Been out of the loop for a bit, what's the status on the guild?
Several spots open. Message an officer in game to get an invite.
Been out of the loop for a bit, what's the status on the guild?
Several spots open. Message an officer in game to get an invite.
Still waiting on an activation email I requested over 2 hours ago. Take my money already yo.
Know any that is online so I can massage them?
so they not letting you purchase Daum cash at this time?
One or two weeks isn't even enough to scratch the surface for Black Desert. If you really think you'll drop it that quickly, i wouldn't suggest buying it. But, the B2P model is there so we don't have the Pay o win model that the KR version has (i believe)
Also, FYI, we have 10 new spaces in the guild as of right now.
i keep on getting an internal server error before i even can enter my credit card infoI bought some an hour or so ago.
Here is another High End comparison:
High End Off:
High End On:
High End Off Again:
So either some people have High End and they don't realize it or something. Cause for me? All rain details are lost when High End goes off.
6 hours after account creation and still no email. This is impressive.
Your high end shot is exactly what my rain looks like with that option off. Next time I run into some rain I'll take a shot with the option screen showing that and the puddles.
Please do. Cause honestly I'm starting to think something is wrong with my game.
Please do. Cause honestly I'm starting to think something is wrong with my game.
I'm pretty sure they just took the entire weekend off. Unless the servers are exploding, I wouldn't expect them to address anything until after Monday.
Are there any options to mess with to improve draw distance or reduce the pop-in? I'm playing this at 3440 x 1440 on very high with HEM turned on, but grass still appears out of nowhere every 10 feet and the distant background pop-in is equally bad. I also have way too many characters that are just black outlines until I get right up to them.
Very distracting. The game is beautiful until it's in motion.
Anyone know where to catch grunt fish? we have a guild quest for em lol
Oh god we are way out in the ocean LOL. Over near Ilya island.
That's where we fished them earlier, over at Olvia Coast. It worked out pretty great. Just gather the whole guild because they're still pretty rare even at the coast.
Hmmm I am intrigued now. I might bite later, I've got Division tomorrow but good to hear no lag.Seems pretty good so far, there's a small amount of skill lag now & then but it's very playable. I haven't got to PvP yet though, so that might prove a bit more difficult.
one day my registration email will come
one day
Well that was a fun time with gaf out in the ocean.
Gonna focus on building the fishing boat more. The ferry is still too slow for my likes.
btw, does anyone still need a 7-day guest pass? I have 2 of them left
I'm actually incredibly surprised this launched so quickly.
I thought this game was at least 1 more year from release based on the KR betas.
Okay so you have the puddle effects without it. Still wish it darkened with it rained.![]()
btw, does anyone still need a 7-day guest pass? I have 2 of them left
It wasn't raining in my pic, rather the sun just came out AFTER raining, so that's why it's not dark.
Saw the paste fishing bait on the marketplace (guess you have to make a capital P for search) but it said the listing was expired?
The search in the marketplace is case sensitive
I'm not the developer, i just know that you need to start with uppercase![]()