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Bites from the Lone Star tick can cause you to develop an allergy to meat

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Guess I'm gonna have to go extra hard on the red meat before the inevitable.

Good thing I like chicken.


ITT people don't understand how easy (& tasty) it is to replace meat in your diet. No, you don't have to go without a supertasty burger in your life again. And you can even have vegan bacon that is incredibly close to the real deal (imho, better than, but then again I was never a fan of bacon even when I still ate meat). It takes a little while to get used to and to learn how to make vegetarian/vegan food, but it's not like that doesn't hold true to new type of food with meat you haven't eaten before (i.e. if you aren't used to spicy food, it doesn't necessarily taste good the first times you eat it). There is life after meat, delicious life.


I think I'd rather let mother nature crush us with climate change.
One of the reasons ticks are spreading IS climate change, so that's kind of what is happening. These species have stayed out of colder climates until recently when they could have started spreading to new territories as winters aren't quite as long and/or harsh, in general.
[happening intensifies]


Poultry can potentially trigger it, too (they mentioned turkey specifically, but I wouldn't rule out chicken).

You couldn't let me live my fool's dream, could you?

I suppose I could come to view fish as something slightly more tasty than a damp wash cloth.

ITT people don't understand how easy (& tasty) it is to replace meat in your diet. No, you don't have to go without a supertasty burger in your life again. And you can even have vegan bacon that is incredibly close to the real deal (imho, better than, but then again I was never a fan of bacon even when I still ate meat). It takes a little while to get used to and to learn how to make vegetarian/vegan food, but it's not like that doesn't hold true to new type of food with meat you haven't eaten before (i.e. if you aren't used to spicy food, it doesn't necessarily taste good the first times you eat it). There is life after meat, delicious life.

I was a vegetarian for two years. I don't believe you.


You develop an allergy to meat, but not to raspberry jam from Lone Star?

Seriously, with Ebola and now these where I'm from, I'm super glad I'm safe here in China, away from all this. I can't eat McDonalds, but at least I can eat meat at other places.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Wasn't there a thread a week ago about a guy asking why we still eat cows when they're bad for the environment? ...We gotta find that mother fucker. He did this.


i'm trying really hard to not quote your tag here, man

really hard
Mmmmmmeh, I was like you 4 years ago. I could never think I could live without meat. Then I started thinking of how it's destroying Earth, took part in a 1 month without meat challenge I happened to notice on Facebook around the same time and never looked back, now I've been vegetarian for well over 3,5 years (and going towards veganism for the last 0,5+ years)

Even yesterday I made vegan lasagne for my meat eating friend & his girlfriend and they said it was delicious and practically indistinguishable from the meat lasagne they do.


This tick ain't so bad then.

Little guy is just trying to protect its non-human bro's.

Be warned tho if you have a nutcase veggie friend. No doubt they will bread em in their basement and then bring a hoard to your house.

"Can I use your bathroom" *places one under pillow*

Side note: after finding a bedbug in my bed recently I would just like to add it was kinda cute in a weird way. Scurrying around looking for its bro (me). Maybe this guy just wants a friend too?


Peta must be kept out if this! If they get their hands on this, the world will never be the same and meat consumption as we know it will be a lost art.

Week later peta finds out

You are the chosen few who will weild this bug spray in other to eliminate the threat. First, you must infiltrate the Peta headquarters in vegan valley and find that lab!

I still haven't written the rest of the story to the movie yet tho.


I find this to be a more pressing issue than the ebola scare. The contamination area seems pretty limited so far. Can't we just evacuate and glass the place?


Mmmmmmeh, I was like you 4 years ago. I could never think I could live without meat. Then I started thinking of how it's destroying Earth, took part in a 1 month without meat challenge I happened to notice on Facebook around the same time and never looked back, now I've been vegetarian for well over 3,5 years (and going towards veganism for the last 0,5+ years)

Even yesterday I made vegan lasagne for my meat eating friend & his girlfriend and they said it was delicious and practically indistinguishable from the meat lasagne they do.

look man, i believe you. and i do think it's a better choice, morally.
but it's a choice you made, versus having it made for you by a bug, the thesis point of this thread. making a drastic dietary change on my own vs instantly having one of my largest & favorite food groups cause me to become ill are two very different scenarios, is the thing.
Peta must be kept out if this! If they get their hands on this, the world will never be the same and meat consumption as we know it will be a lost art.

Week later peta finds out

You are the chosen few who will weild this bug spray in other to eliminate the threat. First, you must infiltrate the Peta headquarters in vegan valley and find that lab!

I still haven't written the rest of the story to the movie yet tho.

If PETA does this, can they officially be declared a terrorist group along side ALF and ELF?


Nope! Not going to America!

How long until PETA decides to go full on Terrorist, and start releasing these in cities? If they even consider it, Government should
lock them up.

Oh god. My mother's crazy vegan friend will probably try importing these now.. BRB, Raid Spray.


Then you are a shitty cook, sorry.

Actually I'm a reasonable cook and I would assume so are the cooks/chefs at the cafes and restaurants I went to. Sure, there are some delicious vegetarian meals, which I can still enjoy, but in a lot of situations there are no substitutes for the meals I love. For example, butterflying a chicken, marinating it and grilling it over coals until it's delicious on the outside whilst moist and oozing juices cannot be replicated, no matter how carefully you manipulate eggplant, mushroom and tofu.

It's not a matter of being a "shitty cook" it's a matter of working out if I wanted to sacrifice certain things. In the end I chose not to.
If PETA is behind this,there's no lengths I won't go to stop them from spreading this horrible allergy.

It'll be time to go full Jack Bauer...


If PETA is behind this,there's no lengths I won't go to stop them from spreading this horrible allergy.

It'll be time to go full Jack Bauer...

I don't entirely believe that them not being behind this will stop them from trying to spread this allergy at a large scale.
This will be seen as a sign of the Apocolypse by many an unstable person in the US...for it to show up in the US of all places...hmm, this could be one way to curb meat consumption in the population.


meh. I haven't eaten meat in almost 2 years. I've found 1:1 replacements for virtually everything except pepperoni and steaks.

I don't miss it one bit.
Wow that's sounds horrible. I'm really sorry for those people.
But I guess there are worse things than a mear allergy. I think I could live with that, I don't need that much meat in my life

def sim

This is pretty scary. I was kinda hoping this was a midwest thing (sorry!) when I saw the title, but nope, it's right here in NY.

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