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Black Desert Online |OT| Come on in, the sand's fine [Mediah Update]

Hey guys, I was really interested in this game but haven't played an MMO in a very long time. Would anyone happen to have an extra guest pass or maybe even two to see if I can convince my friend as well?

Also, for someone that is good at mmo/games but has limited time and sporadic times I play (can be 30 min or couple hours etc) would you recommend this?

Is there any sort of monthly fee or is it buy and you have as much features as everyone else ?

Thanks in advance!


Been playing for 3 hours and it's just started raining for the first time. So nice.

Thanks for posting that Amity guide too, it is a little confusing.

loki 16

I sing up and it tells me that I need to activate my account from an email they sent. Thing is I still haven't received the email. I resended the email a bunch of more times to no avail. Does any one have this issue?


I sing up and it tells me that I need to activate my account from an email they sent. Thing is I still haven't received the email. I resended the email a bunch of more times to no avail. Does any one have this issue?




I sing up and it tells me that I need to activate my account from an email they sent. Thing is I still haven't received the email. I resended the email a bunch of more times to no avail. Does any one have this issue?

yep happened to me when i first signed up. took about 4ish hours for it to show up and then i got like 10 of them


I sing up and it tells me that I need to activate my account from an email they sent. Thing is I still haven't received the email. I resended the email a bunch of more times to no avail. Does any one have this issue?

this happened to me, I've been waiting nearly 5 hours now and have not received it. And when I logged a ticket about the issue, the website says I need to log into my account to verify the issue, and when I log into my account it says I haven't finished my registration and the vicious cycle continues. I just want to throw my money at them. Why wont you take my money!?


I have a few questions about fishing if anyone knows:

Does it take less time for things to bite as my skill goes up? It takes so long right now.
It says Fishing resources are exhausted. Does this mean too many people are fishing in the same spot?
How do I check my skill level in fishing?


2) Yes. If you swim further down and fish there, you'll most likely get abundant.
3) Menu (ESC) > Profile (P)


I caved and bought the traveler's pack.

Can I get an invite to the NA Guild?

Character name: Ramza_Lugira

Family Name is: Hokuten_Knight
Sent some invites. Make sure you are on the same channel or we can't send the guild invite: Calpheon 01

On that note, pretty close to cap again so guild quests will be starting soon.

How balanced would you say the pvp is. I got myself a guest pass and I am going to log in later today, but I doubt I'd get a taste of it before the trial is up.

balanced in terms of gear and skill not necessarily class vs class.

Class balance is great but the game is highly dependent on gear. There are no 'balanced' arenas, stat equalization, or anything like that at the moment. No idea what this looks like in terms of large scale and small scale battles in this game yet since I'm still around 30.


Suckers fish right off the pier. Run straight northeast of Velia and fish along that shore. Abundant, tons of 20k+ fish. I AFK fish there and in three hours my inventory is completely full of fish.


You can use either.. but the checkbox is unintuitive. If it is checked, it is searching for character name, if you uncheck it, it will search by family name, despite what the UI says.

For some reason, despite the game encouraging alt characters, the game rarely EVER uses your family name. It's real fucking stupid. BDO really has the naming system completely backwards. Only family name should have to be unique. The game should allow through family name, and guild chats use family name so you can remember everyone

It's not exactly a "wait" list, it's more of a "how many people do we need to add" list. I don't think we're adding with any priority, but I also haven't talked to Ashodin about it

Thanks, because i've been trying to add Ryokotoast for a minute, and it never finds them lol.


Just so everyone is on the same page, if you want an invite to the GAF guild you need to message an officer using the whisper command, NOT the 1:1 chat option. You must also be in the same channel as the officer (Calpheon 1 usually) in order for them to invite you. If you don't message us on the same channel, the option won't show up and then we spend all our time being confused and sad instead of inviting. :<

We're currently full again (cap is 45 atm), but we should have it increased by the end of the night. If you haven't been invited yet, or you need a reinvite, give us a ring later on tonight.

List of family names of who can invite:



Okay so if someone could explain some things to be before i drop the money on this game.

I understand this is a sandbox, so you basically just do whatever you want. But what im concerned about is, are there huge bosses to fight just roaming around the world? Ill never forget that feeling i had the first time i saw the fel reaver walking around the outlands in WoW. Thinking to myself, " im gunna kill that fucker one day ". Is this that kind of game? Or am i going to just be killing monsters no bigger than myselfI am really looking for something new to get into, ive played almost everything worth playing at this point. Also, is my character going to be able to look cool or badass without spending real money on a costume? For example, in path of exile, without spending money, youre still going to be using a rinky dink sword at max level, the same as level 1, it just has better stats.

And also, i hear that its capped to 24fps, is this true?

I guess my best bet would be to try it before i buy it....sooo...


Epic day today. Started at 7:30am with the goal in mind of getting everything in place so I can later this week craft a fishing boat. Just finished about 14hours later and job done. I have my level 2 shipyard (7 hours to upgrade it still) and every node I need to craft it.

Saw some sights and tracked down loads of nodes.






Hmmm I really don't get why my tool workshop in Heidel is checking it's crafting materials from the Velia warhouse.... not Heidel... sure it's linked with my nods but it's either stupid or I am missing something obvious ?
I have the Apprentice Gathering armor and Apprentice Fishing armor:
You get them from a pretty simple quest related to the profession and get variations of them as your rank increases. They're not really useful in combat but they can be made into costumes that can go over your armor with an item (that we don't have yet in our version.)
Oh I didn't know about those, does the Apprentice Fishing armor increase the fishing ability ?


picked this up on a whim yesterday, so far so good. My biggest gripes so far are with the UI (although given that Ive only ever played a couple of other MMOs this may be more my fault) and the fact that equipable items dont' change your appearance. Actually, my second gripe seems to be like an inexcusable oversight in 2016. Ridiculous.
Any reason why I wouldn't receive a quest after reaching the required amity? It's happened now with two different NPCs. I've tried relogging to no avail.
Okay so if someone could explain some things to be before i drop the money on this game.

I understand this is a sandbox, so you basically just do whatever you want. But what im concerned about is, are there huge bosses to fight just roaming around the world? Ill never forget that feeling i had the first time i saw the fel reaver walking around the outlands in WoW. Thinking to myself, " im gunna kill that fucker one day ". Is this that kind of game? Or am i going to just be killing monsters no bigger than myselfI am really looking for something new to get into, ive played almost everything worth playing at this point. Also, is my character going to be able to look cool or badass without spending real money on a costume? For example, in path of exile, without spending money, youre still going to be using a rinky dink sword at max level, the same as level 1, it just has better stats.

And also, i hear that its capped to 24fps, is this true?

I guess my best bet would be to try it before i buy it....sooo...
The being capped at 24 fps is a glitch. I had the issue of the game running no more than 24 frames a second and it was because the game changed the setting of video card to output 24hz to my monitor. I had to go to display settings to change it back to 144hz. If anyone has that issue they need to check and see if the video card is displaying at whatever the max their monitor can support.
this happened to me, I've been waiting nearly 5 hours now and have not received it. And when I logged a ticket about the issue, the website says I need to log into my account to verify the issue, and when I log into my account it says I haven't finished my registration and the vicious cycle continues. I just want to throw my money at them. Why wont you take my money!?

Same for me.. Amateur hour web developers there for sure...
To get on the list when available.

Character Velna
Family name Noxfleurett

I am really enjoying it, one of the best experiences I have had in a while with a MMO,
Just got the game with the Explorer's Package

So i have two guest passes for 7 days if anyone wants em please PM me! (I'm from the UK!)

EDIT: All Gone!
Okay so if someone could explain some things to be before i drop the money on this game.

I understand this is a sandbox, so you basically just do whatever you want. But what im concerned about is, are there huge bosses to fight just roaming around the world? Ill never forget that feeling i had the first time i saw the fel reaver walking around the outlands in WoW. Thinking to myself, " im gunna kill that fucker one day ". Is this that kind of game? Or am i going to just be killing monsters no bigger than myselfI am really looking for something new to get into, ive played almost everything worth playing at this point.

There are world bosses, but i believe most of them are through summon scrolls. These are usually late level, when you are grinding for the best gear for PvP. I THINK there are some roaming bosses, but i do not have any proof other than saying that i think i heard about it in a video months ago

Also, is my character going to be able to look cool or badass without spending real money on a costume? For example, in path of exile, without spending money, youre still going to be using a rinky dink sword at max level, the same as level 1, it just has better stats.

For the most part, each class's aesthetic will not change. There are variations of gear style, but you won't be changing looks every gear upgrade. There are a good 5 or so variations, but it seems that the late level end-game gear does offer more of an aesthetic change.

And also, i hear that its capped to 24fps, is this true

Nope. This is a fullscreen bug. I don't play in fullscreen so i do not know how to fix it, however i think people have said things about going into your control panel and changing the refresh rate to fix it.


I'll keep posting this periodically so that people don't miss it. I'm keeping it updated whenever i am home and i am frequently reading through the OT catching any names and putting them on the spreadsheet. This will gauge how many people are looking to join. To be clear, this is not a waitlist, i am not sorting by priority


Anyone got a guest pass? I'm super interested in this but right now not 100% about putting money down. It looks good and sounds great with all the stuff that I really want out of an MMO.

Also, does the game have gamepad support? I know it's actiony combat and that could work. I played a bit of TERA using a pad and that was fine and I play FFXIV with a pad. (Ideally pad for combat and exploring, mouse/kb for chat and menus like I play FFXIV).
I tried Blade and Soul but the gamepad controls in that game were super convoluted.

(If I play I'll be joining EU GAF)

EDIT: Got a pass from Magnetic_North. Thank you :D


After playing the game for a while, decided high end mode just isn't worth it. GPU usage hits about 70% with it enabled whereas it's about 40% with it off.
But noticed more stuttering with high end mode enabled eventhough average framerate between two modes is roughly the same.
Very high graphic quality isn't that much different from high end setting except for slightly worse shadow/lod, etc.


This is how I felt in real life after trying to catch a damn mackerel for 30 mins.


Anyone got a guest pass? I'm super interested in this but right now not 100% about putting money down. It looks good and sounds great with all the stuff that I really want out of an MMO.

Also, does the game have gamepad support? I know it's actiony combat and that could work. I played a bit of TERA using a pad and that was fine and I play FFXIV with a pad. (Ideally pad for combat and exploring, mouse/kb for chat and menus like I play FFXIV).
I tried Blade and Soul but the gamepad controls in that game were super convoluted.

(If I play I'll be joining EU GAF)

Pm magnetic north if he still has em.

Also PSA: This mmo has the Patented Sonic the hedgehog edge of platform balance animation. Try it.
They use Mandrill as their email notification service, I guess the issue lies with them.

I would love some type of communication with them.

I'm trying to buy their game, registered 5hrs ago and no verification email.

Guess I'll go play some Diablo 3 to cool off.


So, horse taming. The game tells me I need a Beginner level 5 taming skill, but I see no listed skill named "Taming" I only see "Training". Same thing?

Guest pass? I am sure interested in this just to see if my laptop is up to the task before commiting!! So... if anyone has a guest pass for NA and want to share I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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