Ah... another industry'professional lamenting the poor box office of this film. This time it's legendary comic book writer Gerry Conway, co-creator of
The Punisher, blaming teenage boys for wanting to see Margot Robbie's tits and ass that she showed off in
Suicide Squad.
For the record, I'm neither a teenage boy and though I do want a glimspe of Margot Robbie's tits and ass it's not reason enough for me to watch this film. The trailers were enough to convince me to give this film a pass.
Also, it's nice of Mr. Conway to insult the teenage male crowd with his remarks. Nevermind the fact that teenage boys were the main audience of superhero comics and movies and they're probably are tired of being disparaged and told to being part of the problem. Like I said before in the thread on
Charlie's Angels, we men are not entitled to give money to female led movies out of some misguided show of empathy. Fuck off with that virtue signaling bullshit.