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Black Desert Online |OT| Come on in, the sand's fine [Mediah Update]

Its an odd beast this, it runs worse thAn gw2 for me. I can get 30-40 fps on medium settings on this but the shadow flicker and pop in make it unplayable for me. Never have issues with other games, i guess my pc just doesnt like this game lol

I actually updated my rig for the HoT expansion and GW2 ended up running worse in some instances. Hours of googling and messing with settings got it fairly stable but it still never ran at what I would consider an acceptable level considering how old that game is.


It's getting dark, storming, and I'm trying to tame a damn horse after straying off the beaten path.

Well stopped raining but still.
I wish my PC could handle this at 4K, it really cleans up the (already great looking) visuals. Such a stunning looking game.



Unlimited Capacity
I am going to go to sleep soon, but if any Gaffers made characters on Edan I have a guild there and can get us started.


So I'm currently stumped. I'm trying to remove my contribution in some node (Coastal Cave - West of Veila) and when I try to remove my contribution from my Iron node it says ''Explorations Nodes that are being used cannot be removed''. The node Coastal Cliff connected to it is NOT connected. And all my workers are currently idling in Veila.

Can somebody help ?

Edit: Found the problem, changing channel fixed it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
was going to give this another go and all my characters are gone? err what? o_O


was going to give this another go and all my characters are gone? err what? o_O

You probably clicked the wrong server. Uno is coming up as the default cause it has the least players. It also has the same channel names. I thought I lost my characters too.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You probably clicked the wrong server. Uno is coming up as the default cause it has the least players. It also has the same channel names. I thought I lost my characters too.

pretty sure it was the right server, and none of them showed having characters either. It also asked me to put a family name again when I clicked start?

edit: yeah I have no characters anyware lol. Oh well the highest was only 9 anyway, but how strange


Started up a ranger last night. Tried to make it look like my girlfriend with her help, failed and just went on anyway haha. Seems pretty fun to play, combat feels fluid and responsive and the use of key combos feels like a nice way to do it rather than hotbars. Spent some time just doing black spirit quests, hobbling around and getting a Donkey I called "Murphy".

Bought a house and called it a night. I'm feeling it.


pretty sure it was the right server, and none of them showed having characters either. It also asked me to put a family name again when I clicked start?

edit: yeah I have no characters anyware lol. Oh well the highest was only 9 anyway, but how strange

That shit happened to me in the beta. I had to keep reloading channels till they popped. They're not gone though.


Is there a way to download and install the client before activating the guest pass?

Doesnt seem like it. Gotta register a code first of any kind.

EDIT: I guess all this stuff about nodes not having guild castles claim them, is something that'll come into play once guilds get stronger? At any rate, afk fishing if you see me. Family name: Elreyah. Dont forget you can edit your character introductions too.

Have a bunch of questions as well:
Also do enemies have a certain aggro range or is it just if you run up to them?
Should I just do Black Spirit quests until I get to the first large city?
The only way I can get flagged for PKing in a combat zone is if I deliberately target someone, not via accidental aoe attack right?

EDIT 2: Hey if that link works, that'll be a saver for alot of people.


This seems fun!


  • Is the game more EVE like aka build your own story, player driven etc
  • Is it a time sink e.g I need to put alot of time to be able to compete
  • As far as I can see you can build your own house?
  • Is there a monthly fee?


Doesnt seem like it. Gotta register a code first of any kind.

EDIT: I guess all this stuff about nodes not having guild castles claim them, is something that'll come into play once guilds get stronger? At any rate, afk fishing if you see me. Family name: Elreyah. Dont forget you can edit your character introductions too.

Have a bunch of questions as well:
Also do enemies have a certain aggro range or is it just if you run up to them?
Should I just do Black Spirit quests until I get to the first large city?
The only way I can get flagged for PKing in a combat zone is if I deliberately target someone, not via accidental aoe attack right?

EDIT 2: Hey if that link works, that'll be a saver for alot of people.

I don't really know how flag on PvP works but open world PvP doesn't open till lvl 45 anyways , so you're safe.

Black Spirits it's like the story mode, his quests will bring you all over the map.

This seems fun!


  • Is the game more EVE like aka build your own story, player driven etc
  • Is it a time sink e.g I need to put alot of time to be able to compete
  • As far as I can see you can build your own house?
  • Is there a monthly fee?

- Never played EVE but it's more open oriented, more like old MMOs like Lineage and stuff. It's not a Theme Park MMO
- I Dunno, Im too low level yet. There's a shit ton to do though
- You can rent houses in each city/town. Houses are fixed in the city but also instanced (with no loading times though, it's neat)
- No fees, buy to play.
This game... loving the atmosphere of the world.

You make your way up some hills, find mountain goats up there, the higher you get, you start to see the clouds/fog over the city and landscape. It's brilliant!
Wasn't too sure for the first 20 minutes. A lot of text, but once I got into combat all of that changed. Very fun experience so far, combat is actually great!


pretty sure it was the right server, and none of them showed having characters either. It also asked me to put a family name again when I clicked start?

edit: yeah I have no characters anyware lol. Oh well the highest was only 9 anyway, but how strange

Try switching to EU or US region in the launcher.
Having some hard time adjusting to the control scheme :s

Perhaps i shouldn't have started with a Wizard. I'll try other classes to see.

But the switching to combat mode and switch out is doing my head in sometimes :s


Managed to get the game to run acceptably. I think it's the particle effects that are causing my massive stuttering in combat. Need more in depth graphical options.


I finally played some last night.
Character creation was a bit more complicated than expected.
Running at 1080P/60hz in the highest setting, I noticed frame rates fluctuating between 45 - 60 fps.
My spec is i7-4970K(4.4ghurtz) 980ti oc'd to 1401 mhz, 32gig ram running win 7. Might try very high setting once I get home tonight.


How do you turn off head tracking ingame? (I don't mean in screenshot mode, or in character creation, I mean during gameplay). The characters head always seems to follow the camera.
I finally played some last night.
Character creation was a bit more complicated than expected.
Running at 1080P/60hz in the highest setting, I noticed frame rates fluctuating between 45 - 60 fps.
My spec is i7-4970K(4.4ghurtz) 980ti oc'd to 1401 mhz, 32gig ram running win 7. Might try very high setting once I get home tonight.

I have the identical set up but only 16 gigs of RAM. My FPS does the same thing. I think the game needs to age some and get some graphic optimization in.
Tamed my first horse last night. I was still salty from my failure within the last 15 minutes of CBT2 which would have completed the special event. There were just too many people competing to have time to figure things out. I think I have a good grasp of how everything works now. Time to stock up on sugar and rope!

Another highlight of yesterday was a strange encounter I had out at sea. Someone randomly climbed onto my raft in the middle of open water just as I started to move to another location and asked "Where we going?" Pretty far away from land so it took me by surprise.

Stuck at work for the next 6-7 hours but it's Friday so I'll be playing all weekend. Going to continue building my fishing empire while helping out with guild expansion quests and whatever else strikes me.


I see. Thought there was something wrong with my setup. Hopefully pearl abyss optimizes this game soon rather than later..

They also need some more graphic options.

I really need something like a slider for how much characters does the game render around you (FFXIV had it). I swear someday my CPU will explode with this game. Yesterday it tanked to below 20 fps in some spots of Velia

Another highlight of yesterday was a strange encounter I had out at sea. Someone randomly climbed onto my raft in the middle of open water just as I started to move to another location and asked "Where we going?" Pretty far away from land so it took me by surprise.

lol this game


Last night my friend and I spent several hours exploring the islands north of Velia trying to connect nodes on his raft. Ultimately I got the nodes I wanted, but there was a lot of guesswork involved since the nodes, especially the western ones, are pretty roundabout in their connection to Velia and Illiya Island.

At one point we tried to get to an island in the east, but we entered a zone that said we would be killed (that didn't seem to affect my friend piloting the raft) and 10 seconds later I was dead since you can't turn a raft around that fast. At another point we found a wizard pretty far out into the ocean that seemed to be AFK swimming. We offered him a lift, but he didn't respond

All in all it was an enjoyable adventure. The waters were surprisingly barren aside from a few NPC pirates so I'm curious as to what it will look like in a month when people actually have ships.


When you guys have some room in the Guild

Family name: Thaur.

Ashodin Venteal is the one to whisper still for an invite...?
Ugh, I really wanted to try this game out but I get this message when I try to buy it:
Your country is restricted from accessing our service.
I usually play on EU servers in every online game without issue and was hoping to be able to do it with this too. Anyone know if there's any decent/reliable VPNs or workarounds for this?


Enjoyed the tamer but she is going to be my energy alt and was going to start working on sorc.

For guilds are you contracted by family or by individual character. Just curious as while i experiment with classes I don't want to take up guild space when ill focus on one.
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