That is hinged on the fact that Elizabeth is the one who kills him.I believe I am getting a better comprehension of it. Just took a bit more thinking
So explain to me in a little more detail why only one instance of Booker being killed before the baptism creates a paradox. Other universes still exist with Comstock.
From the OP:
In addition, every Booker killing himself is not the same thing as every Booker being drowned by Elizabeth. The former would become a constant and would contradict the after credits scene, no Booker could ever survive the baptism, and every relevant Booker goes to the baptism. If every Booker is drowned by Elizabeth, that is a paradox and a paradox cannot exist.
So if Booker had killed himself, that technically would have been a choice he made, which leaves the probability that he decided not to, which creates a brand new branch.
By making Elizabeth kill him, it creates a paradox because for even the possibility of him being killed by Elizabeth at the baptism, he has to become Comstock, steal her from (a rejected baptism timeline) Booker who had her, which would create an omnipotent Elizabeth, who could then come back in time to kill him. But that has become an impossibility because if Booker is killed by Elizabeth at the drowning BEFORE he ever becomes Comstock, how could a Comstock steal Anna, where she would become omnipotent Elizabeth and come back in time to kill him. She can't because omnipotent Elizabeth is no longer a probability. All they need to do it is once and it WILL happen once as long as it's a variable.
Again from the OP:
A single Booker must accept the baptism so the probability of Booker becoming Comstock exists so that the probability of buying Anna exists so that the probability of Elizabeth becoming omnipotent and murdering every Booker exists which means a single Booker must accept the baptism so the probability of Booker becoming Comstock exists so that the probability of buying Anna exists so that the probability of Elizabeth becoming omnipotent and murdering every Booker exists and so on. It's all one big paradoxical loop.
Take note of the fact that they are probabilities. As long as the probability exists, it has happened/is happening/has happened. By throwing a paradox in there it can no longer happen or else the probability of the paradox is still there. So what once was a variable that could end up in a paradox (Booker accepting the baptism and becoming Comstock) has to become a constant (Booker ALWAYS rejects the baptism and never becomes Comstock.). So no Comstocks exist after the paradox.