That's what you do in BDO, too.
Only thing is the steps involved to get to that point are a lot more involved in some other MMOs.
(I'm not trying to discourage you, mind. I'm having the kind of fun with BDO that I have not had in years with an MMO!)
It's kind of funny, in a way. BDO even lets you automate the collecting with the worker system. It really is the process of doing that and the way the world works that makes this game as unique as it is.
When you link the nodes and send your first worker off to gather a resource and you see him physically walk out of your lodging in the town and trot off down the road to gather your resources.. I don't know.. it just made an impression on me. It made me think "wow.. my worker actually exists outside of the UI I use to interact with him"
If another game had a worker system, you'd just click a button and after a few minutes resources would start flowing in but you'd never actually see the worker.
edit -
For me, it's a bunch of little things, but here are the big ones that I appreciate -
a) lack of fast travel
b) everything has a physical representation in the world
c) npcs follow the same ruleset, for the most part. (i.e. you pay to have your goods transported to another location.. they don't magically appear.. it takes transit time and you can see the transport wagon, as well as check its cargo on the map)