keep your strippers out of my American football
Saw this posted on a site tonight:
When the star of a movie wants to have nothing to do with it, that is usually a bad sign. I am thinking Stephanie writes for the Evansville Courier & Press. Anyway, anyone who saw the movie, is it really this bad?
Blade: Trinity, which opens tonight, is getting killed by critics as bad as a HHH vs. Scott Steiner 20:00 long match. Almost all the reviews don't even mention HHH. HHH was mentioned in the Evansville Courier & Press, which gave such great quotes about the movie as "avoid at all costs" and "poor" but did say HHH upstaged the other actors and was much better than anything Dwayne Johnson has ever done. Well, that quote will be on the Levesque family wall next to the life sized poster of Frank Zane and Chris Dickerson. Things are even worse because Wesley Snipes won't be doing anything to promote the movie and apparently wants nothing to do with the movie, and didn't even show up for its red carpet premiere.
When the star of a movie wants to have nothing to do with it, that is usually a bad sign. I am thinking Stephanie writes for the Evansville Courier & Press. Anyway, anyone who saw the movie, is it really this bad?