Meier said:Everything about this topic reminds me of Black People Love Us.
Wow that site is awsome. :lol
Meier said:Everything about this topic reminds me of Black People Love Us.
Is that roof high enough...or does it need to be raised?!
Johnny gets props from a close friend!
Perhaps we should create our own separate internet where we won't be subjected to stereotypes and harassment.
etiolate said:black fellow on the internet? hardly impressive!
black D&D nerds? Now that floors me.
DarienA said:I will never forget the time that I was on XBL with a few of you tards and one of you had the goddamn nerve to comment that I don't sound black... how the hell are black people suppose to sound..huh...HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!
captmcblack said::lol
Yeah, it's like that in any game I play.
Most of the time though, when it's discovered I'm black, I get "kill the n*gger!!11" or other such things.
Of course, that's mostly because I'm playing FPSes online.
In places I post at though, I'm usually the person that's all like "lolol i'm black wow!1" and shit; posts are funnier that way.
Tommie Hu$tle said:You rang? I am shocked at the number of blacks on this board however.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Anyone besides me realise they aren't black enough for Blackplanet?
Tommie Hu$tle said:Anyone besides me realise they aren't black enough for Blackplanet?
Nikashi said:Not to reduce the utter asshattedness of those other players, but I get called a n***** all the time, and I'm white, with a Japanese sounding GamerTag (Which also gets G*** and C****, which is actually amusing because they can't even get their slurs right, morons)
The Faceless Master said:it's funny sometimes, because people don't believe me...
"you're black?"
'no joke'
"got proof?"
this has happened many times
belgurdo said:What is that, anyway? I see the kids at work using it all the time
captmcblack said:lmfao, yeah.
I keep thinking I'd like to join that thing, but then I'd have to have fucking Jay-Z videos streaming, and I'd have to spell anything that ended in "ck" with "cc" for no logical reason. :lol
-jinx- said:As long as you take the Nintendo fans with you, I'm all for that separate Internet thing.
(Just kidding.)
All kidding aside, it IS a weird phenomenon. I'm dating a girl who is half Dutch/half Chinese, and she has told me about several occasions where some random guy commented to her that she "looked Asian" and then rambled on -- to her face! -- about how Asian girls feel extra good because their you-know-whats are "slanted sideways."
Tommie Hu$tle said:I got the same treatment you did TCO and like you it is water under the bridge but, I do admit I like scaring wihte people with my "blackness" when in reality I rank somewhere between Will Smith and Cuba Gooding Jr. as far as threat to white people goes.
Anyone besides me realise they aren't black enough for Blackplanet?
...Be-Ah-Hui said:Of course, we do feel extra good though![]()
Master Z said:GAF has the most black people I've ever seen on a videogame message board, which is cool. Back in '98 when I first started posting on message boards and the first forum I ever joined, squaregamer I was the only black dude there (well technically I'm mullato). We've come a long way..... unfortunately the stereotypes and bullshit still exist in a lot of places (OA anyone?) but after a few battles with a certain forum member at squargamer many years ago I realized that's it's just the internet and there's no need for me to get all worked up about it.
Be-Ah-Hui said:Of course, we do feel extra good though![]()
My thoughts exactly...even down to the NY Giants gear.bishoptl said:
black D&D nerds? Now that floors me.
Nope -- I'm disturbingly pale, in fact.Tommie Hu$tle said:Wait a minute here -jinx- are you Black(ish)?
-jinx- said:Nope -- I'm disturbingly pale, in fact.
Lil' Dice said:I have more black friends than i do of any other race combined, however i much prefer dining out with my white friends when it calls for splitting the bill :lol
Lil' Dice said:I think a certain degree of ghetto-fabulous...ness is required to be down with BlackPlanet.
The Chosen One said:Heh yeah it certain seems like it.
I used to hang around blackplanet 4-5 years ago before they got gigantic. There were a few good people on there, but it really is a diamond in the rough type thing. The vast majority of guys are fakers and the women usually say something like, "I WaNt sOmeOne wHo is EduCAted and haS a jOb but also a tHug. But most in imPorTaNt he gotta be REaL." Basically most of the girls on there want a thug who has a salary of a doctor/lawyer. (ie. a drug dealer :lol )
I blame MTV/BET. Beyonce tells black women that she wants a "soldier", so then black women start jocking and get knocked up by around the way thugs. Then the rest of us black men get blamed when their illiterate baby daddies run away or get sent to prison...
Anyway, BlackVoices used to be better for meeting black women online without all the noise of Blackplanet. Blackplanet was cool for meeting women of other ethnicities (hispanic, asian, and white and etc) who dig black guys.
Azih said:I'm sad to say that in my last days at Uni I was sitting next to a black guy in the computer lab who was blasting a Michelle Branch tune out of his headphones on repeat for like a hour straight and it seriously wierded me out.
Though I think the Sailor Moon pics he was perusing at the same time were what made the whole thing surreal.
like, physically?karasu said:This thread makes me sick
levious said:"you're so well spoken" is something that always floors me.
DarienA said:...I just want some chicken.
I will never forget the time that I was on XBL with a few of you tards and one of you had the goddamn nerve to comment that I don't sound black... how the hell are black people suppose to sound..huh...HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!
hkk said:I'm from Squaregamer, and that was my first message board. What was your nick?
Since when the hell have you been black?bishoptl said:Once I let people know that I am black, immediately they tell me that they know a black person and s/he is like "totally" their best friend, or ask if we can play NBA Live online and will I spot them 10 pts, that kind of stuff. Is it always like this? Can other black folks relate? Perhaps we should create our own separate internet where we won't be subjected to stereotypes and harassment.
That's because you like Nintendo/Nintendogs. Develop taste! Even Konex and Orin have friends... I think.Smiles and Cries said:I'm Black and I like Nintendogs.
I don't have any White friends... Correction I don't have ANY friends. ;_;