It really annoys me, I'm going a skill build and outside of the Threaded Cane I haven't found anothe melee weapon that satisfies my playstyle of wanting to constantly dodge in and out and get some fast hits in to regain health. And looking at the wiki, the three other skill weapons are Blades of Mercy, Burial Blade and Reiterspallach, the former two being really late acquisitions and the latter having a gun form and I have no points in bloodtinge (however i do have the blunderbuss solelt to parry so would that work or is it too bloostinge focused?) Meanwhile strength characters get the kirkhammer, saw cleaver, saw spear, axe, stake driver, rifle spear and Ludwig's Holy blade at the same time while I have nothing except the TC :/
Saying STR is favored over SKL in Bloodborne is flatout wrong in my opinion. If anything, the game favors SKL build way, way more.
First, Visceral damage calculates SKL and only SKL in the stat department to raise its damage. Stupid move from FROM, imo, since this gimp any build with low SKL quite a lot.
As well, SKL has Threaded Cane, Saw Spear (its a quality weapon with a SKL bias), Ludwig (it would be more beneficial to raise SKL for this first and let STR just sits on 16, again, so that you can benefit more from higher Visceral damage), Blades of Mercy, Rifle Spear (why would you call this a STR weapon? It's clearly a SKL weapon), Reiterpallasch, Burial Blade, and throw Chikage in here as well since it benefits from SKL in its 1 handed form, all fantastic weapons WITH the undeniably HUGE advantage of much higher Visceral Damage at your disposal.
And--this is my personal view--I think only the Axe and Saw Cleaver is legitimate to be called very good in the STR weapons department. Logarius is way too slow and clunky and it doesn't have the range, and Kirkhammer is quite unreliable in terms in damage dealing since, unlike Burial Blade, it needs to hit in a "sweet spot" in its 2-handed form to cause the maximum damage and at times it can be hard to make sure that happens. Stake Driver is very close range and it's R2 charge, while very powerful, is very, very situational due to its charge-up period.
SKL on the other hand has it all; stagger ability (for example, BoM), rapid attacks, range (Rifle Spear, Threaded Cane, Burial Blade), AND visceral damage.
Alright only thing holding me back is the initial cost and the fact that it might not suit my playstyle. And the 16 strength of course.
Also how throwaway are blood shards and twin blood shards? Currently my TC is at the level right before I need to use blood chunks, and I figured if I wanted to try out different weapons for my second main hand I'd uparade them to a similar level to get a better feel for the damage they do.
Finally, is the rapid poison blood gem good or should I switched it out for something else?
Edit: how likely is it that I miss the Burial Blade and blades of mercy completely?
Throw them away, hahaha, since you can buy them (well for Twin you need to wait a bit) in the shop for 2000/10000 echoes respectively, which is paltry especially end-game/NG+.
Poison stuff is mostly useless since very few enemies are weak against poison and against those it'll be better if you just use Poison Knives. Besides, it takes up slots which is way, way, way better for stuff like %attack up gems.
What do you mean miss? Have you completed Eileen quest? And Burial Blade is hard to miss since if you pick 2 out of 3 ending you're practically guaranteed to have access to it. And besides, Chalice Dungeons offer you the chance to get different versions of them which you may even consider superior than the normal versions.
I mean that for a min/max skill build your BT is pretty high and for a BT build you went over the soft cap of 25 skill. No big deal though. Would not go higher with skill now if you want BT though.
I think I am gonna use Reiterpallasch + Repeating Pistol for my main, with Threaded Cane subbed in for my secondary. Later on I am gonna raise Evelyn too since why not, hahaha.