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Bleach Manga |OT| Return of the King


Has anyone ever done a statistic break down of how Bleach fights progress?

I have this ... weird feeling like there's a pattern of powers getting explained, ugly ass off-brand apple transformations & bankai reveals during fights.

Might just be me though.
I had the theory down for a while.

A: Take this!
B: Oh no. Oh nevermind, I am actually immune to this. Time to get serious. Take this!
A: I knew that, now I am getting serious. And I am also immune to this. Time to get serious. Take this!
B: Oh no, such a surprise, but I am also actually immune to this. Time to get serious. Take this!
A: Oh no, but apparently I am immune to that too. But I didn't try to kill you anyways until now. Time to get serious. Take this!
B: Oh no~~
Yes but how does the part where characters randomly explain their power factor into this?

Or better yet, the thing where characters lie about their power sometimes. I think Kubo's used that "twist" several times.

Characters explaining their powers in Bleach is just assumed to happen at every single stage hence it not being a stage to itself


Has anyone ever done a statistic break down of how Bleach fights progress?

I have this ... weird feeling like there's a pattern of powers getting explained, ugly ass off-brand apple transformations & bankai reveals during fights.

Might just be me though.
I just viewed them as being like Smash Bros matches where everyone starts at 300%. Seems like every attack should be taking the opponent out right then and there, but then they counter just as effectively! And it keeps on going until someone is finally knocked out, and if we're very lucky it might be from something clever rather than the percentage being too high to NOT get knocked out and stay out.


I like Kyoraku's Bankai, now we just have to see if Kubo will draw it out with counters like he normally does. if there is a counter I expect at least 2-4 more chapters on this fight. Now that Kyoraku has exposed his Bankai I think we might not see all of the them revealed. Good chance we will see Urahara's and maybe Shinji. Doubting Kenpachi, Love (is he even there lol?), Aizen, Yoruichi, Ukitake, Isshin get to show it off.


Wait, what was the point of the drowning if he was going to slash him anyways. Seemed redundant. But well, maybe there is still more to the bankai.


Of course that angel form isn't his final form yet.


I... don't understand Kyouraku's Bankai. Like, at all.
It uh. Puts water everywhere and then something about a thread of regret (possibly the thread about the Kanye halloween costume) and then he cuts anyways, which he couldn't before because errr. Also people can talk normally apparently.


''haaaa take my final power, die''

''ohhh no I'm dead! Nah, kidding this is not even my final form now take my final power''

Next week on Bleach:

''ohhh no I'm dead! Nah kidding this isn't even my final act now take my final power''


And Kubo strikes again. Why can't he, you know, let Shunsui win and focus on the next fight?

Well, we know next chapter Shunsui will have another secret technique or somebody (maybe Nanao) will come and help him.


Oh, god damn it. This asspull "I'm not dead yet" bullshit again.

The battle with Pernida was decent for once, giving me false hope things were getting better.

qcf x2

Oh please, lets not pretend Bleach is unique in the shounen world for pulling the "not dead yet" thing. It's literally a staple of shounen (and even western comics). The notion of the pernida fight being a preferable contrast is weird, since you had the mad scientist/Batman trope in full effect, which is IMO the dumbest of asspulls.

"I'm inferior to you in every way except I have a magic laboratory with unlimited resources and impossible intel."

Just my opinion, but I'll take the guy established to be Ywach's final creation and verging on being a transient being surviving a headshot and some smallpox over that. The asspull would have been a shinigami who was getting bodied by Stark and the lower level quincy beating this dude's released form on his own with a mere bankai and no resistance.

But it's a Bleach thread, carry on.


The chapters impact was dulled due it not been a killing blow. It was ending kind of bittersweet and well done but then had dude come back. If it ended with Shunsui just closing his eye after saying I love be better or just show a foot walking over to him.

Of course Bleach ain't only manga to use the I'm not dead thing happens everywhere and is dumb Bleach gets railed over it.


If Timmy smashes the bottle of honey I am not letting him go, just because Jaden down the street also threw down a bottle of honey. This is the Bleach thread, I think it's abt to talk about it failings in here. And the repeating routine is one of Kubo's many writing failures.
Oh please, lets not pretend Bleach is unique in the shounen world for pulling the "not dead yet" thing. It's literally a staple of shounen (and even western comics). The notion of the pernida fight being a preferable contrast is weird, since you had the mad scientist/Batman trope in full effect, which is IMO the dumbest of asspulls.

The perrnida chapters were preferable because there was actual character development in them

This is basically the new version of Kenpachi vs kid who makes up stuff from his imagination. when bleach gets like this I imagine two elementary school students trying to top each other with whatever ridiculous thing they could conceive. It's just Kubo is a man getting paid to write stuff you would hear on a playground.

qcf x2

All valid points, but I think we did get character development from Shunsui. We found out he's in love with his zanpakuto spirit, which nobody was expecting.

He's probably going to die, or at the very least he's done for the rest of the series after this fight. He ran through a multistage bankai, and we know what happened to the last captain commander who did that.

Any bets on how the fight ends? We know Nanao is going to get involved somehow, but I'm hoping she doesn't turn super saiyan like Nemu did. I also don't want to see Ukitake/Ukitake's ghost play a role. There are a lot of fighters still missing in action, so it seems like somebody is going to step in.


My bet:

- sniper dude comes in his ultimatest/true form
- shunsui get butt kicked
- second sword saves him barely
- sniper dude explodes
- shunsui fucking dying by falling to death without strength left because he overstretched his power to be a little bit longer than needed with his spirits, but Nanao catches him and says something that implies that she loves him, but knows that he has his love in his sword
- story ends with shunsui smiling under his head or something.

Something in that direction is what I expect anyways.


Has anyone ever done a statistic break down of how Bleach fights progress?

I have this ... weird feeling like there's a pattern of powers getting explained, ugly ass off-brand apple transformations & bankai reveals during fights.

Might just be me though.
A pattern is starting to form with vice captains coming in and assisting captains who have been dealt a grave injury.


I guess so. he had his OG zanpakutou then he started duel wielding with Nanao's mom's sword

poll: would you let Ohana or whatever her name is take you away
[] yes
[] yes


I'm totally lost, even by Bleach's standards.

Nothing makes sense, starting with the bad guy. Is he stronger than Ywach? Is he god? Is he an angel? Is he Jesus (version 2.0, the OG Jesus is Sasuke of course)? He went from random sniper black guy, to weird unbeatable flying thing to blond cherub. Kubo is just throwing designs he had in his drawer randomly and hoping for the best. I actually feel somewhat bad for the guy.

And of fucking course Shunsui's bankai is meant to be a one-hit kill move that the bad guy is impervious to. All the fights in this manga are the same, sigh...


k iunno why I said it's her mom's sword. too much stuff going on with Nanao's sword and her mom

excited for next week. maybe Lille will get another form cuz his current owl centaur look ain't pretty


So much for Shunsui and Ukitake having unique twin swords.

Kind interesting development for Shunsui during this fight actually gaining a personality apart from the lazy strong guy. Also some Bayonetta influenced Angel designs going on with these chosen Quincy.


I'm totally lost, even by Bleach's standards.

Nothing makes sense, starting with the bad guy. Is he stronger than Ywach? Is he god? Is he an angel? Is he Jesus (version 2.0, the OG Jesus is Sasuke of course)? He went from random sniper black guy, to weird unbeatable flying thing to blond cherub. Kubo is just throwing designs he had in his drawer randomly and hoping for the best. I actually feel somewhat bad for the guy.

Ywach sees himself as God so Kubo is going full God influence for the designs. His chosen Quincy which he brought to the royal palace are kind of the highest court of Angels like Metatron, Rapheal etc. So expect them have these divine white false Angel awakening forms.
So with Shunsui and Ukitake not having twin swords like everyone thought, that makes Ichigo the only legitimate twin sword wielder? Or is he not?


Get Inside Her!
So with Shunsui and Ukitake not having twin swords like everyone thought, that makes Ichigo the only legitimate twin sword wielder? Or is he not?

Ukitake might still, right?

Ichigo's isn't super different from Shunsui's, though. In that they both kinda have two different sword spirits, Shunsui with another Shinigami's entirely, Ichigo with his hollow/quincy shiz. Though I suppose at least with Ichigo they are both fully "his."


Kubo's gonna explain everything next week

or he'll drop more bombs and we won't know its significance until 100 chapters later
what the fuck did his bankai even do? some crap about underwater and he somehow cut off his head by cutting some string.....i don't know

Bleach needs a damn narrator to explain this shit, we still don't even know what Unohana's did exactly.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Bleach Manga |OT| It made sense to Kubo


what the fuck did his bankai even do? some crap about underwater and he somehow cut off his head by cutting some string.....i don't know

Bleach needs a damn narrator to explain this shit, we still don't even know what Unohana's did exactly.

It dumps you in a sea of despair. I don't even think it is supposed to be water, but more a feeling.


The women also said something about cutting all his ideas. I don't know if that's a weird translation, obviously it didn't stop him anyways.

Mr Git

I was looking at the avatar of his zanpakuto and thinking, is that the one from the filler arc I stopped watching? And it turns out it is. Did Kubo design those then? Cause most were absolute wank.
Confused as to the whole borrowed zanpakuto thing, although that might explain why Nanao has been running around wielding a book the whole time.
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