just realized I missed the blood rock and can't go back to where it's located because the game forced me in to NG+
nice, nice
how prevalent is it in chalice dungeons?
Only one i got is when you beat the
Yharnham Queen
just realized I missed the blood rock and can't go back to where it's located because the game forced me in to NG+
nice, nice
how prevalent is it in chalice dungeons?
fuuuuuuuuuuckOnly one i got is when you beat thein the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice. But the way to her is rather long to get thereYharnham Queen.
there's one in the maingame but it's highly missable :/
well i'm running through a NG+ playthrough anyway so I'll get it eventually, just really annoying since I need it on two weapons at leastAnd there is a trophy for that upgrade =/.
You can try to get several in the chalices but the materials are kinda rare and requires some late game chalices
and the materials for what are rare? the chalices themselves?
I'm in depth 3 of the intertomb and main ones and yeah, they're just boringProbably. I'm in early NG+ as well and only unlocked four main chalices. Biggest problem is how boring they are. Exploring them feels like a chore, and some of the later ones require you to be high leveled. I felt that the Chalice version of Bloodstraved beast was stronger than the one in NG+, and not ust for the lack of pillars and smaller arena
And I haven't gotten much chunks yet.
could try the Nightmare Frontier, other then that just chalice dungeons and level up or run past the enemiesHey I'm a little stuck on where to proceed. Defeated rom and paarl and the witches of hemwick as well as the bsb in old yarnham. The unseen village/yarghul stuff seems crazy difficult with the respawning enemies. Need to unlock the upper cathedral but I keep getting wrecked. My character is level 60 with a +7 sawblade. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance..
Hey I'm a little stuck on where to proceed. Defeated rom and paarl and the witches of hemwick as well as the bsb in old yarnham. The unseen village/yarghul stuff seems crazy difficult with the respawning enemies. Need to unlock the upper cathedral but I keep getting wrecked. My character is level 60 with a +7 sawblade. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance..
My recommendation? Go back to the Forbidden woods and go the back way to Iosefka's Clinic. Get the unopened Cainhurst Summons on the table in one of the upper floor rooms and go to Cainhurst. The beginning of Cainhurst will feel ridiculously hard but you will get blood echoes like crazy and can level up very quickly. I did some grinding there and got my Bloodtinge up high enough to use Evelyn and it was well worth the time I spent.
And in other news, Platinum trophy get! It is my first ever platinum and my save file says I clocked just under 84 hours. I had a friend that helped me do the Chalice dungeon stuff and so that likely lengthened the amount of time it took since we were basically doing everything twice (once for me and once for him) but I got so many blood echoes and gems that it made NG+ easier than my first run through.
Bloodborne was and is a fantastic game.
i just went HAM on Abhorrent Beast.
Finally took him down.
What did I do differently? well i was previously dodging up left away from most of his attacks that start from his left hand. But I figured let me try dodging up right like many others have suggested. Thank god for iframes.
Another thing I did differently was not to back away from him ever! (unless he does the ground slam). What was happening was I would dodge the first attack and then try to backstep quickly away. Apparently this was a big mistake as he can sometimes punish that backwards movment. Instead I would double down and dodge up-right again! under his next attack. Then attack once.
So thats dodge up-right attack, dodge up-right attack. At that time he backs away himself. I then waited for an opening and went back into position for my strat.
Beating him was soo friggin satisfying.
He can be parried. Just parry him as he comes out of his roll, keeping your distance helps.
Depending on where you are at now would be a good time to stock up on sedatives and get the frenzy rune. Where are you at by the way? I don't think you mentioned the Paarl fight yet so Hypogean Gaol?
Wow at Forbidden forest. It has to be one of the best areas in any "Souls" game. Its so expansive and was astounded how you could go to the things you see of in the far distance as you go down the level. There's a sense of fear with those plagas and massive snake bundles and the worst thing is how easy it is to loose your sense of direction. The art direction is also second to none. The craziest thing was how the ladder takes you back to the beginning of the game......like how, my mind cannot fathom how that one shortcut worked.
Anyway now I'm in Cainhurst Castle and I feel like I'm not meant to be here. I'm lvl 40 and most my points have been in SKL and Bloodtinge. Axe + 3 is still ding pretty well though. Admittedly, I did come here because I heard this is where you go to get the Katana but to my dread it seems you have to kill the boss first. Is it possible? My attacks are doing so little damage :/
Oh I fucking hate nightmare frontier, it's one of the worst designed areas. I hope you have that frenzy resist rune and the ashen armor set and some blue elixirs. Amygdala isn't hard though. Just throw on some bolt paper and attack the head for a visceral attack and she'll eventually go down..In that area of death and depression before Amy. I didn't even get either shortcut :/
Anyway now I'm in Cainhurst Castle and I feel like I'm not meant to be here. I'm lvl 40 and most my points have been in SKL and Bloodtinge. Axe + 3 is still ding pretty well though. Admittedly, I did come here because I heard this is where you go to get the Katana but to my dread it seems you have to kill the boss first. Is it possible? My attacks are doing so little damage :/
Do yourself a favor and switch to either the rifle spear, threaded cane, saw spear, Blades of Mercy or Reiterpallasch because I'm pretty sure either one of those should be able to do more damage than that axe since they work better with the skill stat.Wow at Forbidden forest. It has to be one of the best areas in any "Souls" game. Its so expansive and was astounded how you could go to the things you see of in the far distance as you go down the level. There's a sense of fear with those plagas and massive snake bundles and the worst thing is how easy it is to loose your sense of direction. The art direction is also second to none. The craziest thing was how the ladder takes you back to the beginning of the game......like how, my mind cannot fathom how that one shortcut worked.
Anyway now I'm in Cainhurst Castle and I feel like I'm not meant to be here. I'm lvl 40 and most my points have been in SKL and Bloodtinge. Axe + 3 is still ding pretty well though. Admittedly, I did come here because I heard this is where you go to get the Katana but to my dread it seems you have to kill the boss first. Is it possible? My attacks are doing so little damage :/
Oh I fucking hate nightmare frontier, it's one of the worst designed areas. I hope you have that frenzy resist rune and the ashen armor set and some blue elixirs. Amygdala isn't hard though. Just throw on some bolt paper and attack the head for a visceral attack and she'll eventually go down..
Just watch a video walkthrough to ease the suffering, you almost have to in that place.Yeah I absolutely hate it, it made me rage quit earlier. Hopefully I can bosh it out quickly tomorrow.
Just watch a video walkthrough to ease the suffering, you almost have to in that place.
Yeah the shortcut for it is really close. Luckily I killed her the first time. I was probably so OP that I felt sorry for her.Yeah I did, it's only about 5 minutes to Amy if you know the way.
So it's pretty much impossible to see some of these endings without having a guide to tell you what to do right?
I just found part ofin thethe umbilical cordand I looked it up to see what it was. Supposedly I need toOld Abandoned Workshopto get one of the endings. Were you guys figuring this out on your own while beating it? This is my first time playing a Souls game and these steps just seem damn near impossible to string together without knowing what to do beforehand.find three other pieces and consume them before the last boss
There is a random note in the library section telling you to eat three umbilical cords, outside that, nothing
Strange, I got several from her, the survived the whole night
Why would you use Axe if you put your points more in SKL? You're just gimping yourself unnecessarily, really.
Level 40 is alright for that area, but the boss would be so much pain to defeat, hahaha.
Also, you having access to Cainhurst Castle means you have access to lots of Twin Bloodstones in various areas so no point in keeping your preferred weapon at +3.
Do yourself a favor and switch to either the rifle spear, threaded cane, saw spear, Blades of Mercy or Reiterpallasch because I'm pretty sure either one of those should be able to do more damage than that axe since they work better with the skill stat.
I was saving the twin shard and chunks for when I get the Katana but I probably have excess.
I was saving the twin shard and chunks for when I get the Katana but I probably have excess.
The axe just has such a good moveset, especially the charge attack. I think I have 185 ATK rating. I have probably picked up the Reiter without even realising lol
Do you have a good amount of points in Bloodtinge?I was saving the twin shard and chunks for when I get the Katana but I probably have excess.
The axe just has such a good moveset, especially the charge attack. I think I have 185 ATK rating. I have probably picked up the Reiter without even realising lol
It's not even telling you to do that (it's on Lecture Hall 2nd floor btw)
The note just said "Three Umbilical Cords". Well, it's next to the note stating Paleblood is the thing summoned by Laurence and his cooperators.
So here's my situation. I have the shortcut for both The One Reborn and Amygdala but they're both too hard, I could probably kill TOR if I spent some hours on it but I've been losing interest in the game and I just don't have that in me. My question is what's a good level to be for these bosses? Bear in mind I suck at these games and don't want to bash my head against them all day. Also, is there anywhere "safe" I can farm the chunks to upgrade my weapon? It's currently +6. I've been farming Forbidden Woods as it's safe, one run of my route takes about 12 minutes and it nets me one level and a bunch of vials so that's what I'm doing ATM.
Oh and why can't I use Fire Paper any more? I guess it's not compatible with my Holy Blade? Is there an alternative I can use?
Do you have a good amount of points in Bloodtinge?
Well you need 16 of corresponding stone types on each level so if you have more than 16 you might as well use them. Besides, later on Twin Blood Stones can be purchased for a measley 10.000 echoes each so yeah, no real need to actually hoard them.
I hope you did a good ob of raising bloodtinge and skill because that weapon demands it.
So here's my situation. I have the shortcut for both The One Reborn and Amygdala but they're both too hard, I could probably kill TOR if I spent some hours on it but I've been losing interest in the game and I just don't have that in me. My question is what's a good level to be for these bosses? Bear in mind I suck at these games and don't want to bash my head against them all day. Also, is there anywhere "safe" I can farm the chunks to upgrade my weapon? It's currently +6. I've been farming Forbidden Woods as it's safe, one run of my route takes about 12 minutes and it nets me one level and a bunch of vials so that's what I'm doing ATM.
Oh and why can't I use Fire Paper any more? I guess it's not compatible with my Holy Blade? Is there an alternative I can use?
I'm kind stuck now. Can either fight Darkbeast Paarl, Logarius, Shadow of Yarnham or go to that place where there are two hunters.Logarius seems to be to tough for me, and Paarl is just annoying. Goddamn targeting keeps changing from the head to the body >: Haven't tried the shadows though.
Bolt paper should work with Ludwig.
As for the other question, I don't remember what level I was when I beat those two bosses, but I guess it was somewhere between 80-90. I was definitely overleveled for Amygdala. Forbidden Woods was also my farming round at that point of the game. I beat the game on level 100.
I got enough chunks for my main weapon by searching through all the environments, and killing those little crawlers that appear and go into hiding in each area.
Jeez, I'm only 63.
She gives you sedatives 4 times IIRC and then her questline will be finished. It would be stupid to give infinite supply for something that expensive.
Jeez, I'm only 63.
Nope, I get more than 4 sedatives before Rom phase.
Checked wiki and she should give you sedatives three times then go out to get more. After that you can get sedatives only once more and then she is gone. Not sure though if the questline only finishes after Rom and if you could get infinite amount before it.