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Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and You: Navigating the Future of Tech (a NeoGAF discussion thread)



ETC is fucked. Do NOT buy it. Not their first 51% attack either.

Can you translate that into something straight forward Hari. I actually have some ETC atm, but in truth I'm still in a profit zone at present with it so need to understand what this means exactly?


When I think of Bitcoin I think of the future but for whatever reason it doesn’t connect with people
i used to think this until i considered the depths of decentralization and what means for communities outside the sprawl

now i'm uncertain, feels like things could go either way
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Unconfirmed Member
Can you translate that into something straight forward Hari. I actually have some ETC atm, but in truth I'm still in a profit zone at present with it so need to understand what this means exactly?

So.. a 51% attack is when someone does 51% or more of the mining and is thus able to reverse transactions, stop transactions, double-spend, etc. Basically it buggers up the integrity of the ledger. This primarily affects new transactions and coins - I don't think it's practical to mess with past transactions for instance. 51% attacks can happen to coins that don't have particularly big hashing power behind them. In terms of advice - if it's sitting on an exchange I'd consider setting a stop loss at your break-even point.


So.. a 51% attack is when someone does 51% or more of the mining and is thus able to reverse transactions, stop transactions, double-spend, etc. Basically it buggers up the integrity of the ledger. This primarily affects new transactions and coins - I don't think it's practical to mess with past transactions for instance. 51% attacks can happen to coins that don't have particularly big hashing power behind them. In terms of advice - if it's sitting on an exchange I'd consider setting a stop loss at your break-even point.

Thanks for taking the time to clarify Hari. I have the exchange running on my second screen, so I tend to keep an eye on it that way. I'm dangerously close to hitting my actual active sell order at present (which will make for a nice 5% return...which is what I aim for...buy low, sell slightly higher, rinse repeat and gradually increase my position) and as all the coins have hit a downward trend for today I'll see how things go tomorrow. Generally I've found the volatility of ETC to be quite good for the most part but unfortunately there are a few obvious bots just hedging all the time which are irksome. Might switch to ALGO, though it seems to be riding quite high at present and its newness troubles me (didn't buy into OMG either).


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for taking the time to clarify Hari. I have the exchange running on my second screen, so I tend to keep an eye on it that way. I'm dangerously close to hitting my actual active sell order at present (which will make for a nice 5% return...which is what I aim for...buy low, sell slightly higher, rinse repeat and gradually increase my position) and as all the coins have hit a downward trend for today I'll see how things go tomorrow. Generally I've found the volatility of ETC to be quite good for the most part but unfortunately there are a few obvious bots just hedging all the time which are irksome. Might switch to ALGO, though it seems to be riding quite high at present and its newness troubles me (didn't buy into OMG either).

I'm always a little wary of keeping watch too much as that leads to emotional trading decisions. Obviously if you're scalping (rapid trades done in a matter of minutes for tiny movements) then you do it, but I prefer trades that'll take a bit longer to play out - it helps to keep hair loss down. Good decision to avoid OMG - it might just make money but it's long been a scam frankly. ALGO is newer than I'd ideally choose, but the chart is ok.

You'll notice that most of these coins I have no idea what they do. In my early days trading I'd read up thoroughly on the coins and become a bit too invested in them, which would lead to me failing to sell when the hype died down. I lost money that way. Ultimately I no longer trade on fundamentals (other than experience with a particular coin and knowing its market), I only give a shit about the chart. When it comes down to it, almost all the coins are a lot of hype for not much end product (of the shitcoins really only TUBE and BAT can be said to have a useful product underpinning them while one might argue that exchange coins like BNB will always be manipulated up by the exchanges) so bollocks to fundamentals, it's all on charts.


I'm always a little wary of keeping watch too much as that leads to emotional trading decisions. Obviously if you're scalping (rapid trades done in a matter of minutes for tiny movements) then you do it, but I prefer trades that'll take a bit longer to play out - it helps to keep hair loss down. Good decision to avoid OMG - it might just make money but it's long been a scam frankly. ALGO is newer than I'd ideally choose, but the chart is ok.

Nah. I'm not watching from the perspective of when to sell. I'm watching to assess what's a good position to set my sell price at, against the other sellers based on my profit goal. No point trying to sell a couple of hundred at a price point just above someone whose trying to offload a few thousand when you consider the 24 hr volume. Ideally I like a 5% gain (less the fee) but sometimes you've gotta shave that slightly to secure a quicker sale. Other times you can push a 6-7% gain. I have managed some quick turnarounds before, but if I get a sale a week I'm quite happy with that, as it means I'm gradually increasingly stake in the next buy in.
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Dark Rider

A quick 10 second look at the charts for a bunch of coins on Binance (they have too many - it's become a shitcoin haven where being on Binance used to mean something). As of writing I don't hold positions in any of these so I'm not shilling my bags, but then I'm on the internet and talking about crypto so I'm almost certainly a lying shitbag who's trying to steal your money.

LINK - I'd say the current peak is the 2nd peak. RSI is lower by a long way, it's running out of steam and you'd be mad to buy.
ERD - Similar story to LINK.
BNB - Through July it had 2 daily peaks, the second higher price had a lower RSI indicating running out of steam and the third peak was a tad lower justifying that analysis. If it were to hit 17000 sats or close I'd want to buy as that's a well-supported level.
ADA - The recent increase is off not much volume when you look at prior trading. I don't trust it. Daily RSI below 50 - I wouldn't buy personally.
EOS - No price movement since May. However, building volume without movement is interesting, hinting at players accumulating ready to move the price and do a pump and dump. Currently at 2700 sats, with natural (non-manipulated movement) I could see it popping up to 3200. Interesting that the 3200 level was supported for a long time and then breached but nothing very dramatic happened. Not a great long term bet for me.
XTZ - Scamshit. Just had a pump and dump through July, probably a couple of months before it goes again. Might be worth quietly accumulating a small stash for the pump though the peaks are getting smaller indicating diminishing returns.
BAND - Pumping like a motherfucker. Do not buy. You've missed the fun bit. Note the lower daily RSI for the much higher second peak - ths one's running out of steam.
SXP - Not been around long so it's hard to say much about it - no predictions from me.
LEND - On a climb after a previous peak - RSI is in a good state, 5 and 10 day moving averages look good, this might actually not be a bad option.
LTC - Negative 5/10 day moving average crossover puts me off a bit especially as it's doing fuck all.
VET - see LEND
ZEC - has decent momenum - might be worth a punt.
KAVA - pumped - unsure about 2nd peak
XMR - Sitting at a level it's tried to break since Aug 2019 - briefly maanged it in Feb but back down again. Personally I'd short from here.
MANA - long history of very derpy movement (see April 2018 and July 2018). Heavily manipulated, fuck that shit.
AMB - running out of momentum imo. Lots of volume, not much movement, suggests that the big boys are selling once it hits certain levels.
DASH - breaking out of its Bolllinger Bands while maintaining a good RSI, had a long period of accumulation while sitting at a historic low. Worth a small punt possibly.
KNC - Nope.
BAL - 2nd day on binance, not enough history to comment
ALGO - could be about to start a 2nd pump - the 5/10MA crossver interests me and RSI is in the right place. Shape looks good.
ZIL - looks too manipulated for my tastes
VITE - Horrible chart - far too volatile to trust.
DOCK - Probably too late to jump on the pump without a lot of risk
IOST - I have a sneaking suspicion it might have a small pump coming up - 51 sats to 75ish. Trouble is with coins at this low value the risks are too big. It's an absolute shitcoin.
FET - I'm having trouble getting a good read on this one.
ENJ - a small pump is possible - 5/10MA cross as RSA crosses over 50 interests me.
XLM - Nope.
PERL - probably too late now, pumped
ARPA - not interesting
SOL - not enough data - if I had to guess I'd say it's topped out
COTI - not enough data - not a bet I'd like to take.
ATOM - looks like it's heading down.
XEM - Nope
BLZ - topped out - it's hit what was a previous long-term support. If you feel brave and want to take a punt, set your stop around 840 sats (it's at 1030) and hope it keeps going, but it's a risky bet.
CHR - not enough data
COMP - not enough data - too new - but dear god it just keeps going down. Not good for a new coin.
NEO - ETH-wannabe with smart contracts, been around forever, charts don't look amazing
TRX - scam. Nope.
MATIC - I'd say there's a decent chance of making some money on it, but not a huge amount. Stops at 145 sats if you do, target around 250 from current 185.
AVA - Pumping like a motherfucker - do NOT FOMO.
CELR - Might be worth a look - stop at 47 sats
WAVES - Absolute shit
QTUM - Not with a 20 foot pole
SYS - already pumped and dumped - you missed the boat
EVX - second peak with lower RSI than first and hitting a resistance already hit twice which was previously support hit several times. That said - yesterday closed above the resistance and if today's fallback tests the resistance but stays above lets say 3600 it might be worth a punt with tight stops.
ZRX - no buy signals that I'd trust
IOTA - nope
ETC - how the price hasn't dropped harder after a 51% attack with double-spend is anyone's guess. Idiots gonna idiot. You could speculate but it's risky. Do NOT HOLD ANY in your portfolio.
THETA - it's peaked, it's done.
LISK - hitting resistance as we speak. Nope.
BAT - used by the Brave browser. It's just sitting on a support line right now - might be an opportunity for a pump but I'm not seeing any other signals worth speaking of.
XVG - nope
OMG - always been very manipulated, nope.
STEEM - dead
DOGE - pumped - likely we won't see anything for a while now

This list illustrate the term "shitcoins" perfectly :messenger_beaming:


Unconfirmed Member
Nah. I'm not watching from the perspective of when to sell. I'm watching to assess what's a good position to set my sell price at, against the other sellers based on my profit goal. No point trying to sell a couple of hundred at a price point just above someone whose trying to offload a few thousand when you consider the 24 hr volume. Ideally I like a 5% gain (less the fee) but sometimes you've gotta shave that slightly to secure a quicker sale. Other times you can push a 6-7% gain. I have managed some quick turnarounds before, but if I get a sale a week I'm quite happy with that, as it means I'm gradually increasingly stake in the next buy in.
Might be worth just setting a stop loss at the level you’d be ok to tolerate if it dropped and slowly raise the stop if the price goes up, cutting out any risk. The downside is that a sudden down spike would trigger it and could be followed by an upward move but it saves time and energy.


Might be worth just setting a stop loss at the level you’d be ok to tolerate if it dropped and slowly raise the stop if the price goes up, cutting out any risk. The downside is that a sudden down spike would trigger it and could be followed by an upward move but it saves time and energy.

Well if I'm on a rise I generally edge the price up for a bigger profit , but as I said ETC is so volatile (which is beneficial to my approach) that setting a stop is generally inviting a bad sale because it fluctuates so much. Case in point in the last couple of hours its gone up and down from 5.40 down to 5.23 back up to 5.518. I used to set stops a lot, but they just bite you in the ass more often than not. So now I just figure out my sales price and just keep an eye on things in case I need to change my position.


Unconfirmed Member
So bitcoin had a 2nd peak on the daily and dipped back down again, but RSI is dropping. This usually tells us that momentum is starting to lag and we'll see a reverse. Also 5/10 MA looks about to cross downwards, in particular the 5 is sloped down where the last peak saw them narrow but never point downwards. Typically large BTC movements tend to see alts drop like a stone so be wary with your alts and be ready to cut losses and push into dollars if you see them slip.


Traded out my ETC and bought in some ALGO when it hit a low today. Seems quite dynamic so lets see how it goes.


Unconfirmed Member
If this btcusd break over 11500 holds til Sunday midnight it invalidates my expectation of it going down. Interesting.

Kadayi Kadayi did you make a profit on etc? ALGO is a ballsy move...


Kadayi Kadayi did you make a profit on etc? ALGO is a ballsy move...

Not as much as I'd have liked. ETC got caught in a loop of people dumping it low for a period, but I HODL for about a week then set a moderate profit on my last buy in. Fortune favoured me the other day when it rallied and I cleared that to make a small gain. With the ALGO it hit a sudden low and so I though 'why not?' it might dip more, but that's the lowest its been so I figure invariably at some point its going to uptick again. I've set a sell for a 5% gain (if the price hits £0.49 I'm golden), but I will keep an eye on it and adjust the sell if looks like it is going to peak beyond and I can carve out a bigger gain.
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Man, i'm so tempted to cash in on my LTC that i bought with my trump cash and my tax return for a little under $40 each after about 2 years of liquidating all my crypto assets. Felt like a black Friday sale even after missing out on their $32 low earlier in April.


Man, i'm so tempted to cash in on my LTC that i bought with my trump cash and my tax return for a little under $40 each after about 2 years of liquidating all my crypto assets. Felt like a black Friday sale even after missing out on their $32 low earlier in April.

Probably worth putting a sell stop in if you think it's at a comfortable price point.


Heh, I used to use that very save Avatar back in the day.



I'm going to stop telling you what I'm investing in. Seems every-time I do the price suddenly plummets


Admittedly everything seems to be down, but still



Unconfirmed Member

I'm going to stop telling you what I'm investing in. Seems every-time I do the price suddenly plummets


Admittedly everything seems to be down, but still


Let's just say there is a reason I called ALGO a ballsy move! That said, I'd consider a buy if it hits 4150-ish stopping at 3500-ish with an upside possibly to 6500-7000 if it goes well. Nice R/R doing that, all assuming BTC doesn't shit the bed.
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Let's just say there is a reason I called ALGO a ballsy move! That said, I'd consider a buy if it hits 4150-ish stopping at 3500-ish with an upside possibly to 6500-7000 if it goes well. Nice R/R doing that, all assuming BTC doesn't shit the bed.

It will be fine. I just was rolling my eyes at the sudden slump. But everything is down. Once the pannickers have jettisoned I expect the speculators will swoop in and it will start climbing again.

Gold is where it is at.

Not if I invest in it and tell Hari about it's not 🤔


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Bitcoin is not backed by anything of value. It will crash hard one day.
Gold is where it is at.
Bitcoin is backed by the energy consumption of the nodes, which is also really sizable. But it's no gold obviously.


Bitcoin is backed by the energy consumption of the nodes, which is also really sizable. But it's no gold obviously.
Many people predict that when the global economy collapses the hyper rich are pulling out of bitcoin and straight into gold.
The only problem is that us plebs won't know the economy has crashed properly until it is too late.
Gold is raising in value nicely but still cheap.
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Unconfirmed Member
Many people predict that when the global economy collapses the hyper rich are pulling out of bitcoin and straight into gold.
The only problem is that us plebs won't know the economy has crashed properly until it is too late.
Gold is raising in value nicely but still cheap.

Let's follow that line of thought.. so the economy collapses - governments are going to really want some cash. Oh hi, I hear you have a big stash of gold stored in your basement. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it. Or.. So have you got any bitcoin? Me? No, never heard of it. Feel free to check my basement...


Let's follow that line of thought.. so the economy collapses - governments are going to really want some cash. Oh hi, I hear you have a big stash of gold stored in your basement. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it. Or.. So have you got any bitcoin? Me? No, never heard of it. Feel free to check my basement...
People like you will come unstuck with bitcoin if you have all your eggs in that basket.


Unconfirmed Member
People like you will come unstuck with bitcoin if you have all your eggs in that basket.

I hold no crypto currently, I made a few grand to fund my new kitchen and I was happy with that. Next?


Unconfirmed Member
And you have nothing physical that holds value.

I'd say my kitchen has a pretty decent value. Happy wife, a nice place to cook meals, and improved value for my house.

Re bitcoin: You have a value that can be easily transferred across international borders. The dollar in your pocket is backed by nothing but faith that the central bank money printer won't go too mental. Bitcoin is limited to a finite amount that can't be circumvented. Obviously it's not for you and that's fine, but I made money and will likely do so again when I spot an opportunity. Not all crypto is equal, I don't do shitcoins, but bitcoin has been around long enough to be an interesting way to place a bet, and given it's easier to hold onto than gold if the government gets ideas it's more attractive in the event of economic collapse (I notice you didn't address that by the way and went straight to "you're gonna be broke").
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And you have nothing physical that holds value.
Bitcoin has value for the same reason gold does; Someone else believes it is worth something.

You do realize there is TONS and TONS of gold in space; I bet within our lifetime you will see them mining in space, after that gold has no scarce value left behind it.

Imagine saying a currency that is literally borderless and nearly free to transacte in is worthless.. Please tell me where else I can send a million dollars or even a billion dollars without speaking to a bank or paying THOUSANDS if not tens of thousands of dollars in bank fees to move YOUR OWN MONEY? I'll wait on that answer good sir.


Bitcoin has value for the same reason gold does; Someone else believes it is worth something.

You do realize there is TONS and TONS of gold in space; I bet within our lifetime you will see them mining in space, after that gold has no scarce value left behind it.

Imagine saying a currency that is literally borderless and nearly free to transacte in is worthless.. Please tell me where else I can send a million dollars or even a billion dollars without speaking to a bank or paying THOUSANDS if not tens of thousands of dollars in bank fees to move YOUR OWN MONEY? I'll wait on that answer good sir.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Can you retards even read?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Can you retards even read?

Of course we can read, this is a forum not a picture book.

You literally say:
Many people predict that when the global economy collapses the hyper rich are pulling out of bitcoin and straight into gold.
The only problem is that us plebs won't know the economy has crashed properly until it is too late.
Gold is raising in value nicely but still cheap.

The reason gold has value is due to it being hard to extract from the ground, and even harder to find large deposits of it. What happens when some mining company finds a massive gold vein? Or like in my example; in space, where gold is plentyful.. How much value will gold have then?


Just wondering what people think is the best strat right now regarding ETH.
It was going quite high over past few days with a small retracement. Not sure if excitement has died down or if we can keep expecting it to go higher. Where do we see the price of ETH getting to in the next few years


Unconfirmed Member
Just wondering what people think is the best strat right now regarding ETH.
It was going quite high over past few days with a small retracement. Not sure if excitement has died down or if we can keep expecting it to go higher. Where do we see the price of ETH getting to in the next few years

I don't particularly like looking years ahead, it's simply not relevant to a trade. Too many risks with a trade over that length of time. In the immediate future, looking at the weekly chart for longer range I'd be interested to see bounces at $360ish or more likely $300ish. If I went in on those a weekly close below 275 would see me exit. Shorter range looking at the daily chart, clearly $410 (the current level) is of interest as it aligns with the previous peak - that said such a small jump after a big jump, coupled with the RSI dropping precipitously means I think we'll head down - at best only a small 3rd peak and then down. In short, not financial advice but I'd wait for $300-ish, but you may find some interest around 360. Disclaimer: I hold no ETH right now.
Just wondering what people think is the best strat right now regarding ETH.
It was going quite high over past few days with a small retracement. Not sure if excitement has died down or if we can keep expecting it to go higher. Where do we see the price of ETH getting to in the next few years
Personally I don't do short term trades, I like to use the HODL mentality. With that being said, when more ETH 2.0 news comes out or better yet a release date for the mainnet you will see ETH rally until that date. News like this with any coin seems to be a "buy the rumour sell the news" kinda scenario. With that being said, I believe that ETH has a ton more to offer in the smart contract space than any other competitor


Neo Member
By the way, Bitcoin, like gold, has been going up so far only slightly changing positions. They say this is a bad sign for major currencies like the dollar .. Is the printer getting ready to go crazy after the election?


Unconfirmed Member

Despite your best efforts I just hit my sell price and got my 5% :messenger_sunglasses:

Now to find my next buy in...maybe Gold 🤔
Reckon you played that pretty well. My golden rule btw is not to rush straight to the next trade. Sometimes there's just not a good move to make (especially as some coins are pretty much pegged to each other, btc drives alt price with its movements, etc - obviously gold is a different market so might present something). That said, gold looks a bit dumpy at the moment - it's crossed the centre of the Bollinger bands, we've got a negative cross on the 5/10SMA both pointing downwards, RSI is looking like dipping below 50 (all this is on the daily chart), etc. I think it overextended in the recent rally and will likely correct. If today closes below $1910 I'd say a dump is fairly likely. If in the next few days it gets back above 2k then we might see some action.


Reckon you played that pretty well. My golden rule btw is not to rush straight to the next trade. Sometimes there's just not a good move to make (especially as some coins are pretty much pegged to each other, btc drives alt price with its movements, etc - obviously gold is a different market so might present something). That said, gold looks a bit dumpy at the moment - it's crossed the centre of the Bollinger bands, we've got a negative cross on the 5/10SMA both pointing downwards, RSI is looking like dipping below 50 (all this is on the daily chart), etc. I think it overextended in the recent rally and will likely correct. If today closes below $1910 I'd say a dump is fairly likely. If in the next few days it gets back above 2k then we might see some action.

Heh the gold was a joke. Just riffing on the earlier convos. but yeah I'm going to assess the market for a bit before committing. Thinking I might start splitting my fund rather than all in on one as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Heh the gold was a joke. Just riffing on the earlier convos. but yeah I'm going to assess the market for a bit before committing. Thinking I might start splitting my fund rather than all in on one as well.

Not a bad idea to spread risk though be aware of a couple of things (basically learn from my mistakes):
1. There’s no point taking positions in two markets that are basically identical. There’s also no point taking positions in two markets that oppose each other. Eg a long on eurusd and a short on usdjpy are both bets on the dollar going down. Don’t do that.
2. Don’t have too many on the go at once - it gets hard to track strategies for each market.


Not a bad idea to spread risk though be aware of a couple of things (basically learn from my mistakes):
1. There’s no point taking positions in two markets that are basically identical. There’s also no point taking positions in two markets that oppose each other. Eg a long on eurusd and a short on usdjpy are both bets on the dollar going down. Don’t do that.
2. Don’t have too many on the go at once - it gets hard to track strategies for each market.

Yeah I was just thinking two coins at best. Maybe 50% in BTC as stable, and the other in something a bit more volatile. I only have a couple of grand invested overall, but the problem with the say ETC for instance is a 400 coin sale is quite a chunk to clear in one go without taking a hit, and staggering it is just irksome.
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Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I was just thinking two coins at best. Maybe 50% in BTC as stable, and the other in something a bit more volatile. I only have a couple of grand invested overall, but the problem with the say ETC for instance is a 400 coin sale is quite a chunk to clear in one go without taking a hit, and staggering it is just irksome.

Depends on the exchange but yeah some coins will give you a lot of slippage. Certainly getting rid of a lot of a low volume coin is a fucking nightmare. In terms of BTC and other coins - I take the view that you trade alts to get more BTC (apart from ETH) but you trade BTC and ETH to get more USD. If BTC looks like hitting the shitter then there's no point trading alts to get more btc - so holding btc while trading alts elsewhere doesn't really get you much. If you want stable keep it in USD, ie not trading. At that point though you're effectively halving your trading pot which I'm not sure about as a strategy. Of course the alternative of leveraged BTC trading so you can short BTC allows you to still profit when shit goes to shit, but don't 100x the fucker - that way lies bankruptcy.


Depends on the exchange but yeah some coins will give you a lot of slippage. Certainly getting rid of a lot of a low volume coin is a fucking nightmare. In terms of BTC and other coins - I take the view that you trade alts to get more BTC (apart from ETH) but you trade BTC and ETH to get more USD. If BTC looks like hitting the shitter then there's no point trading alts to get more btc - so holding btc while trading alts elsewhere doesn't really get you much. If you want stable keep it in USD, ie not trading. At that point though you're effectively halving your trading pot which I'm not sure about as a strategy. Of course the alternative of leveraged BTC trading so you can short BTC allows you to still profit when shit goes to shit, but don't 100x the fucker - that way lies bankruptcy.

Same strategy of BLSH, just accept a lower RoR on the bitcoin as it's less volatile. I'm not sitting my money in BTC. That would be a fucking waste of time IMHO.

Pondering XRP atm as it's at a lull, but whether it will bounce back to 0.23... 🤔
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Same strategy of BLSH, just accept a lower RoR on the bitcoin as it's less volatile. I'm not sitting my money in BTC. That would be a fucking waste of time IMHO.

Pondering XRP atm as it's at a lull, but whether it will bounce back to 0.23... 🤔

I mostly hold XRP and VeChain. XRP will be interesting in the future especially as it will now have smart contracts in a form of Flare Network (Fork of XRP into a Spark token). All XRP holders will have the possibility to claim spark tokens for free when released. Both of these crypto's have so many things going on with them that its kinda hard not the see them grow in price.

Flare Networks enables the execution of smart contracts on the XRP Ledger


I mostly hold XRP and VeChain. XRP will be interesting in the future especially as it will now have smart contracts in a form of Flare Network (Fork of XRP into a Spark token). All XRP holders will have the possibility to claim spark tokens for free when released. Both of these crypto's have so many things going on with them that its kinda hard not the see them grow in price.

Flare Networks enables the execution of smart contracts on the XRP Ledger

Fuck it

*pushes chips into the table*


Cmon No 23, Tammy needs new shoes :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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Fuck it

*pushes chips into the table*


Cmon No 23, Tammy needs new shoes :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Heh, it is gambling but i'm gonna only invest on those I see having utility...plus bitcoin as it has name recognition. Only put in what you are ready to lose. Too bad there is so much FUD in this space that it is more off putting then engaging. People keep badmouthing other assest's as in not seeing that if one asset breaks through it benefits the whole ecosystem.


Reckon you played that pretty well. My golden rule btw is not to rush straight to the next trade. Sometimes there's just not a good move to make (especially as some coins are pretty much pegged to each other, btc drives alt price with its movements, etc - obviously gold is a different market so might present something). That said, gold looks a bit dumpy at the moment - it's crossed the centre of the Bollinger bands, we've got a negative cross on the 5/10SMA both pointing downwards, RSI is looking like dipping below 50 (all this is on the daily chart), etc. I think it overextended in the recent rally and will likely correct. If today closes below $1910 I'd say a dump is fairly likely. If in the next few days it gets back above 2k then we might see some action.
A good reference point is also the dollar currency index. It has been dropping since March and is due for a correction. That means that it will increase in value and Gold/Bitcoin will drop during that correction.


Heh, it is gambling but i'm gonna only invest on those I see having utility...plus bitcoin as it has name recognition. Only put in what you are ready to lose. Too bad there is so much FUD in this space that it is more off putting then engaging. People keep badmouthing other assest's as in not seeing that if one asset breaks through it benefits the whole ecosystem.

If you've read any of my earlier posts in the thread, you'll understand I'm all about the BL/SH 5% incremental gain. If something is on a rush (like OMG atm)...I'm not buying it because if it dips, you're fucked and have to HODL until there's an upswing. Been there done that, never again.


Unconfirmed Member
Same strategy of BLSH, just accept a lower RoR on the bitcoin as it's less volatile. I'm not sitting my money in BTC. That would be a fucking waste of time IMHO.

Pondering XRP atm as it's at a lull, but whether it will bounce back to 0.23... 🤔

I'm going to call this a ballsy move.

I mostly hold XRP and VeChain. XRP will be interesting in the future especially as it will now have smart contracts in a form of Flare Network (Fork of XRP into a Spark token). All XRP holders will have the possibility to claim spark tokens for free when released. Both of these crypto's have so many things going on with them that its kinda hard not the see them grow in price.

Flare Networks enables the execution of smart contracts on the XRP Ledger

Not a fan of either of those personally. The latter especially is too centralised for my tastes, and a bit too manipulable. Re The whole Spark token thing - I've been around a while and these hold-x-get-y things never pan out well - effectively it's inflationary. Free coins end up worthless rapidly, and you tend to see the whales manipulate the parent coin upwards to get idiots to buy, then the whales, having already accumulated way before, dump the lot, en-masse. They usually aren't interested in the free coin (they want a simple profit trade) so quite often they'll dump just before the freebie coin comes out, then the freebie turns out to be worthless anyway.

A good reference point is also the dollar currency index. It has been dropping since March and is due for a correction. That means that it will increase in value and Gold/Bitcoin will drop during that correction.

DXY is pretty useful indeed - certainly it has an impact on Gold though I'm less sure of its impact on BTC.
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