Spoiler tagged two guest pass codes below.
Spoiler tagged two guest pass codes below.
Snatched the first one thanks a bunch!!
Spoiler tagged two guest pass codes below.
Got a friend code from a buddy of mine. Figured I may as well kick the tires on this since I play every damn thing else.
It's a little obtuse at first.
How do you turn off waypoints?
Character creation tool doesn't feel quite as flexible as I'd imagined.
Uh, so... Yeah, going to buy, but it's declining my credit card.
Are there skin colors? And to be clear, I'm asking if I have to be caucasian/asian in the game.
Theres a tone of different shade skin tones, so you should be good no matter what color you want to be.
Character creation tool doesn't feel quite as flexible as I'd imagined.
Whats the benefit of making multiple characters on the same Family Name?
Should I go and get this done now or don't worry about it yet.
Is the cash shop working yet? I spent $10 on daum cash on the website, but in game it keeps saying "failed to request daum cash" :/
They can also be used to help with various things like leaving them at storage facilities or near farms to take care of insects etc.
All characters share the same max energy and separate energy pools so you can use them to invest energy into nodes. They can also be used to help with various things like leaving them at storage facilities or near farms to take care of insects etc.
Had this earlier. Switch channels and your cash should show up!
For example, while in game go to the switch channel option in the disconnect menu. Click a new one to transfer to, and boom, you should be set.
I have a Radeon 7700 HD, will that be enough to run the game?
Oh gotcha thanks for the reply, If I do this would it be ok to just leave them at level 1? Or do I need to level them up to invest them into nodes etc.
Wanna focus on my main character now obviously, but I don't mind making extra characters for the benefits.
I only see six classes at character creation? No ninja or anything. What's up with that?
Fresh code here!
Both '#' are the same number, and it's my favorite one. Try your luck.
And where are the guilds at?
Jump in, and really the only thing you might need to look up is nodes.So would you guys recommend just jumping in, or should I check out a beginner's guide of sorts?
I'm worried I'm going to become overwhelmed or just not know what to do.
Is anyone elses game defaulting to the Uno server?
It was 8. Someone claimed it and didnt say anything lol
Is there anywhere on the website to enter guest pass keys or do you have to redeem them through the client?