Sqorin Hammerfarf
Wait... Why is Black Canary black? Please tell me that it isn't because the only thing they know about the character is her name...
Word is Leto Joker is in BoP
Leto then posted this on Snapchat
So, assuming all legit, then clearly "Joker" (Pheonix) is completely its own thing and always will be and that is probably a really good thing, now that I think about it.
I guess this is a spoiler? But I’ll tag it just in case. Sexuality details of a character:
Grace Randolph says she’s had sources confirm that Black Mask is gay in Birds of Prey. Source told her he will be portrayed “flamboyantly and obsessed with art.”
Yeah, this is going to be a definite pass for me.
shouldn't they get an actual gay man to play him then? why is Ewan McDonald taking roles away from gay actors? /sGrace Randolph says she’s had sources confirm that Black Mask is gay in Birds of Prey. Source told her he will be portrayed “flamboyantly and obsessed with art.”
Yea pandering to the gay community and making BlackMask gay is just stupid, he’s not in the comics and it’s a money grab to be all inclusive movie.
uh that looks awesome
Hmmm hot girls guess I'm down to watch that when it comes out.
Can we go back to the original Harley? The one that didn’t look like a fucking idiot and stole her personality from Deadpool?
Oh well, this well probably make a billion dollars and generate 2 spin offs that are the same old shit
why are their shitty bird wings CGI'd onto them? oh, oh, "Birds" of Prey. cos people are fucking stupid, i guess.
this looks terrible. where is the costume design? this looks like a tv show about nightclubbers or something.
why is that one girl wearing shoes with her laces untied? is that "character design"? why is she dressed like a retarded 12 year old?
I made it.