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Blade Trinity = BOMB????

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keep your strippers out of my American football
Saw this posted on a site tonight:

Blade: Trinity, which opens tonight, is getting killed by critics as bad as a HHH vs. Scott Steiner 20:00 long match. Almost all the reviews don't even mention HHH. HHH was mentioned in the Evansville Courier & Press, which gave such great quotes about the movie as "avoid at all costs" and "poor" but did say HHH upstaged the other actors and was much better than anything Dwayne Johnson has ever done. Well, that quote will be on the Levesque family wall next to the life sized poster of Frank Zane and Chris Dickerson. Things are even worse because Wesley Snipes won't be doing anything to promote the movie and apparently wants nothing to do with the movie, and didn't even show up for its red carpet premiere.

When the star of a movie wants to have nothing to do with it, that is usually a bad sign. I am thinking Stephanie writes for the Evansville Courier & Press. Anyway, anyone who saw the movie, is it really this bad?


Why would Snipes even participate if he thought it was garbage? Besides the money, of course. What happened to integrity?!


hoo the fuck is HHH and u sh00d we care?


Soul4ger said:
Why would Snipes even participate if he thought it was garbage? Besides the money, of course. What happened to integrity?!

Integrity. Hm. Yeah.

Demolition Man
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
The Fan
One Night Stand

Need I go on? I have more.....

P.s.- I like you, guy. :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
isamu said:
hoo the fuck is HHH and u sh00d we care?


(Okay former Heavyweight Champion right now but those who watch know that will last what...a week?)

He's a wrestler for the WWE.



Lyte Edge said:
He's a wrestler for the WWE.


And he is that damn good. In spite of his steroid-shrunken wang.


Odoul said:
Hey boy. Simon Phoenix was a badder MF than mere men can hope to be.
And his hair was FUCKING AWESOME. Seriously, no matter how bad the movie, at least Snipes looked cool.


Things are even worse because Wesley Snipes won't be doing anything to promote the movie and apparently wants nothing to do with the movie, and didn't even show up for its red carpet premiere.

I figured something was up when looking at the pics from the premiere, not one photo of Snipes.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Why would there be any pics of that SCRUB Wesley Snipes in Blade 3 when its stars are Van Wilder and Triple H?


First tragedy, then farce.

Hunter hasnt been in that good of shape in years... that dude is packing a massive gut these days.. Whenever he doesnt have the title belt he goes and eats a gallon of ice cream to make himself feel important. Poor trips.


I heard some WWE guy does an armbar and then an uma plata on some other wrestler. Is this true? If it is Blade might be worth my money.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
StoOgE said:
Hunter hasnt been in that good of shape in years... that dude is packing a massive gut these days.. Whenever he doesnt have the title belt he goes and eats a gallon of ice cream to make himself feel important. Poor trips.

I wouldn't call that a "massive gut," but he definitely has lost some muscle and packed on some fat...

...and you know what? He's been putting on better matches ever since. :p

Did you see the cover of his body building book? Now THAT'S hilarious since he hasn't looked like that in several years. :lol


Stories going back to at least November 17th about this.


Wesley Snipes is said to have pulled out of all press duties for the upcoming Blade: Trinity.

Snipes has reportedly signed up for another movie as soon as filming finished on the third Blade movie. "Wesley is in Bulgaria shooting a movie." Trinity producer Peter Frankfurt told Ananova. "He's done three movies in Bulgaria. Actually I haven't talked to Wesley. Wesley won't return my calls?"

"He hasn't called me to talk about it. If he was genuinely unhappy with the film we would have heard something. There's a lot going on in his life and he's got a lot of issues at hand so who knows. The guy is an awesome Blade."

"Sometimes the paths of communication between us are fantastic and sometimes they're non-existent. If Wes doesn't want to do press that's a career choice he's made."

Snipes is said to have had total control on the set, and had to green-lighted scenes in which he appeared. He is also said to have stayed in character throughout the movie.

Frankfurt adds, "Wesley has script and director approval of all the Blade movies. He had to sign off on absolutely everything we were doing."


First tragedy, then farce.
NLB2 said:
I heard some WWE guy does an armbar and then an uma plata on some other wrestler. Is this true? If it is Blade might be worth my money.

Do you have a video of this move? Not sure what they would call it if someone does it.. but its certainly not Trips. All that guy does is distract refs, hit people with sledgehammers and pedigrees.
Just saw it.

Blade 3 sucked. i saw the first 2 and loved them but thise one is garbage. the bright spots and Van Wilder and believe it or not TRIPLE H!

Van wilder was funny in the movie but some of the jokes did fall flat. The script was HORRIBLE, Acting was CRAP!

Bag Guys Sucked except for the few moments of inspired camera angles the fight scenes sucked ass.



StoOgE said:
Do you have a video of this move? Not sure what they would call it if someone does it.. but its certainly not Trips. All that guy does is distract refs, hit people with sledgehammers and pedigrees.


An armbar doesn't need both fighters on the ground to be applied, it can be applied from many different positions. All that is neccesary is for one fighter to control the other fighter's extended arm and apply pressure to the extended arm's elbow with their hips in an effort to hyperextend the extended arm.

Uma Plata:

That's what the technique looks like at the end. I really don't understand it very well.


First tragedy, then farce.
That would be the Crippler Crossface by Chris Benoit.. its sorta a modified combo of those two.


Normally he has it locked in better than that.. one arm is usually extended fully with his legs twisted around it like an armbar.


StoOgE said:
That would be the Crippler Crossface by Chris Benoit.. its sorta a modified combo of those two.


Normally he has it locked in better than that.. one arm is usually extended fully with his legs twisted around it like an armbar.
Oh thanks. I'll have to see a video of that.


Haven't even heard about Blade 3 until today == no hype. Besides, the second movie sucked, and the first one belongs in the nineties. Aka. last millenium.

Wrestlers are only known in america and maybe japan, and not anywhere else in the worlds ffs, so putting a wrestler in a movie and think it'll do better cuz of that is just, so, retarded.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
bishoptl said:
Ever heard of the Scorpion King?

Or The Rundown and Walking Tall for that matter. The Rock's popularity transcends wrestling anyway.


Drexon said:
Wrestlers are only known in america and maybe japan, and not anywhere else in the worlds ffs, so putting a wrestler in a movie and think it'll do better cuz of that is just, so, retarded.

Are you on crack? The WWF (never E to me) sells like crazy when they go overseas.
I think it was worse than the last one (which I was not fond of). At least Blade 2 wasn't afraid to be over the top and semi-campy. This movie was a Buffyfied, flimsy film, but still tried to pull off the mean muggin hipster shit. And failed miserably. It had some cool cinematography at times, some dope tunes, and the occassional "ooh" action scene (the opening was gangsta), but the characters (bad guy, sidekicks), the plot, and the dialog (minus some of Van Wilder hamming it up) were all sub-par at best.

It's like as soon as Jessice Biel showed up, I knew things were headed straight downhill. And sure enough they were. Wrestlers, b-movie-star detectives, laughably intense supervillains, and inexplicably well equipped Scooby-Doo vampire-hunter "sleeper cells" all keep the shitpile rolling steadily toward its steaming conclusion.

If I were Snipes, I too would be to embarassed to promote this film, especially as the depth of my involvement became more widely known.


kumanoki said:
Integrity. Hm. Yeah.

Demolition Man
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
The Fan
One Night Stand

Need I go on? I have more.....

P.s.- I like you, guy. :)

WTF...you're dissing Demolition Man???? That movie is a classic!

And didn't Snipes bone like two hot chicks in One Night Stand? I'd have played that role for free.

As for Blade 3, whatever...I thought the first movie sucked, and didn't bother with the second one. Trips couldn't make it any worse.
AeroGod said:
It wasnt that bad. It was fun.

Fun? The only genuinely fun part of the movie for me was, during the long silent duration between the last preview and the start of the film, some highschool smartass yelled from the entryway, apparently at someone he knew in the movie, "Michael So-and-so looooovvess the dick!!".

The delivery was priceless and the perfect timing and execution earned my respect. Reminded me how dumb, but fun, being a high school knucklehead used to be. I was then reminded for 90 minutes how shitty being a moviegoer could be ..


Ned Flanders said:
Fun? The only genuinely fun part of the movie for me was, during the long silent duration between the last preview and the start of the film, some highschool smartass yelled from the entryway, apparently at someone he knew in the movie, "Michael So-and-so looooovvess the dick!!".

The delivery was priceless and the perfect timing and execution earned my respect. Reminded me how dumb, but fun, being a high school knucklehead used to be. I was then reminded for 90 minutes how shitty being a moviegoer could be ..

Difference of opinion. When it comes to movies im generally easily pleased, especially action movies. I go in knowing what to expect. I dont need award winning acting or storyline, just to be entertained. Blade did that. The actions scenes were good, the weapons were neat, Dracula was cool(especially in the last fight with is sword 0_0), and it had some funny dialog. And even after three movies and countless dead vampires, I still love watching them die into burning ash. Never gets old. Jessica Biel being hot doesnt hurt the film either. Seeing Triple H die was awesome, just because i hate him :p Yeah, its not the best Blade movie. I still the think the first one was better because the villians werent that great in this one. Dracula was a bad ass, but Triple H and the bitch were pretty meh. Vampire Dogs were awesome though :lol

The best line of the movie

Triple H: "No...they pretty much fucking ass raped us."

It was funny coming from him.

Its too bad some people have to by so critical. But hey, you have every right to dislike the movie or anything. Im not going ot lose sleep over this. Blade Trinity isnt the best movie of the year, but it was fun. Thats all it needed to be. $8 dollars well spent. I was entertained for 2 hours and it got me some time out of the house :p


I thought it was a very good and entertaining action flick. Jessica Beil was hot as hell and Ryan Reynolds was really funny.


It was pretty fun I thought. Not that great, and WAY too many scenes with someone screaming while looking up. But the fight scenes were awsome.

But dear god... Ryan Renolyds character.... fucking Xander to a tee. They didn't even hide it. Smart ass wise cracker who gets the shit beat out of him but by luck, somehow survives it. Not only that, Ryan Renolyds was originally set to be Xander before he backed out to do that "Two guys and a girl" show.

Kumiko Nikaido

I thought both Blade 2 and 1 were better than Trinity. Trinity just had a different look and feel to it, and David Goyer's first stab at directing had it's sloppy moments (fight sequences) and crap acting. The action scenes were fun, but how they were edited were too brisk, didn't flow well, and seemed like everyone was doing the same move (spin kick through glass and walls...yeah).

And it seemed like Wesley Snipes looked too tired in the film. And least Ryan Reynold's King chracter was a hoot, and his wisecracks were funny and provided the entertaining (although unneccesary) comic relief. For a film that's supposed to be the final in the trilogy, the ending was kinda lame as well.


dskillzhtown said:
Saw this posted on a site tonight:

When the star of a movie wants to have nothing to do with it, that is usually a bad sign. I am thinking Stephanie writes for the Evansville Courier & Press. Anyway, anyone who saw the movie, is it really this bad?

Or maybe he's still dodging that crackhead who said he knocked her up in the middle of a crackhouse.
^ Pffft, SAY WHAT?

Please tell me that is in the movie.

I think I might have to see this travesty (fan of the first, second was ho-hum with some nice parts) just for that above quoted HHH line.


StoOgE said:
That would be the Crippler Crossface by Chris Benoit.. its sorta a modified combo of those two.


Normally he has it locked in better than that.. one arm is usually extended fully with his legs twisted around it like an armbar.

If the Crippler Crossface looks like an oma plata, its completely by accident :p


Yeah, Reynolds is usually pretty annoying, but was MOSTLY good in the movie. Biel was okay, kind of overdoing it on the brooding, but oh so hot.

Poor Patton.

I was wondering the whole movie, where the fuck is the action? We had what... 1 big fight at the end, and a couple half assed fights in the beginning. That's it. The apartment jumping was lame and a laughable action sequence.

Still gonna buy it to complete the set, but 1>2>3

Dorff rules all.

Hilarious how HHH ran away from them all the time. He was such a pussy unless it was 1 on 1. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Ristamar said:
Now here is some news I can believe. Dorff is the man.

Cecil B. Demented ROCKS. And surprisingly so did Space Truckers. Never saw that one coming.
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