JareBear: Remastered
I’m glad it’s getting positive buzz. Getting my hopes up
yesterday i was kind of surprised to learn this is rated R
then i realized that it's going to have an R for language and violence, no titties allowed
makes me miss the 90s
let me know when "blood soaked and violent" has been changed to "slutty and revealing" and maybe ill buy a ticket
92% on RT so far:
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020) | Rotten Tomatoes
It's open season on Harley Quinn when her explosive breakup with the Joker puts a big fat target on her back. Unprotected and on the run, Quinn faces the wrath of narcissistic crime boss Black Mask, his right-hand man, Victor Zsasz, and every other thug in the city. But things soon even out for...www.rottentomatoes.com
The only somewhat negative comments I’ve seen are from Grace Randolph’s tweets, which seemed to indicate she thought it was “too much girl power” or something like that? I think she compares it to the recent Charlie’s Angels in that regard
either way, her review is live. I don’t watch her reviews before seeing the film first anymore excuse she spoils shit “accidentally” all the time. I’m just posting here now cuz it’s the first of the “big Youtubers” I follow
Of course critics will love it.92% on RT so far:
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020) | Rotten Tomatoes
It's open season on Harley Quinn when her explosive breakup with the Joker puts a big fat target on her back. Unprotected and on the run, Quinn faces the wrath of narcissistic crime boss Black Mask, his right-hand man, Victor Zsasz, and every other thug in the city. But things soon even out for...www.rottentomatoes.com
I want to be hyped, but Aquaman had a ton of positive buzz as well, and I barely made it 20 minutes into that piece of shit. Wonder Woman was just ok. At least I could watch the whole thing.
I needed to kill time on a 12 hour flight home from Japan, and I still couldn't be bothered to keep watching Suicide Squad. That really was a huge piece of shit.If its watchable, which by most accounts it is, then that is already a huge improvement over Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad is one of maybe 2 films in my life that I could not finish. Couldn't do it.
If its watchable, which by most accounts it is, then that is already a huge improvement over Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad is one of maybe 2 films in my life that I could not finish. Couldn't do it.
I think Suicide Squad is fine until Enchantress starts dancing.
None of the reviews have made the movie sound legitimately good, including the positive ones, but this San Francisco Chronicle review was scathing:
Review: Movies don’t get any worse than ‘Birds of Prey.’ This is the bottom
It's only the first week of February, and we may already know the worst movie of 2020.datebook.sfchronicle.com
‘Birds Of Prey’ Hopes To Slay $110M-$125M Global Opening – Box Office Preview
Suicide Squad spinoff Birds of Prey opens this weekend and is projected for a worldwide box office start between $110 million-$125 million.deadline.com
$110-$125M opening weekend (worldwide) on a $97M budget.
I doubt that. I checked the reservations for several countries and it looks waaaay worse than Solo for example. Some of the biggest theaters around here are still empty. And not just for today but for the whole weekend as well.
i sat through Suicide Squad. what a terrible movie.
but that year i saw so many Harley costumes it was ridiculous. so i kinda think they may be on to something w this.
1. It's the worldwide number.
2. Solo was a PG-13 movie that wasn't marketed until 3 months before release.
3. BoP is an R-rated movie releasing in February.
The word of good reviews is starting to spread in my area. Starts tonight and is starting to fill up. Its not gonna bomb by the looks of it but 110 might be too high.Well, we will find out. But, if the reservations are any indication, this could become a spectacular box office bomb.
That's kinda how I felt about it. I saw it today as a double feature along with Bad Boys for Life, and I think I liked that more, but this was fine too. I would've loved to have seen more Mary Elizabeth Winstead though, she's one of my few Hollywood crushes.I'm shocked I actually liked it for the most part. It's not amazing or anything but it's a fun movie. I don't have any major complaints but I had zero expectations.
That's what I plan to doI don't know if it's because Margot Robbie is ridiculously attractive, but this movie looks completely watchable to me.
I know for a fact that it's not going to be great and I'm not paying to see this shit in theaters, but it seems like a good movie to kick back, pay half attention to while drinking beers and talking shit with your boys.
If I’m honest I had severe doubts about this film. The costumes look like crap, the fight scene in the giant hand trailer looked like total dogshit and I’m not really a fan of this genre.
But that was before I saw Obi-Wan-McGregor going out of his way in several interviews to inform us that the film is actually a bridgehead in the battle against misogyny, and therefore makes an important feminist statement that we all need to take heed of in our awful world of toxic masculinity and testosterone fuelled hate.
And lets be honest folks, McGregor is the perfect guy to speak out against the misogyny that women face every day, after all he does have first hand experience of the subject at hand...
.... Because whilst lesser menfolk were honouring their vows and doting on their daughters, McGregor was busy having loads of affairs before marriage, sticking his dick in another bird during marriage and quibbling over child support for his daughter after marriage. Truly a valuable ally of the feminist movement. A paragon of virtue, virtue that must be signalled.
So having witnessed McGregors fabulous interviews about this film all my previous doubts have been dispelled and I’m now ready to do my part and go and see it. Possibly several times.
I dunno, at least he looks good waving a glow stick around.
The word of good reviews is starting to spread in my area. Starts tonight and is starting to fill up. Its not gonna bomb by the looks of it but 110 might be too high.
It started here yesterday and theaters were pretty much empty and still are or have max 5-10 reservations. Maybe this will change over the weekend, but at the moment it still looks way worse than Solo for example.
I heard in another forum that this woke shit is getting high score reviews, is it real?
Well, as Chris Stuckmann pointed out it's 86% critics score on RT but the average rating is 6.88/10.I heard in another forum that this woke shit is getting high score reviews, is it real?