How is SLI and 21:9 support in this game?
Alright, finally level 50 and can do dailies and stuff. How do I get a group for the dailies so we all get the stones? I play at weird times so the guild is not always gonna be the best option. Just spam in general chat? I have that turned off almost all the time.
Pretty unprofessional GM right there...
Do you have to be a certain level to do those Calpheon Daily quests? I made the long trek over there (I wanted to connect the nodes to sell fish from the hotspot), and then there are absolutely no quests to be found.
The issue isn't that I can't go there, it's that you just hit an invisible wall. There's no indication that that's the edge of the playable area. Just a prompt or line somewhere (anywhere, even on the map only) would suffice. It's not even a consistent straight line.That will be expanded in the Mediah update so you can travel further east.
Sorry, went off to see Batman v Superman. I'll try to get you tomorrow. I'll play at morning a little and afternon to night (have the day free).
Btw, I reached lvl 44.... dunno what to do now lol (I mean, jumping to 45 and start the PvP world or do other shit)
Pretty unprofessional GM right there...
No, unless you're okay with basically only being able to do one thing at a time. If all you care about is fighting/leveling then yeah you will be able to make progress with that kind of playtime, but you will not have much time to explore the world and all the engaging life skill systems the game has (like gathering, crafting, fishing, etc.).Would you recommend this game to someone that has about 1-2 hours of playtime a night ? Juggling between full time work and having a baby...
There's a bit more guided main story in BDO than in TERA and there is a plethora of lore snippets throughout the game.Also, I get the "Tera" vibe looking at the videos. I loved the combat in Tera, but the story was non-existent. Is this about the same ?
Since the latest update, game becomes a stuttering mess after playing for an hour or so.
Wonder what the heck is going on. I will try reinstalling the game later tonight.
Also, some high level player killed me last night eventhough I haven't reached level 50.
Thought pvp wasn't enabled until lvl 50?
No, unless you're okay with basically only being able to do one thing at a time. If all you care about is fighting/leveling then yeah you will be able to make progress with that kind of playtime, but you will not have much time to explore the world and all the engaging life skill systems the game has (like gathering, crafting, fishing, etc.).
On the other hand there is no subscription and the buy-in price is not bad so if you are interested the worst that can happen is you get totally absorbed in the game and start to neglect your real life responsibilities, playing more, sleeping less at night, and being tired all the time. Promising yourself every weeknight that you'll start getting off the game around 10 PM only to realize that it's actually 15 after midnight by the time you wrap up "just one more trade run" or "just this one more quest while I'm here" and you have to be up for work in less than 6 hours. It's too late for me. Escape while you still can.
There's a bit more guided main story in BDO than in TERA and there is a plethora of lore snippets throughout the game.
havent noticed anything different with performanceSince the latest update, game becomes a stuttering mess after playing for an hour or so.
Wonder what the heck is going on. I will try reinstalling the game later tonight.
Also, some high level player killed me last night eventhough I haven't reached level 50.
Thought pvp wasn't enabled until lvl 50?
Since the latest update, game becomes a stuttering mess after playing for an hour or so.
Wonder what the heck is going on. I will try reinstalling the game later tonight.
Also, some high level player killed me last night eventhough I haven't reached level 50.
Thought pvp wasn't enabled until lvl 50?
Thank you, even though I'm really interested I think I'll skip. I'm already not sleeping enough as-is... Sigh.
There's a bit more guided main story in BDO than in TERA and there is a plethora of lore snippets throughout the game.
Got pretty darn lucky with horse breeding. Bred lvl20 tier4 horses, and I got a tier 6. Not only that, it's the fastest of all the different tier 6 horses and it started with instant acceleration!
The only downside (or another plus?) is that it's an expert at cow camouflage: http://abload.de/img/2016-03-25_20277115kfx36.jpg - http://abload.de/img/2016-03-25_48899734s0y5f.jpg
There's a thread about it on reddit where the GM replied. He was apparently testing a bug related to cooking.
Haha that's you. I saw your post on reddit.
im online for invite to EU gaf
names AngelinaChay
All I have noticed is a lot more random disconnects.
Players can access the Mediah Expansion starting tomorrow at no additional cost.
+ World size increased by 30%
+ Over 1,000 new quests
+ Kzarka - An enormous boss that can take on hundreds of players at a time
+ New guild missions, including special bosses that drop formidable weapons
+ Crimson Battlefield - Instanced 40v40 skirmishes that players can queue for in groups of five or solo
+ New weapons and more powerful armor set
+ Craftable Alchemy Stones allow players to apply Attack, Defense, or Life bonuses to their equipment
+ Equipment can be enchanted to higher levels
And some info about it from the details
I can't believe I'm finally playing a MMO that releases substantial new content a month after release. I know it's already developed, but they could've easily dragged out the current game for 2-3 more months.
It really irks me when other MMOs do this. I can understand not having content out that quickly, it takes time and money to develop, but most MMOs don't even DISCUSS future content until 2-3 months down the road. At least give people a roadmap of ideas.
An early Mediah is good for almost everyone.
All those super powerful no-life PKers? They're going to abandon all the farming spots we fight over and go to Mediah. This'll allow us to catch up a bit. Sure, they'll be stronger still, but we won't have to mess with them PKing us for camp spots as much.
I dunno, I'm looking forward to it. Even if it means the strong get stronger, at least they won't be in our face.
So when exactly is the update? The trailer said "available now" I think, but I tried loading the game just now and it didn't download any updates.
Very tempted to get this.
How big is the learning curve? I was a long time WoW player. Have dabbled in other MMOs like Runescape (first ever 1 as a kid), Guild Wars 1 and 2, Elder Scrolls, Star Wars, etc
Immense (if you try to take on multiple life skills [crafting/gathering/trading/etc.]), but rewarding, IMO. If all you wanna do is fight monsters, then that's easy.Very tempted to get this.
How big is the learning curve?
An early Mediah is good for almost everyone.
All those super powerful no-life PKers? They're going to abandon all the farming spots we fight over and go to Mediah. This'll allow us to catch up a bit. Sure, they'll be stronger still, but we won't have to mess with them PKing us for camp spots as much.
I dunno, I'm looking forward to it. Even if it means the strong get stronger, at least they won't be in our face.
+ Over 1,000 new quests
An early Mediah is good for almost everyone.
All those super powerful no-life PKers? They're going to abandon all the farming spots we fight over and go to Mediah. This'll allow us to catch up a bit. Sure, they'll be stronger still, but we won't have to mess with them PKing us for camp spots as much.
I dunno, I'm looking forward to it. Even if it means the strong get stronger, at least they won't be in our face.
All I have noticed is a lot more random disconnects.
You can get ganked starting at lv45, not 50.
And let's not forget the character creation part. At only 1-2 hours a night you're probably looking at several days before you get a character you're really happy with the look of in-game!
Anyway, the game is really neat and you can definitely get things done with short sessions, but you may find it hard to keep up with the money/gear curve (though you are safe from being ganked until level 45+ unless you join a guild that is getting into wars), and you will definitely not be able to do certain things like gardening and effective production node use with such short amounts of time to play. While technically you could still "do" them, you wouldn't get a good ROI both in terms of contribution point investment and time investment.
Stuff you could do in a 1-2 hour window and make progress:
Leveling/grinding and following the "main" questlines
Gathering (once you have enough max energy)
Daily quests once you unlock them (you can do the Calpheon ones in under 20 min but if you want to hit other cities for their daily quests you could be looking at an hour counting all the travel time and distractions)
Trade routes
Stuff you'd have a hard time doing at all (or doing efficiently) in 1-2 hour windows:
Worker management at nodes (unless you left your game logged in all day while you were at work/asleep)
Gardening (crops require frequent maintenance)
Making actual money on anything besides fishing and grinding