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in case the other bags of hot air are unavailable.


Spike Spiegel said:
Uh, it's gossip-mongering when the "story" comes from the NY Daily News gossip columnist, and reads like something you'd hear second- and third- hand from a bunch of old ladies playing mahjong.

Lighten up. I don't care for O'Reilly, either.


Also, we should remember that he doesn't tape the entire show every time he has a "taping session"--he often has interviews outside of the normal studio with bigger celebrities.

Don't believe something just because it sounds good.


If people like having opinions fed to them with the news, that's just sad. Now, if they want to HEAR opinions, that's one thing, but the idea that people like to be GIVEN their own opinions, what the hell is wrong with this country?

Watch most of the high-profile shows on FOX News and you'll see the hosts shoving morality down everyone's throats. Sean Hannity has 99% of his liberal guests on so that he can try and bugger out of them that Clinton lied under oath. OK, so maybe he did, but who the fuck cares anymore? The fact that these hosts do not just ask questions and await responses before giving their opinion on a subject should be a good warning sign of how bad things are getting. Hannity will have someone on just so he can force them to apologize for something. He doesn't want to TALK, he just wants to have somebody admit something for his own, personla smug satisfaction.

i.e. "Al Gore was completely out of line about what he said yesterday! In times of war, we have to support our president! Why won't you admit that Al Gore was out of line?! Admit it! You know he was!" etc. etc.

Take "interviews" like that and then compare them to oh, say, an interview with Larry King and you'll see two very different kinds of "journalism."

Also, maybe I'm just daft, but I've been hearing a lot less of "We Report, You Decide." on FOX News these days. Maybe they finally realized that they couldn't get away with saying that when they decide to shove their opinions and faux morality down your throat.


Banstick Emeritus
KingGondo said:

Also, we should remember that he doesn't tape the entire show every time he has a "taping session"--he often has interviews outside of the normal studio with bigger celebrities.

Don't believe something just because it sounds good.
So he forgot he had an external taping session now? LOL


Who says he forgot it, bishop? The movie started late, thus staying for the whole thing would make him late. It's not that hard of a concept.

Anyway, Moore's 'documentaries' can hardly be called that, and fudge the truth just as much as his opponents such as O'Reilly or Rush, and shouldn't be taken anymore seriously.


Banstick Emeritus
Nice try, but no.

Any interviewer worth his salt wouldn't schedule an external "big-celebrity" on the same day he's scheduled to see one of the biggest liberal schmaltzy screenfests of the year. It's ludicrous, and really stretching credibility...then again, stretching one's credibility has never been beyond the pale for O'Reilly.
Tazznum1 said:
The movie did start 40 minutes late.

That alone would make me leave.

please stop treating this as a regular movie. it's a documentary about the bush administration. o'reilly should have stayed so the next day he doesnt talk out of his ass and say "this movie is partisan, blah blah blah. bush bashing" he needs to see the whole thing to make an informed opinion.
bionic77 said:
Why all the hate for Oreilly anyways? He is just a talk show host posing as a journalist. The only thing that makes me angry is when he claims to be a journalist when he is anything but, if he would just claim to be the entertainer he is then I would have zero problems with him and he as entitled to spout his loonie thoughts as Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc.

I do agree with you, but I think what's different here is that you have a public watching a news network so by association it is believed that everything shown is indeed factual. I guess it's not the networks' fault, all of them, that the audience is truly unable to see the obvious bias. Still, having an animated bald eagle metamorphisizing into an F-18 Hornet is recockulous.
Fox News is always on TV where I work and I happened to catch the O'Reilly Factor the day after he went to the screening and he complained about how he had to leave the movie an hour into it because it started 40 minutes late and he had a previous engagement. He would have taped that the next afternoon, probably before anyone had a chance to call him a pussy for leaving early. Call the man a douche-bag, I don't care (he is most of the time), but this is just stupid.


Unconfirmed Member
Um that was a joke guys... You know El Oh El?

It is a reference to things like the richard clarke testimony when people would say he had no credibility because he had a book coming out.


scola said:
Um that was a joke guys... You know El Oh El?

It is a reference to things like the richard clarke testimony when people would say he had no credibility because he had a book coming out.



This doesn't anything to do with this exact topic, but it is about Michael Moore and his movie, so I'll post it here. I just saw an ad on TV for 9/11 and if I saw/heard it right, this is what it said at the very beginning of the ad:

Fahrenheit: The temperature at which water begins to boil.

Now can someone look at that sentence and tell me what's wrong with it? How the hell did that get past Moore and his ad people? If it's 4 or 32 or 76 degrees Fahrenheit, is water going to boil? I don't think so. So look for that particular ad to see if I read/heard that correctly. I was kind of surprised as it seems to be among the more ignorant things I've seen on TV in awhile (note I don't watch hardly any reality TV, hence the awhile part. ;)

I haven't read any reviews for the movie, so hopefully the ad (If I'm right about what I saw), is not a preview for what the movie itself will be like. ;)


Where's that can of gas I had... oh here it is...

From Michael Moore's site after talking about other appearances:

I'd go on O'Reilly but, like a coward, he walked out on a screening we invited him to (with Al Franken just a few rows away!). I personally caught him sneaking out. Embarrassed, he tried to change the subject. He said, "When are you coming on my show?" and I said, "Turn around and watch the rest of the movie and I will come on your show." He walked out. Fair and balanced.

*backs away slowly*

A shame... it would have made for some entertaining television if these two guys went at it for a Factor segment (that's the name of O'Reilly's show, right? No Fox News in Canada).

Thaedolus said:
Anyway, Moore's 'documentaries' can hardly be called that, and fudge the truth just as much as his opponents such as O'Reilly or Rush, and shouldn't be taken anymore seriously.

So bin Laden's family wasn't flown out of the country while there was a federal ban on air travel? Please elaborate on your "fudging the truth" theory.


bishoptl said:
You big baby.

What kind of fool sets out to see a movie - one which will provide tons of fodder for the mouth-breathers who share his POV - and suddenly remembers that he's got a "taping" to attend? Is this the first week of the O'Reilly Factor? Does he know know 1) when his show is taped, and/or 2) how long it takes to tape? If he doesn't, what kind of an idiot is he? (Rhetorical question, folks, no need to answer) Sneaking out of the flick, only to be caught out by the director of said film? Muttering an excuse which is easily debunked by anyone who knows the show's taping schedule?

Sheeeit. Pussy is as pussy does. As would be expected from a pussy when confronted head-on.

If you'd like to enjoy some more one-sided and prejudicial reporting, feel free to turn on Fox News whenever you like.

damn! good post.

I tend to stick out of politics...but i really fucking hate O'Reilly...hated Rush too...and i'm Republican

sad when people start thinking assholes like them represent a certain party when the sane republicans hate them as much as everyone else

BTW: new background GET


I like Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh. I don't think Rush Limbaugh is anything like Bill O'Reilly. Sean Hannity is a republican mouth piece, and he sucks.

I mean for fucks sake guys, you are making Bill's show sound as if it's a little child prancing around whining until he gets his way, and that simply isn't so. He opens with a somewhat intelligent talking point, and then goes onto other issues. Why his show gets such a bad rap is beyond me.


Unconfirmed Member
Wolfy said:
I like Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh. I don't think Rush Limbaugh is anything like Bill O'Reilly. Sean Hannity is a republican mouth piece, and he sucks.

I mean for fucks sake guys, you are making Bill's show sound as if it's a little child prancing around whining until he gets his way, and that simply isn't so. He opens with a somewhat intelligent talking point, and then goes onto other issues. Why his show gets such a bad rap is beyond me.
Perhaps because he cuts off people's microphones when he sees he's going to lose an argument. Perhaps because he can't make one news report without slipping in some amazingly stupid/obnoxious/ignorant/assholish side comment. Perhaps because he calls his show, which is perhaps the most blatantly biased (or at least in the top 3) shows on television, the "No Spin Zone."

Basically, he's an asshole. And, as should be obvious from the last statement I made above as well as his "excuse" for walking out on the movie, he also has a tendency to lie. Not personality traits I personally find very desirable in a so-called "newsman."

For the record, I hate Michael Moore too. He's a loudmouthed, obnoxious clown. But I hate O'Reilly more.


Perhaps because he cuts off people's microphones when he sees he's going to lose an argument. Perhaps because he can't make one news report without slipping in some amazingly stupid/obnoxious/ignorant/assholish side comment. Perhaps because he calls his show, which is perhaps the most blatantly biased (or at least in the top 3) shows on television, the "No Spin Zone."

When has he unjustifiably cut off a mic? One of the only times I've seen him do it, and he does it rarely, is when a kid went off on US policy after 9/11 (his father had passed from the attack) and wouldn't stop talking, ever. What assholish comments are you talking about? Honestly.

He isn't just a reporter. He is a commentator. So of course his show is biased. It's biased towards his view of things. Just as Lou Dobbs has a bias, and just as Rick Riley has a bias. I mean what the fuck? Bias should be expected from commentators. "The no spin zone" doesn't imply OMGOMG BE OBJECTIVE EVERYTHING I SAY IS THE TRUTH OMG, it means that he calls things as he sees them, has guests of opposing viewpoints that call things the way they see them, and the audience gets to decide. Ok, I sugar coated things, but really, I don't believe Bill O'Reilly is anywhere near the level of assholes you're all portraying him to be.


Wolfy said:
When has he unjustifiably cut off a mic? One of the only times I've seen him do it, and he does it rarely, is when a kid went off on US policy after 9/11 (his father had passed from the attack) and wouldn't stop talking, ever. What assholish comments are you talking about? Honestly.

I remember that. O'Reilly seemed to some how know the guy's father better than him "You're father would be ashamed" "No he wouldn't, he'd support me" "THAT'S IT CUT THE MIC! KTHXBYE!"

Wolfy said:
So of course his show is biased. It's biased towards his view of things. Just as Lou Dobbs has a bias, and just as Rick Riley has a bias. I mean what the fuck? Bias should be expected from commentators. "The no spin zone" doesn't imply OMGOMG BE OBJECTIVE EVERYTHING I SAY IS THE TRUTH OMG, it means that he calls things as he sees them, has guests of opposing viewpoints that call things the way they see them, and the audience gets to decide.

Spin is to take something and make some political advantage out of it for your views even if that means twisting things so that it fits your view or discredits your opponents.

As for getting guests with opposing viewpoints on - from what I hear/have seen/have read, it's not like he gives his opponents much chance to put their view across. What you're saying is O'Reilly says his piece, Opponent says his piece, then maybe they talk about it some more. Usually it's O'Reilly saying his piece, opponent starting to say his piece then O'Reilly butting in, raising his voice, changing the subject etc etc

Wolfy said:
Ok, I sugar coated things, but really, I don't believe Bill O'Reilly is anywhere near the level of assholes you're all portraying him to be.

I'm not even in the US so I don't watch the show, I could here if I wanted to but I don't want to give the guy any more ratings than he already gets. He's done plenty of assholish things on his show (I still hear about what he gets up to :p), he's been caught lying... I'm not the best person to tell you about this stuff, I'm sure others will be able to, or there'll be websites (though I don't blame you if you don't want to visit sites that are just O'Reilly hate sites). Besides, at the end of the day, you could sit there and justify each and every case presented to you in terms of how O'Reilly was right to act in such a way, but that's you call.

PS - I'm sure people will be able to correct me where I went wrong.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tenguman said:
Wait, so you're saying citizens of the USA should be shackled and forced into labor for the things they say and believe in?

Maybe you should read some of that Constitution before you start using it.

hahahah yeah too bad blacks didn't have that choice... I am sure it was just a figure of speech anyways... O'Reilly is a jack ass... Rush is a racist jack ass (and O'Reilly isn't far from that also) so I would like to see them get jacked up somehow myself
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