Is this a LGBTQ movie?
Is this a LGBTQ movie?
Is this a LGBTQ movie?
I want to hate this, but I have a thing for Margot
That's kind of the problem. The action scenes look fine but the rest of it looks super cheap and simple. I was expecting more considering how everyone was talking up the director.
Infact just a tease. But of the right kind... Pretty well done...Definitely just a tease. She was good in Suicide Squad, imo. Looking forward to more
Is Joker involved at all in this movie?
That's kind of the problem. The action scenes look fine but the rest of it looks super cheap and simple. I was expecting more considering how everyone was talking up the director.
Joker has set the standard so high I think watching this will feel like a Saturday morning cartoon.
otm. she looks like an emaciated meth freak.It also doesn't help that she lost some of that meat on her bones it seems
Who's willing to bet that the woman directed Birds of Prey will make $$$ and Banks will go "pffff its a comic book movie, of course it has appeal !!!!!"
I feel ya, but I’m not confident BoP will make a lot of money. It seems to have a flop vibe to me but I am wrong all the time
(I pulled this from the CA thread since my reply fit more here)
It looked better than the last trailer, but still like it's going to be a badly written, overtly woke cringefest.
Also they've clearly gone for 'Hollywood ugly' women, and that Cassandra Cain is a travesty.
So apparently BoP exists in a parallel timeline from Suicide Squad
Birds of Prey Director Says Harley Quinn Movie Is in a Parallel Timeline
How long is Birds of Prey set after Suicide Squad? Director Cathy Yan says the film takes place in a parallel timeline, so don't expect a firm