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Black Desert Online |OT| Come on in, the sand's fine [Mediah Update]

You can turn off some UI elements and select simple UI in the options menu under "Game." I wish you could do more, but there's not a lot you can do and some stuff is forced.
I'm loving this game so far! It's the only MMO I haven't dropped after a few days out of sheer boredom. I don't think I can stand another themepark MMO these days; I've played the hell out of every MMO in the last 16 years or so.

Been taking it a bit slow for a number of reasons; I chief among them: I don't want to rush to cap without sieges.

Secondly, I'm still not sure which classes I want to focus on. I tried witch to level 20, I love her look and skills, but I'm not convinced on her playstyle. Am I missing something? I feel like I'm just gathering groups of mobs and one shotting them. Doesn't seem to have much depth to me. Maybe sorc would be more my thing?

Sorceress is basically a close-to-mid-range melee mage that uses dark magic. You are very fast, very squishy, and have to be mobile. They have great CC, and are referred as the "Witches on the Battlefield" in-game. Very powerful, very agile, and great at crowd control (or controlled chaos, in pvp). The game states that they are the hardest class to play, but i have not had any problem with my Sorceress or any combo abilities.

Honestly, leveling is easy and in fact does consist of just rounding up lots of enemies and blowing them down in a few hits and repeating that for hours. Sorc and valk are even more faceroll than witch. PvP and boss enemies that don't go down in one or two hits are where you'll need to really "git gud" and be better at combos, attack canceling, evasion, etc. but unfortunately you very rarely get exposed to that stuff while learning the game.

I'm lvl 45 and decided to grind the Serendia Shrine, which have lvl 50 enemies, and if i stood still for 3 seconds, i was dead. I had to weave my attacks in without getting hit, and it was the most fun i have had so far. I actually started building a rotation and combos instead of just using any ability whenever i wanted to. The game gets so much more fun when you have to weave in and out and animation cancel. It's a shame that the only thing stopping you from fighting higher level enemies is the accuracy and evasion stats. The game forces you to grind packs of equal leveled enemies instead of fighting off tougher higher-leveled enemies. It takes away that risk vs reward factor when fighting enemies that can stomp you in 2 seconds flat, but succeeding meant getting much more XP and better drops/ rewards
If anyone has an extra NA guest pass I'd love to give this game a real try. I was only able to play it for a couple of hours during beta (don't ask, family shit). It seemed really neat, but I'm just not sure about putting down the money on it yet.


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Staff Member
these ancient relics I keep finding while fishing, sud I sell em or hold onto them?

You should hold it, combine 5 in this pattern and you will have a level 50 scrolls which drops memory fragments (awakening skills and other uses)


Ala Alba

You should hold it, combine 5 in this pattern and you will have a level 50 scrolls which drops memory fragments (awakening skills and other uses)


Just don't combine them until you have to, because the scrolls expire after 7 days and you can't sell them.


Unlimited Capacity
I need this horse



Keep going back and forth on getting this. I've been burnt by so many mmo's in the past where I give up after 10 hours because it's just the same as the last one.
Does casual play suit black desert or does it prefer for you to sink all your time in?


Keep going back and forth on getting this. I've been burnt by so many mmo's in the past where I give up after 10 hours because it's just the same as the last one.
Does casual play suit black desert or does it prefer for you to sink all your time in?

It's a sandbox mmo, meaning you can play however you see fit. There isn't a need to rush to end game because the end game is whatever you want it to be. Plus there are a bunch of things you can do when you're away from the game like have workers gather for you or make yourself into a fishing bot.

I don't have a ton of time to play, which is why I love this mmo. Totally taking it at my pace and setting goals for myself in what I want to accomplish without feeling the need to grind to cap to run the same instances over and over again.


Hmm. I can't decide if I want to continue on doing most quests like I have been or just deactivate every quest but combat and just leveling that way, then go back to areas and doing the other types as I see fit. The amount of "gather and bring me 10 logs" type quests I've seen is starting to get irritating, so it's pushing me towards just focusing on combat quests until I hit the level cap.

Is there anything really worthwhile in those other types of quests, or are they just mainly meant for exp for leveling those skills?


It's a sandbox mmo, meaning you can play however you see fit. There isn't a need to rush to end game because the end game is whatever you want it to be. Plus there are a bunch of things you can do when you're away from the game like have workers gather for you or make yourself into a fishing bot.

I don't have a ton of time to play, which is why I love this mmo. Totally taking it at my pace and setting goals for myself in what I want to accomplish without feeling the need to grind to cap to run the same instances over and over again.

That's good to hear. The farming aspect of the game sounds like a real nice change of pace compared to the gear rush/4h instance end game that the usual mmos have, which I don't have the time for anymore.
Are there actually any dungeons in the game or is it mostly farming/fishing and pvp?
I played WoW for the first time today for the hearthstone character and I realized BDO has ruined other MMOs for me. I can't even play Blade and Soul now. The worlds feel so plastic and dead compared to Black Desert.


Y'all, get out while you still can. Escape now. This game is dangerous.

Every day this week has been get home from work, play BDO for 6 hours (with breaks, but still), sleep for 5 hours, go to work.

This game is great.
This game is going to end me.

I'm lvl 45 and decided to grind the Serendia Shrine, which have lvl 50 enemies, and if i stood still for 3 seconds, i was dead. I had to weave my attacks in without getting hit, and it was the most fun i have had so far. I actually started building a rotation and combos instead of just using any ability whenever i wanted to. The game gets so much more fun when you have to weave in and out and animation cancel. It's a shame that the only thing stopping you from fighting higher level enemies is the accuracy and evasion stats. The game forces you to grind packs of equal leveled enemies instead of fighting off tougher higher-leveled enemies. It takes away that risk vs reward factor when fighting enemies that can stomp you in 2 seconds flat, but succeeding meant getting much more XP and better drops/ rewards
Yeah, if you are fighting higher level enemies you have to pay a lot more attention (hi2u lv35ish bandit camp). I should have mentioned I was talking about the ~20 range that he referred to.

Is there anything really worthwhile in those other types of quests, or are they just mainly meant for exp for leveling those skills?

From the ones I've done they seem mainly there to help level your life skills. However, they often give CP EXP as well, and that's always good to get.


I played WoW for the first time today for the hearthstone character and I realized BDO has ruined other MMOs for me. I can't even play Blade and Soul now. The worlds feel so plastic and dead compared to Black Desert.

I've been struggling to get into full themeparks for ages now and while this isn't a full sandbox (The black spirit does tend to lead you around from hub to hub) it's an utter breath of fresh air. Full of things to do.
I've been struggling to get into full themeparks for ages now and while this isn't a full sandbox (The black spirit does tend to lead you around from hub to hub) it's an utter breath of fresh air. Full of things to do.

heh. I've been mostly ignoring him and just doing whatever I feel like doing.

I treat him like the main quest in elder scrolls games. I find out where he wants to send me and then I go someplace else :)
New breeding system was just released in Korea along with this new pet:


They also just got the German Shepard. This bodes well for getting new cash shop content the same time as other regions.


im so lost when it comes to nodes and workers. could someone please explain how I link nodes and use workers?

1) Do quests to get CP EXP to get CP

2) Talk to <Node Manager> at a node to invest CP in the node to "activate" it (cities are freebies, you don't need to spend CP on them). For farms and other resource nodes you need to spend additional CP to activate the sub-nodes. For example, if you want a worker to gather potatoes you need to invest CP in the farm node itself and also the potato field subnode. Sometimes nodes have other nodes you must activate first.

3) Go to town, spend CP on "Lodgings" housing. Each housing room can only be 1 thing at a time, from a set list of options. If you using your "Lodging" enabled rooms for something else, you can't use them to house workers.

4) Go to the town worker manager (pickaxe symbol on map). Spend 5 energy to roll the dice for a worker. Don't hire workers with white names (try for blue for starters, but green is okay) and don't hire giants. Keep rolling until you find something you want to hire.

5) Open the world map, click on the node, then on the sub-node with the resource you want to gather and a window will pop up for you to pick which worker to send.

6) Your workers will expend 1 stamina per trip. Once out of stamina they can't work until you give them BEER which restores 2 stamina. To make beer you need 5 grain/starch (wheat, barley, potato, or corn), 1 sugar, 2 leavening agents, and 6 mineral water. For this reason it is recommended that your first 2-3 workers gather nothing but potatos an/dor corn around Velia for a while.

7) Once your workers hit level 10 they can take a "promotion test" to rank up to a better tier. So far IME doing 6 tests only 1 has been a success so the success rater is not very good. Tests take 24 hours and only 1 worker at a time can take a test. If they fail the test they can take it again at the next 10th level (20 and 30).

Edit: Also, workers deposit stuff directly into storage of that city so make sure you have space. If your storage is full ALL WORKERS for that city will automatically stop working. All resource nodes list a single item that they produce but in reality many of them produce more than that, so unless you're sure you know what the workers will bring back from that node, always allow 3-4 free storage slots because some nodes can bring back as many as 4 different items in one trip. Potato fields, for example, only produce potatoes, but herb and mushroom and ore nodes generally return 2 kinds of items and if you ever send a worker to a place like the ancient stone cavern they will come back with 4 different kinds of items.


heh. I've been mostly ignoring him and just doing whatever I feel like doing.

I treat him like the main quest in elder scrolls games. I find out where he wants to send me and then I go someplace else :)

I usually do the Black Spirit quests up until the artifact chamber with Edan. Once I unlock enhancements and stuff, he's more of a... loose guideline than a main quest. =P


My ferry will finally be complete today and then I'll complete my move to Heidel. Exciting stuff!

Same with the ferry! Should be today I think too. But the first thing I'll do is to take it to the seas and reach that island to start working for the fishing boat!
A Twitch streamer did a Q&A with Daum. I believe this was primarily an interview with a community manager, so take these responses with a grain of salt.

Link to full summary:

I don't think they plan on doing anything about the dye system or cash shop prices. Their justification for this is that all future content and expansions will be free. Regarding items considered to be P2W, they are asking for feedback on the Ghillie suit.

On the positive side, the game has been a huge success and far exceeded expectations.


A Twitch streamer did a Q&A with Daum. I believe this was primarily an interview with a community manager, so take these responses with a grain of salt.

Link to full summary:

I don't think they plan on doing anything about the dye system or cash shop prices. Their justification for this is that all future content and expansions will be free. Regarding items considered to be P2W, they are asking for feedback on the Ghillie suit.

On the positive side, the game has been a huge success and far exceeded expectations.

Very unfortunate about the cash shop. A slight price drop on everything would put it into the territory of impulse buy for me. :\


I can see them running sales.

More than the weak 10% off, but a 25% off sale off specific items for a week at a time would get some people to bite.


A Twitch streamer did a Q&A with Daum. I believe this was primarily an interview with a community manager, so take these responses with a grain of salt.

Link to full summary:

I don't think they plan on doing anything about the dye system or cash shop prices. Their justification for this is that all future content and expansions will be free. Regarding items considered to be P2W, they are asking for feedback on the Ghillie suit.

On the positive side, the game has been a huge success and far exceeded expectations.
Here's another recap that has stuff that one doesn't: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/4atlqz/daum_qa_summary/

"Mediah is coming very soon" :q
I usually do the Black Spirit quests up until the artifact chamber with Edan. Once I unlock enhancements and stuff, he's more of a... loose guideline than a main quest. =P

I always do the black spirit quests first because they give armor and weapon stones.


Disappointed with the answers to the cash shop and dye system. That dye subscription thing they talk about is especially insulting. A monthly fee for dye usage? IIRC it's pretty expensive, too.


Something that kind of worries me in regards to that interview is the relationship between Daum and Pearl too. I hope it's made explicitly clear to Pearl that if the NA/EU fanbase thinks something is wrong, and it's not getting fixed, they're not the ones who will be getting crap thrown their way: Daum will be. And it won't be fun for Daum being the powerless middleman.

Both companies really need to be on the ball about this, or else things could turn ugly in just a year or two.


Something that kind of worries me in regards to that interview is the relationship between Daum and Pearl too. I hope it's made explicitly clear to Pearl that if the NA/EU fanbase thinks something is wrong, and it's not getting fixed, they're not the ones who will be getting crap thrown their way: Daum will be. And it won't be fun for Daum being the powerless middleman.

Both companies really need to be on the ball about this, or else things could turn ugly in just a year or two.

aka the story of Archeage
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