Is it possible to grind for currency to buy cosmetics? Or are there acquirable outfits in-game from bosses or quests? If not and we're stuck with the same threads forever that would be pretty awful.
Pets are dope.
Hunger is not dope.
"I'll cook some good pet food, it'll be easy." I thought.
Four hours later...
These are the things that make the game continually interesting for me.It took my workers 17 hours to make a raft. This is after i found out HOW to make arafy, which took some time on its own.
Once you get rolling, crafting becomes pretty easy. Just gathering the mats is the time consuming part. I'm making a bunch of steel tools, especially pickaxes. Soon as I put one up on the marketplace. It just disappears.It took my workers 17 hours to make a raft. This is after i found out HOW to make arafy, which took some time on its own.
Can you use the one time Appearance Change Coupon to change to a paid costume?
just curious, as I doubt you can.
Can you use the one time Appearance Change Coupon to change to a paid costume?
just curious, as I doubt you can.
Where do you get coal?
A couple of nodes, near the city of Coplan, that have high level mobs. If you don't know where Coplan is, that town is a few nodes west of Glysh.
Things like this are why I am a really big supporter of getting to level 50 first (grinding it out), then going back and doing quests/professions/etc.Thanks! But man that is far, I hoped I could get it close to Velia/Heidel.
Just reached Glysh today, but I'm kind of low level yet for there.
Thanks! But man that is far, I hoped I could get it close to Velia/Heidel.
Just reached Glysh today, but I'm kind of low level yet for there.
Sorceress is probably the closest right now. Ninja/Kunoichi will be added later and is the most similar to a typical rogue class.Is there a rogue like class in the game?
Turn up the settings, but no, the pop in is a frequent complaint with no simple fix.Girlfriend is playing the game, and she's saying the pop in is so bad it's hard to even look at. Anybody got a fix for that, on a 970 with a solid processor so I wouldn't think it'd be an issue.
I have been out in the ocean on a raft for HOURS connecting nodes for a trade route. This is honestly way more fun right now than the combat in lots of MMOs. I really miss this kind of stuff.
I have been out in the ocean on a raft for HOURS connecting nodes for a trade route. This is honestly way more fun right now than the combat in lots of MMOs. I really miss this kind of stuff.
I eventually want to connect Illiya Island with Velia (and thus Olvia) for big profits.
I really hope the open world dungeon areas will be out in the sea too.
Anyone got a guest pass they won't use?
I'd love to try the game and if I end up buying it, I can give the pass back =D
I really hope the open world dungeon areas will be out in the sea too.
Finally decided to just take the plunge and buy Black Desert. Hopefully i end up enjoying it. Is there any videos you folks can recommended me to watch? teach me the stuff i should know before hopping on the game?
Anyone with the horse whistle: not sure exactly how to use this. It sits in my pearl shop inventory, I can't use it, right clicking on my horse icon only makes an arrow to my hose. Right clicking on the whistle says I can't use it. Anyone face this issue and figure it out?
there are tons of videos on youtube, but one document you want to have on hand for sure is the bible:
Thanks, I bought it earlier this afternoon but the DL isn't going to finish until sometime tomorrow morning (~.5MB/s :\). Now I'm just looking for stuff like this to learn more about the game.
Does the in-game shop only have costumes? Or does it also have EXP doublers or inventory expansion items that need to be paid for?
Am currently on in case any officer would be available for an invite
NA server
Family: Fyrestorm
Name: Elandya
It says you are currently offline. Whisper me when you are online. Also, make sure you are on the same channel (Calpheon 01).
Character name: Kuronuma
Aye I always log on Orwen/ Calpheon 01.It says you are currently offline. Whisper me when you are online. Also, make sure you are on the same channel (Calpheon 01).
Character name: Kuronuma
Costumes, Dyes, Inventory expansion, storage expansion, pets, horse armor, character slots, etc.
So this confirm me that unless you go on the cash shop, you can't have a "good" looking armor (assuming the orange ones are pearls only). I mean, take a look at the Clead set for the warrior. Nothing too fancy, nothing over the top, it basically fit the "epic" tier set on a medieval themed game, you can totally see this dropping on a boss. There is like 3 or 4 different models obtainable by just playing , all of them looks like your average levelling set.