Finished the game yesterday.
I can see why some folks really adored it and were thrilled by it.
Personally it never clicked with me. I can absolutely see it's merits: the gorgeous world of Columbia, beautifully crafted, the brilliant production values and the really nice graphics.
But the story never did it for me. Like someone said it already, it's delivery was very uneven with a big chunk of it dropped on you at the very end. I also found it too far-fetched with all those multi timelines, and in my opinion the game had a bit of a 'look how smart we are'-attitude, a bit like the movie Inception which I also didn't like so it is a bit of a personal problem of mine. I also hated the little scenes with the Luteces.
So in the end I absolutely prefer the first Bioshock and Bioshock's 2 Minerva Den (which I found to be amazing!). I prefer it's story, characters but also it's gameplay. I personally prefered the plasmids above the vigors, I really liked the narrow corridors more than the great open spaces of Infinite, which battles were a bit arena-based. The gameplay was a bit too much like walking past a certain point, alarm some enemies, walk into a small space and waiting for them and killing them while waiting when the music would stop. And walking around looking for those shining objects to pick up wasn't also ideal. And I absolutely prefer the 'Circus of Values' machines above those things in Columbia.
But credit where it's due: the sound of the songbird present in Bioshock 1 is absolutely mind-blowing!
Some other players around who share my feelings?
ps like someone else said in a topic, the story told in this game didn't fit a FPS that great, and maybe could benefit more in a point-and-click adventure, although nobody buys them anymore unfortunately...