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Bloated, PR paste-bin |OT|s are a plague on these boards

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listen to the mad man
KingDizzi said:
It's pretty obvious that people here saying big OT's are bad:

1. Have shitty internet connections which is their own problem
2. Are jealous because they don't have the mental capacity to make one of those big OT's
3. Just need something to moan about, venting on a video game forum about how people that make OT's are fanboys, as though gaming is actually anything meaningful in life is really quite embarrassing.

I see no problem with these big OT's, if there is such sorrow over reading them wait until it goes into page two and then click. The small OT's that the OP posted for example are so low on info and it seems like what people here want, better off just asking a question about the game in the thread and hoping to get a reply.

So in other words, your post is, in order;
u mad and u jelly

haters gonna hate

deal with it


CliffyB's Cock Holster
KingDizzi said:
I see no problem with these big OT's, if there is such sorrow over reading them wait until it goes into page two and then click. The small OT's that the OP posted for example are so low on info and it seems like what people here want, better off just asking a question about the game in the thread and hoping to get a reply.

Exactly. If you don't like it, skip it.

As to the ludicrous charge that these elaborate posts stifle debate, I only see one side here looking to restrict the way in which people express themselves on these boards.


espionage said:
How about no images allowed in OPs? That would actually make things a lot more concise. No custom headers, PR screenshots, etc. - the OPs would simply only be text. Isn't that why we're all here? To read?
Eh, I don't think that is a good idea either. Images should be used if they can be done right. Use them as headings, screenshots, links to videos/trailers. Not as a way to convey info through text contained in them.
Thank you for making this thread, so I wouldn't have to. I've been wanting to say something, but was scared of being eaten alive by all the fawning and 'WOW AMAZING JOB GODLY OP' posts. What blows my mind is that these individuals admit to having worked for MONTHS (unpaid) on a single fucking OP- and for some reason that's taken as completely normal by people here. I can at least understand these posts if they were made by a paid PR shill- but as a pure act of passion? Is that a good use of time? On a post that contains absolutely no unique information, no extra insight, just a fanboyish vomit of every single piece of info available from the game, from anywhere, regardless of its use? I'm sure you'd freak out the devs themselves. Soon, we'll need to click through multiple pages to finish the damn OP. It's become an idiotic e-penis competition, from people who clearly have little to do in their lives.

Anyway, carry on.
Vire said:
I couldn't disagree more.

It reflects positively on the community because it shows that we are the most dedicated video game forum on the internet. We CARE about games enough to put the time and effort into these things and provide information to others.

I really don't get the hate.
I think where we disagree is the line where providing information becomes a sales pitch.


espionage said:
How about no images allowed in OPs? That would actually make things a lot more concise. No custom headers, PR screenshots, etc. - the OPs would simply only be text. Isn't that why we're all here? To read?

I'd like to see someone try that on a highly-anticipated game.

Would be hilarious.


Hellsing321 said:
Good lord that Assassin's Creed OT is overkill. I agree completely that its getting out of hand with most OTs and makes finding information harder for people, not easier.
Not counting that text has gone out of fashion and replaced by images. Sure it looks better but it's kinda hard to ctrl-f them. ;)


espionage said:
How about no images allowed in OPs? That would actually make things a lot more concise. No custom headers, PR screenshots, etc. - the OPs would simply only be text. Isn't that why we're all here? To read?

I'd certainly like and expect a few screenshots; those alone can be very informative, especially for relatively unknown games. The game's logo doesn't seem unreasonable either. Beyond that, I'd agree, better to stick with text.


notworksafe said:
But making text into images looks like shit on phones and can look like shit on computers depending on what size/resolution the screen is using. Like I said, there are plenty of examples of text heavy OPs that manage to fit in 1-3 posts and provide tons of info, images, videos, reviews, etc. Many examples are provided here.

If your Skylanders thread is like your MK thread it will be about 14 posts too long without hitting the character limit in most of those posts. The MK thread was very attractive and obviously took a lot of work, but it was too much.
Skylanders OT


And that's after I removed/erased parts of it to able able to update stuff later (like making some of the text as images).

And it's just one post. :p

Rolf NB

fernoca said:
But it is for a reason, well usually at least.

If I had to pick the one thing I dislike the most about big OTs, this is it. Second would probably be long-width images that force scrollbars on all but the highest resolution computers.

186 characters, including spaces.

If you want it to look like:
If I had to pick the one thing I dislike the most about big OTs, this is it. Second would probably be long-width images that force scrollbars on all but the highest resolution computers.​
Adding the
tags adds 16 more characters; for a total of 202 characters just in that post.

Compared to:

Which is just 39 characters, including the tags.

:p[/QUOTE]Great savings there, well done! Also makes you look like a Windows Vista user.​


I love the MW3 OT. If I am at work and go to it, I get almost nothing from the first post, because almost everything is images. So I just get a ton of red X's.


Kung Fu Grip said:
Awesome! Glad to see you have zero clue about what my post ment.


"Whaaaa! Too many words mommy! Too many pictures! Make it stop! Whaaaa!

Really? You can't come up with a proper response and resort to calling people out as crybabies? Sigh...


This is the effect of the behemoth that is the MGS4 OT. People on GAF are set to topple it.

While I think the work and the sleekness of the AC Revelations thread is to be applauded, it seems like major overkill when it isn't even a numbered iteration of the series. I expect that kind of a thread for the LAST AC game, or even 3 which is set to wrap up this console generation, but not for Revelations.

I'm not going to hate on someone who is that passionate about the series, and WANTS to put that much work into a OT. That's what geeking out is supposed to look like.

Perhaps the compromise could be that the first page of OT's from now on can be that TL;DR bite sized morsel the OP of this thread likes, and then give fair warning that the rest is for those who want to share in the glory of the franchise/game at hand? That way after you read the first page, you can just skip to the latest comment, and go from there.

What do you guys think ?


Kung Fu Grip said:
Didn't everyone love the MGS4 OT? I don't remember people having a problem with that thread.

It inspired a thread similar to this one about how OTs had gotten out of hand so definitely no, not everybody loved it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Green Scar said:
I like Andrex's SMB3DL |OT| just because it provides awesome theme music. *headbangs*

I'm trying to work in some easter eggs in my threads. :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Even though I think it would be a better forum without these abominations I kinda would like to see one on some really low key game.


tagged by Blackace
Zerokku said:
Good god at that AC:Rev OT. I'm glad I didn't open that on my phone. I would have used up 1/4 of my montly bandwidth just on the front page. Christ.
I hope you know you can disable images on the app and selectively choose the ones you want to load.


Rolf NB said:
Great savings there, well done! Also makes you look like a Windows Vista user.
Windows 7..which is not that great anyway. :p
Then again, I made the MK OT in a like 10 inches netbook with Windows XP...and Wordpad mostly. Photoshop for images, but couldn't use any other program or it just crashed. XD


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
NullPointer said:
Not true. Patch notes, FAQ answers that come up, dev quotes, and updates etc are exactly the kind of thing you update an OT's first post with. That's helpful info.
The policy here now seems to be new threads for every new piece of information. Dark Souls patch notes. Naughty Dog inquiring about UC3 controls. Map pack announcements. Arguments about review scores. Everything. An OP is never going to cover all of that.

If there is an argument to be made, posts consisting of enormous JPGs could just be thumb nailed for those who wish to read them rather than reserving the first ten posts of a thread. But the information itself is either worth reading or it isn't. I don't see the controversy.
ShockingAlberto said:
That's also a problem.

Sometimes people will call OTs weeks or months in advance. That's when I can tell an OT basically has no value for me. It's someone who has hyped themselves in to a state of craziness that they want to be the one to sell the game.

"I have an idea for one, can I do it?" is okay.

"I call this OT when the game comes out in three months because everyone needs to know how this this game will be the best game ever" is not.

Yeah, I have to agree with this sentiment. While the hype train mentality is exciting, it's also poisonous. It's a detriment to both your enjoyment of a thing and is also just acting as free PR and grandstanding.

I don't want to make it seem like we should be against the wicked excitement of a great game landing on our laps, but as stated here, we should probably tone it down a lot.


Derrick01 said:
Speaking of that I can't wait for whoever does ME3's OT. I hope it's Evilore so we can get another thread on DA2's level.

i am making it <_< but i dont it will be like DA 2 one


fernoca said:
Skylanders OT


And that's after I removed/erased parts of it to able able to update stuff later (like making some of the text as images).

And it's just one post. :p[/QUOTE]
I've said before that I don't think that every OT should be limited to one post, so not sure why you are stressing that as a limit. One to three posts is totally acceptable if that many are needed. One for basic info, screens, trailers, thread updates (similar to your MK thread updates), etc. One for reviews, extra links, related info like links to character profiles or some such thing, or updates/DLC. One for GAF impressions in text/image form if needed/wanted.

But your Skylanders thread is again very attractive and much better than the ridiculously bad OTs that have been posted here as bad examples. I apologize for making fun of it without having seen it.


notworksafe said:
I've said before that I don't think that every OT should be limited to one post, so not sure why you are stressing that as a limit. One to three posts is fine by me if needed. One for basic info, screens, trailers, etc. One for reviews, extra links, related info like links to character profiles or some such thing, or updates/DLC. One for GAF impressions in text/image form if needed/wanted.

But your Skylanders thread is again very attractive and much better than the ridiculously bad OTs that have been posted here as bad examples. I apologize for making fun of it without having seen it.

We don't need 72,000 characters for an OT.

24,000 characters should be plenty. That's like a 10 page dissertation.


TheExodu5 said:
We don't need 72,000 characters for an OT.

24,000 characters should be plenty. That's like a 10 page dissertation.
Perhaps so, but I figure giving a max of three posts allows for people to still be creative with formatting, images, and other ways without being overly restrictive. I'm not saying that all OTs should be three posts, but that three should be allowed if needed. Not every game/product/software will need that many.

Most OTs will be able to fit in one post (with an option to have a second for impressions/updates/DLC info). Some, like fighting games or games with many characters that could be linked to profiles/movelists, may need a second post for info and a third reserved for impressions/updates/DLC info.
ShockingAlberto said:
The MGS4 thread had pretty much the worst thread title in GAF OT history.
It's a tie between the MGS4 thread title (because it made no sense) and that one that had the "...wait for it..." in the title that I can't remember because it just pissed me off seeing it.
I agree. It stinks of viral marketing.

There's nothing wrong with an OT with nice pictures and detailed info, but the kind of stuff we've been getting lately is too much and features too much publisher involvement (I remember one for an Eidos game that was checked over by one of the marketing guys at Eidos. That's going too far)


y'all should be ashamed
Andrex said:
I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3

No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!

OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?

Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
When I saw the GAF comments in the OP I honestly thought the review scores were so disappointing that you decided to forgo them altogether, hah. :p


I think it's a fun, cool tradition, to see who does the biggest most exagerated OT, as long as they're not all like that.
But as far as usefulness goes, yeah, they should tone it down a notch.
My favourite |OT| titles are those that play with the format. Nothing will ever be better than the Yakuza 3 thread title, even if it was a mod edit.

The Vanquish |OT| title is also great.


Paradoxal_Utopia said:
Thank you for making this thread, so I wouldn't have to. I've been wanting to say something, but was scared of being eaten alive by all the fawning and 'WOW AMAZING JOB GODLY OP' posts. What blows my mind is that these individuals admit to having worked for MONTHS (unpaid) on a single fucking OP- and for some reason that's taken as completely normal by people here. I can at least understand these posts if they were made by a paid PR shill- but as a pure act of passion? Is that a good use of time? On a post that contains absolutely no unique information, no extra insight, just a fanboyish vomit of every single piece of info available from the game, from anywhere, regardless of its use? I'm sure you'd freak out the devs themselves. Soon, we'll need to click through multiple pages to finish the damn OP. It's become an idiotic e-penis competition, from people who clearly have little to do in their lives.

Anyway, carry on.

You are disregarding actual care for the forum and hype for the game, which is the actual reason people make OT's.

It is not a stupid competition, we don't care who makes a better OP or not. We just want the game to have a good place for Gaffers to discuss and learn about it.

It is no different than posting in an OT, only difference is having the drive to actually start the conversation.


Unconfirmed Member
Good lord, that AssRev OP is ridiculous. I do long nice detailed OPs, though. They can be really helpful/useful/just fun to read. I dig the current Skyrim OT, for example.


Woo-Fu said:
Oh, and for the record, I think the new AC OT is awesome. It reminds me of the game manuals we used to get, back in the golden age.

You used to get countless pages of useless information including things to PREORDER in your game manuals?


Wolfgunblood Garopa said:
The inside jokey OT thread titles are lame.

No, that is a GAF staple that has to stay. We are not a PR outlet and will make fun of your game no matter how good it is.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I loved the MGS4 OT as it described the whole of the series. I had no need to look at a Wikipedia entry or a fan site for a time line or explanation of some random "remember when Snake did this? IT MEANS EVERYTHING!" that I clearly didn't. I didn't even look at the OT until just this year on my third run through of the game and it still helped me out.

I love the Dark Souls OT. Without spoiling, without ruining the surprise, without forcing me to look at images or videos that would just tell me what to expect, I got tips and helpful suggestions on how to start the game right from the start (and second post).

The iOS OT is good for explaining people just joining in, as it should be for such a group.

Street: Cleaning Simulator does go for that PR style of hype and selling, but that was something the game didn't have anywhere else and it needed that void filled.

I don't want or need a huge thread of just pictures, but I don't want it devoid of love for the game by the person who made it. There is a good middle ground to be had between a basic summary that explains just what you need to know to understand the gist and an overzealous E3 booth man screaming at people and shoving pamphlets and pictures at us.


The Guy who created the AC R OT has created a brilliant index, so i dont see any problem browsing the AC R OT.


notworksafe said:
I've said before that I don't think that every OT should be limited to one post, so not sure why you are stressing that as a limit. One to three posts is totally acceptable if that many are needed. One for basic info, screens, trailers, thread updates (similar to your MK thread updates), etc. One for reviews, extra links, related info like links to character profiles or some such thing, or updates/DLC. One for GAF impressions in text/image form if needed/wanted.

But your Skylanders thread is again very attractive and much better than the ridiculously bad OTs that have been posted here as bad examples. I apologize for making fun of it without having seen it.
In the case of Skylanders it was a "limit" since it was something made last minute. So I put everything I could on the main post and then updated some. A few replies were already in place, so I keep adding everything to the main post...and in some cases, a link to a separate post. Replies started including impressions, so I added that to the main post and that's were I hit the first limit, back then. :p

Now if the thread was planned, maybe I would've used a second post. But! after the criticism for the MK OT on this and other forums (yep, we're international people!!), one post threads in my case. :p

But hey, it was worth it. I'm showering in gifts and checks right now..and Bobby Kotick and Ed Boon are lying on my bed right now!! XD ...
eww..Kotick, hell no!.. :p


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Beam said:
You realize that you are on a gaming forum, right?
This seems to have been lost on people lately. The funny thing is I would never have even seen the AC Revelations mega post without this thread. Excellent work, gents.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
A friend not on Gaf noted something interesting. It would be cool if Gaf could have a Wiki for game OT information and stuff. Would keep huge OTs down and still provide all information.


I agree, but in particular I find the huge images worse than a lot of text. If the op wants to post unnecessary information such as 'IP history since 1985' he can add a second post, and at the beginning of the op give links to all the op's posts, like an index. And the first non op post as well, in case you are looking fit more opinions or whatever.

I.e, Archie is going to add in the dota 2 op a specific post for newbies. That's something nice and useful, but not for everyone, so links to help avoid the possible immense wall of text and images should be given.
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