Looks like my Guest Pass finally ran out.
I did get my Tamer to level 20, around 50-60 energy/contribution points, and to Heidel and the surrounding areas, though.
Hmmm. I'm still deciding if I like this game or not. I appreciate the open world but...all I do is fish. Fish fish fish. With some combat here and there but still. I'm just so used to the theme park type of MMO. Maybe a little rafting will change some things up......with fishing.
I'm also not sure on the game.
So much time tabbed out afk-fishing trying to get specific fish for a quest or auto running between Olivia, Velia, and Heidel because of Storage or some Quest I forgot to do.
Somehow, actually managed to max out the limit of Quests I could have at a time.
I'd probably get at least $30 worth out of it, but not sure how much I'd actually play since I still have to finish up a number of other games as well.