Man, it seems GAF is just hating on every good game that has come out this year.
DmC Reboot - sucks
Tomb Raider Reboot - sucks
Bioshock Infinite - not good enough
After having played Bioshock 1 just before infinite, and also a little bit of bioshock 2, I have to say that Bioshock 1 is probably a more interesting game than infinite. I felt there was more exploration and open-endedness to the combat. Also the splicers were crazy and said crazy things, and the whole big daddy/little sister/splicer ecosystem was just incredible. Collecting and buying upgrades with ADAM was also great, and there was a big emphasis on using your plasmids and the environment to kill enemies much faster (electrocuting water, setting oil slicks on fire, controlling a big daddy, enraging enemies against each other, etc.). At times it felt more like a puzzle game than an action game.
**No story spoilers, just gameplay mechanics and how Elizabeth comes into play"
Infinite on the other hand, from the 5 hours I've played, is a different game. It is more streamlined (no quicksaving, no health packs, no plasmid refills that you can carry). The guns feel better, but everything is less up close and personal and less satisfying than in Bioshock 1. The AI is very meh, and it just feels like everyone is running around trying to shoot at you without any thought. I always found it cool how in Bioshock 1 the splicers would use healing stations, for example. The vigors are also interesting, my favorite is murder of crows. Also, being able to set up traps is very cool. The vigors are all individually upgrade-able in very interesting ways, so it makes me feel the combat must really pick up later on in the game. The skylines are incredibly fun to use, and add a lot to the combat. Also Elizabeth's ability to open up rifts and bring new elements into the world is very clever. I haven't encountered any puzzles-like scenarios yet, which would have been nice if they were peppered in. Also a lack of any AI ecosystem makes the prequel overshadow this game (so far). Elizabeth is cool and kind of attractive, so it makes a single guy like me want to play this game hahaha, and the overall feel of the design and story are great. I would say this is an incredible game by today's standards, a solid 9/10 from what I've played so far, and I have a feeling it only gets better. If I was to mention one absolutely infuriating thing so far, it's the 2D roses...