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Bitcoin price skyrockets, crashes, rinse, repeat, internet starts investing in tulips

I would've lost a lot more if I didn't sell!

you're damned if you do/don't, so stay in glorious fiat and help bring it to the earth's core
How would you have lost more if tomorrow it goes to $1000, or to $10,000 in a year? I don't get it. I will never ever sell at a loss. Were you just impatient and saw it going down and thought it'd never go back up or something?

Happy Chinese new year! Soon we will see the fear mongering was for not. Price actually going up a bit now. Everyone waiting for this day thinking it'd tank are probably going to be disapointed.

Someone tipped me some doge on reddit lol apparently it is worth a buck. Also some dude was making it rain LTC giving out full coins in the litecoin subreddit. I think he gave over $500 worth.


I would've lost a lot more if I didn't sell!

you're damned if you do/don't, so stay in glorious fiat and help bring it to the earth's core

If I sold every investment whenever it goes down, I would be ruined simply by broker fees! For most of my investments, I have stop points -usually a 20% drop within a one month time frame - that cause me to sell. I strongly suggest that anyone involved in crypto currencies know how much pain they are willing to take before getting out. For my Bitcoin, I won't get out unless it drops more than 10% below its exponential growth curve. As of this post that would be $300.



these waves are pretty easy, but first thing in the morning is always my weakness. but i didn't really lose anything and made plenty on the buy at around $19, obviously.
nobody knows. it could be on a downturn it never recovers from. memes and crypto...the two most ephemeral things, wrapped into a coin lol
Doubt it will ever reach $1 a coin. That would make it's total market cap higher than bitcoin.

But then again, who knows.

Well, I just bought roughly $5 in doge from a guy on reddit. I have about 3k coins now.
If anything, I guess it'll be fun following the whole thing. And, well, worst case-scenario is that I lose $5.
Is doge worth the time and effort?
Will it ever reach $1 per coin?
It is at roughly 0.0015 right now per Doge coin. It has a LOONNNGGGG way to go to even reach one cent let alone a dollar.

If you invested let's say $7.50 now to get 5000 coins and it did one day reach a cent your looking at $50 worth or $42.50 profit. If it ever reached a dollar your looking at $5000 or $4992.50 profit. (All minus fees which are fairly negligible)

So is it worth the small risk? Sure, why not? Even though it started as a meme and I initially discredited it and do still believe it will probably fade away soon like many other altcoins, what's $7.50 or even $10-$20 if it could end up being worth so much more one day? That day could be not too far away either since next year these coins will all be mined up I believe.


Well, I just bought roughly $5 in doge from a guy on reddit. I have about 3k coins now.
If anything, I guess it'll be fun following the whole thing. And, well, worst case-scenario is that I lose $5.

exactly. no harm in throwing a few bucks at the super cheap ones. not a bad gambit to put even a $100 on some crap coins if you can afford it. You can't really predict them or evaluate them on their merits though...just buy and pray.


Am I reading this right? Volume has fallen lower than it has been in years?
This stability scares me. I should say that I'm saying that aa someone looking to purely profit as an investment and not someone who really cares about the longterm usage of crypto as a currency. I was making money off the volatility.

The past few weeks despite some good news I've been leaning now towards more doom and gloom in the future of crypto, especially litecoin which I see a serious dwindling of attention on. As someone who's holding litecoin I'm thinking of getting out with a healthy profit now while I still can.


I would like to catch a few more swings, but definitely souring on the crypto thing as a whole at the moment. From the Silk Road bust and on forward was just so damned interesting.

what I'm trying to say is, bring on the crash lol
Something is happening that as far as I know has never happened before. MtGox is almost trading at the same price as BTCE. For as long as I can remember MTGox has always been $100+ more expensive than BTCE. Right now they are $40 apart. Lowest spread I've ever seen between the two. Honestly if you have money or coins in MTGox get out if they let you. MtGox won't last the year.


This stability scares me. I should say that I'm saying that aa someone looking to purely profit as an investment and not someone who really cares about the longterm usage of crypto as a currency. I was making money off the volatility.

The past few weeks despite some good news I've been leaning now towards more doom and gloom in the future of crypto, especially litecoin which I see a serious dwindling of attention on. As someone who's holding litecoin I'm thinking of getting out with a healthy profit now while I still can.

I also have been wondering about price stability of late, and I've been looking over the charts at http://bitcoincharts.com. What I noticed is that every few months the market cycles from super high volume to low volume. Back in September through October, not a whole lot happened. Volume in trades ramped up during November through December but has decreed and flat lined recently. This current lower volume environment, however, still has more volume than in any time before November. Consequently, I expect even more extreme volatility in a few months.


Can TSMC please give AMD an exclusive month at 28nm so they can flood the market and then I can afford a GCN GPU for Mantle... And perhaps do a little mining alongside the gaming.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
The past few weeks despite some good news I've been leaning now towards more doom and gloom in the future of crypto, especially litecoin which I see a serious dwindling of attention on. As someone who's holding litecoin I'm thinking of getting out with a healthy profit now while I still can.

I'm scared for litecoin as well. I've got 26 of em, but if I sold now, I think this entire bitcoin ride would get me out roughly even. I don't want to do that. I told myself to see the ride through. Might sell for fiat and just get in on bitcoins again and wait.
OK I am totally clueless when it comes to coin mining, but I figured I'd buy 10.000 dogecoins just for the heck of it. Any way of doing it for cash? Or let me put it this way. Would a fellow gaffer sell me 10k for $16(or for whatever they are going now?)
OK I am totally clueless when it comes to coin mining, but I figured I'd buy 10.000 dogecoins just for the heck of it. Any way of doing it for cash? Or let me put it this way. Would a fellow gaffer sell me 10k for $16(or for whatever they are going now?)
Vault of Satoshi sells Doge and is pretty popular.

I don't have that much or I'd sell to you. Try Reddit and join threads and make comments to get tips. I've got all my Doge that way. I put them in a wallet and I'm just forgetting about them in the .00000001% chance they actually turn into something one day lol. Also there are well trusted people on reddit who will sell you some through PayPal or whatever. Use discretion of course with who your buying from.


I think you're looking at 0.0013 per coin or $13 for 10k.


CRASH!!!!!!!! actually at $659.00 on coinmarket cap


Bitcoin plunged more than 8 percent today after a Tokyo-based exchange halted withdrawals of the digital currency, citing technical malfunction.

Mt. Gox, a popular exchange for dollar-based trades, said in a blog post it needed to “temporarily pause on all withdrawal requests to obtain a clear technical view of the currency processes.” It promised an “update” -- not a reopening -- on Monday, Feb. 10, Japan time.

Yesterday, the Russian prosecutor general said in a statement on its website that after a meeting with the central bank, the Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry, it had concluded Bitcoin and other digital currencies are illegal under current law.

“Russia’s official currency is the ruble,” according to the statement. “The introduction of other currencies and the issue of money surrogates are banned.”

Calls to the Russian prosecutor’s press office in Moscow after hours went unanswered.

The report gained wider circulation on Twitter Inc.’s service today after RT.com, a Russian state broadcaster, published an English-language article on the action.

The price of Bitcoin was down more than 6.5 percent to $732.40 at 3:09 p.m. New York time, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, which averages prices from exchanges including Mt. Gox. The price had fallen more than 8 percent at 8:23 a.m.
I have about 3.5 coins invested right now as I'm considering cashing out till we see what happens. I fear that come tomorrow when they meet in Tokyo that there might be another drop due to Gox. What you guys thinking? I saw it today drop $50-100 in matter of minutes and bounce back up.


I have about 3.5 coins invested right now as I'm considering cashing out till we see what happens. I fear that come tomorrow when they meet in Tokyo that there might be another drop due to Gox. What you guys thinking? I saw it today drop $50-100 in matter of minutes and bounce back up.

Depends what price you got in at. Might not be a bad idea to cash out 1 while it's still $700. But if you'd just be breaking even or making a small profit I don't think it's worth it.

Once Gox is out of the picture or they manage to fix their site (unlikely considering the track record so far), price will go up. But it's not clear how long Gox will drag down the price. Honestly, I think it would be better for Bitcoin if Gox goes away completely.
Depends what price you got in at. Might not be a bad idea to cash out 1 while it's still $700. But if you'd just be breaking even or making a small profit I don't think it's worth it.

Once Gox is out of the picture or they manage to fix their site (unlikely considering the track record so far), price will go up. But it's not clear how long Gox will drag down the price. Honestly, I think it would be better for Bitcoin if Gox goes away completely.

Yeah, I'd be about breaking even at this point. I worry that with Gox and whatever is coming down tomorrow from Tokyo on speculation could drive this price down lower. Some are thinking a $400-$500 price range is coming in the next week or so as I read around. So I was thinking of maybe cashing out and waiting it out, see what happens and if it falls lower to just buy back in then at that point.


Depends what price you got in at. Might not be a bad idea to cash out 1 while it's still $700. But if you'd just be breaking even or making a small profit I don't think it's worth it.

The price you bought it for is a sunk cost. The investments you hold only have one value: the price you could sell them for today. If you think the price is going to drop tomorrow, you should sell today. Basing future decisions on sunk costs is a strategy motivated by emotion rather than rationality.
Yeah, I'd be about breaking even at this point. I worry that with Gox and whatever is coming down tomorrow from Tokyo on speculation could drive this price down lower. Some are thinking a $400-$500 price range is coming in the next week or so as I read around. So I was thinking of maybe cashing out and waiting it out, see what happens and if it falls lower to just buy back in then at that point.
Well hope you sold because shit just tanked with the GOX press release. It literally just dropped $100 before my eyes now.

LTC good time to buy more. Under $15 now.

BTC is dropping $50 in a second at times. Almost sub $500!

LTC to $13 now...

Wow. Fuck MTGOX. Pieces of shit just die already.

Someone will make millions on this swing when it rebounds. Wish I had more money to invest.

...And its back to normal again. Almost exactly where it was pre-crash. Someone actually sold Bitcoins for $100 on BTCE at the lowest. What a moron. lol Lucky person who had that buy order.
Well hope you sold because shit just tanked with the GOX press release. It literally just dropped $100 before my eyes now.

LTC good time to buy more. Under $15 now.

BTC is dropping $50 in a second at times. Almost sub $500!

LTC to $13 now...

Wow. Fuck MTGOX. Pieces of shit just die already.

Someone will make millions on this swing when it rebounds. Wish I had more money to invest.

...And its back to normal again. Almost exactly where it was pre-crash. Someone actually sold Bitcoins for $100 on BTCE at the lowest. What a moron. lol Lucky person who had that buy order.

I'm about to sell right now, gonna lose about $200 in the process which sucks, but rather get out now and wait if another drop comes and buy in.


Dear MtGox Customers and Bitcoiners,

As you are aware, the MtGox team has been working hard to address an issue with the way that bitcoin withdrawals are processed. By "bitcoin withdrawal" we are referring to transactions from a MtGox bitcoin wallet to an external bitcoin address. Bitcoin transactions to any MtGox bitcoin address, and currency withdrawals (Yen, Euro, etc) are not affected by this issue.

The problem we have identified is not limited to MtGox, and affects all transactions where Bitcoins are being sent to a third party. We believe that the changes required for addressing this issue will be positive over the long term for the whole community. As a result we took the necessary action of suspending bitcoin withdrawals until this technical issue has been resolved.

Addressing Transaction Malleability
MtGox has detected unusual activity on its Bitcoin wallets and performed investigations during the past weeks. This confirmed the presence of transactions which need to be examined more closely.

Non-technical Explanation:
A bug in the bitcoin software makes it possible for someone to use the Bitcoin network to alter transaction details to make it seem like a sending of bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet did not occur when in fact it did occur. Since the transaction appears as if it has not proceeded correctly, the bitcoins may be resent. MtGox is working with the Bitcoin core development team and others to mitigate this issue.

Technical Explanation:
Bitcoin transactions are subject to a design issue that has been largely ignored, while known to at least a part of the Bitcoin core developers and mentioned on the BitcoinTalk forums. This defect, known as "transaction malleability" makes it possible for a third party to alter the hash of any freshly issued transaction without invalidating the signature, hence resulting in a similar transaction under a different hash. Of course only one of the two transactions can be validated. However, if the party who altered the transaction is fast enough, for example with a direct connection to different mining pools, or has even a small amount of mining power, it can easily cause the transaction hash alteration to be committed to the blockchain.

The bitcoin api "sendtoaddress" broadly used to send bitcoins to a given bitcoin address will return a transaction hash as a way to track the transaction's insertion in the blockchain.
Most wallet and exchange services will keep a record of this said hash in order to be able to respond to users should they inquire about their transaction. It is likely that these services will assume the transaction was not sent if it doesn't appear in the blockchain with the original hash and have currently no means to recognize the alternative transactions as theirs in an efficient way.

This means that an individual could request bitcoins from an exchange or wallet service, alter the resulting transaction's hash before inclusion in the blockchain, then contact the issuing service while claiming the transaction did not proceed. If the alteration fails, the user can simply send the bitcoins back and try again until successful.

We believe this can be addressed by using a different hash for transaction tracking purposes. While the network will continue to use the current hash for the purpose of inclusion in each block's Merkle Tree, the new hash's purpose will be to track a given transaction and can be computed and indexed by hashing the exact signed string via SHA256 (in the same way transactions are currently hashed).

This new transaction hash will allow signing parties to keep track of any transaction they have signed and can easily be computed, even for past transactions.

We have discussed this solution with the Bitcoin core developers and will allow Bitcoin withdrawals again once it has been approved and standardized.

In the meantime, exchanges and wallet services - and any service sending coins directly to third parties - should be extremely careful with anyone claiming their transaction did not go through.

Note that this will also affect any other crypto-currency using the same transaction scheme as Bitcoin.

To put things in perspective, it's important to remember that Bitcoin is a very new technology and still very much in its early stages. What MtGox and the Bitcoin community have experienced in the past year has been an incredible and exciting challenge, and there is still much to do to further improve.

MtGox will resume bitcoin withdrawals to outside wallets once the issue outlined above has been properly addressed in a manner that will best serve our customers.

More information on the status of this issue will be released as soon as possible.

We thank you for taking the time to read this, and especially for your patience.

Best Regards,
MtGox Team


sold last night before bed

now i'm playing on the kiddie swings

awww yeah

I wish I had this much luck with the december crash, could've made a lot more than I did.


About that MtGox statement...

So basically MtGox was depending on transaction IDs to do their internal bookkeeping. Problem is, transaction IDs (but not the actual transaction) can be modified by a third party under some conditions.

This has been a known issue since May 2011 at the very least.

So the scammer(s) managed to switch a transaction ID. Then the scammer claims the transaction didn't go through. When Gox checks this, they can't find their transaction ID in the blockchain, even though the bitcoins were transacted, just under another ID!

So Gox is tricked into doing the same transaction again. Rinse, repeat.

It's definitely an ugly vulnerability, but it's not critical and there's really no excuse for MtGox. This was well known and there are several workarounds available. In any case the error should have been easy to spot on their balance after the first few scams took place. The bug itself has been mostly fixed already, but the changes would constitute a fork (I think), so the developers are hesitant to push it all the way to Release.

The MtGox statement makes it looks like the bitcoin protocol is broken, while in fact it is working just fine for everybody but them. They are trying to shift the blame but they were warned about this and did nothing. This is also independent from their fiat problems, they can't give anyone their bitcoins or dollars back. At this point it should be obvious, stay away from MtGox.

The bitcoin price plummeted, but it's mostly restored by now. Some people did a panic sell, some people bought cheap coins. That's life.
I'm about to sell right now, gonna lose about $200 in the process which sucks, but rather get out now and wait if another drop comes and buy in.
I still have LTC I got at sub $15 a while back and I didn't panic sell. You asked a question last night wether to sell or not before this crash and I guess you didn't sell. Now your going to sell for a $200 loss the day of the crash. Dude you're panicking. I don't know how people throw away money so easily like that on bad decisions.

Its like no one has been watching bicoin the last year and seen these swings in every direction. Your almost guaranteed it swings back up and that $200 loss today is even tomorrow or plus $50 the next day.

Just don't get it.

Wonder what Evilore is doing with his few thousand dollars worth of coins he bought in the $600's. I'm guessing he didn't panic sell when it dipped below $500. Gotta be patient.

Having said all this, I'm growing tired of the bullshit with this stuff and although I'm all profit no matter what I do now, there are too many shady bullshit people behind this crypto movement pulling the strings.


Having said all this, I'm growing tired of the bullshit with this stuff and although I'm all profit no matter what I do now, there are too many shady bullshit people behind this crypto movement pulling the strings.

agreed. Most of all, that max keiser dude seems super shady to me, particularly after that whole quarkcoin thing. Talking about when he tweeted, "if jesus came back today with 3 gifts, they'd be bitcoin, litecoin, and quark" for absolutely no reason. The jesus talk combined with the absolute foul mouthing of other people just leaves a really strange impression. also, he looks like a real life moe syzlack.

I love the ideas, concepts, I think it's a good training tool for future investing, and have a lot of hope, but not without some more brutal growth periods. The idiots who thought they could get away with really shady silk-road type stuff are just starting to get busted. From then on, things will be a lot more gray. Apologies to anyone I may have argued about this with in the past, but I can't really say I objectively dig what's happening with crypto at the moment. aside from crashes and taking advantage of them, of course...but that makes me part of the problem, i know.


I still have LTC I got at sub $15 a while back and I didn't panic sell. You asked a question last night wether to sell or not before this crash and I guess you didn't sell. Now your going to sell for a $200 loss the day of the crash. Dude you're panicking. I don't know how people throw away money so easily like that on bad decisions.

Its like no one has been watching bicoin the last year and seen these swings in every direction. Your almost guaranteed it swings back up and that $200 loss today is even tomorrow or plus $50 the next day.

Just don't get it.

Wonder what Evilore is doing with his few thousand dollars worth of coins he bought in the $600's. I'm guessing he didn't panic sell when it dipped below $500. Gotta be patient.

Having said all this, I'm growing tired of the bullshit with this stuff and although I'm all profit no matter what I do now, there are too many shady bullshit people behind this crypto movement pulling the strings.

Well, I hope he didn't sell any in the $500s. I have a significant amount of BTC and haven't sold any recently. I don't bother trying playing these swings even though they can be very profitable, it's just too stressful and with the manipulation going on you can easily get burned.

If BTC value goes up enough that it is life changing for me, I'll cash out some... otherwise I'll just hold on no matter how low it goes. The price is showing more signs of stability anyway despite this drop, the rebound from $500s to high $600s happened way faster than other crashes in the past. And that was with Gox trying to spin this issue into even worse news.
I still have LTC I got at sub $15 a while back and I didn't panic sell. You asked a question last night wether to sell or not before this crash and I guess you didn't sell. Now your going to sell for a $200 loss the day of the crash. Dude you're panicking. I don't know how people throw away money so easily like that on bad decisions.

Its like no one has been watching bicoin the last year and seen these swings in every direction. Your almost guaranteed it swings back up and that $200 loss today is even tomorrow or plus $50 the next day.

Just don't get it.

Wonder what Evilore is doing with his few thousand dollars worth of coins he bought in the $600's. I'm guessing he didn't panic sell when it dipped below $500. Gotta be patient.

Having said all this, I'm growing tired of the bullshit with this stuff and although I'm all profit no matter what I do now, there are too many shady bullshit people behind this crypto movement pulling the strings.

Well, I hope he didn't sell any in the $500s. I have a significant amount of BTC and haven't sold any recently. I don't bother trying playing these swings even though they can be very profitable, it's just too stressful and with the manipulation going on you can easily get burned.

If BTC value goes up enough that it is life changing for me, I'll cash out some... otherwise I'll just hold on no matter how low it goes. The price is showing more signs of stability anyway despite this drop, the rebound from $500s to high $600s happened way faster than other crashes in the past. And that was with Gox trying to spin this issue into even worse news.

I sold in at $655 when it went back up again later this morning. I was gonna cash out soon anyways since I needed the money for a few things here at home. I did get a bit scared yesterday with this whole Gox fiasco and then to see BTC dip to $100 for a few minutes this morning is crazy. I had my fun with bitcoin, but there are way too many pulling strings and playing games with this VC that is a shame.
Almost every major bitcoin news website has removed mtgox on their price trackers. A lot of the big sites like blockchain.info and coinbase have come out and said mtgox is basically full of shit and this is not a flaw with bitcoin but with mtgox and their custom wallets.

Good to see people speaking up about this and calling out mtfox for spreading their FUD. Mtgox basically is going down and they tried to take the entire bitcoin network with them today with that press release. Fuck them and I hope some Yakuza pay their Japan offices a visit sometime soon and make them disappear.


Almost every major bitcoin news website has removed mtgox on their price trackers. A lot of the big sites like blockchain.info and coinbase have come out and said mtgox is basically full of shit and this is not a flaw with bitcoin but with mtgox and their custom wallets.

Good to see people speaking up about this and calling out mtfox for spreading their FUD. Mtgox basically is going down and they tried to take the entire bitcoin network with them today with that press release. Fuck them and I hope some Yakuza pay their Japan offices a visit sometime soon and make them disappear.

Prices back in the $660 range after yesterday it had reached about $710. I wouldn't be surprised if we get another drop in the $400-500 range this week and it goes back up again.


Neo Member
Silk Road was hacked, and BTC was stolen. So the price is dropping right now. The main issue is the double spending blockchain problem. Once this is fixed the price should rebound.

Not sure were the bottom will be, but there is alot of volatility right now and a good chances to make profit buying and selling on the pumps.

Also, glad you see that you are okay EvilLore. Was a big fan of your Traveling Europe thread.
Silk Road was hacked, and BTC was stolen. So the price is dropping right now. The main issue is the double spending blockchain problem. Once this is fixed the price should rebound.

Not sure were the bottom will be, but there is alot of volatility right now and a good chances to make profit buying and selling on the pumps.

Also, glad you see that you are okay EvilLore. Was a big fan of your Traveling Europe thread.


Bunch of wankers. Don't mess with drug dealers and their money. Guessing a few bodies going to drop because of this.

If I had more fiat on an exchange I'd buy more but nope holding & really not checking exchanges at all. I just subscribe to this thread and some reddit sub's and that's it. I have an app that has a price alarm set and if it ever reaches that then I'll be cashing out. If not, whatever. Too annoying watching this stuff 24/7 with all the bullshit.
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