30 Vit is fine, I beat him the first time with that exact amount of vitality, and with Blade of Mercy, even! (bad idea, don't do it, hahaha) Just equip the extra +10% Rune health that you get from Frontier to get some extra health boost and wear something like Executioner's set if you have it, or Tomb Prospector or even Gascoigne stuff.
30 strength means you can use Cannon. Use it to shoot his head once you're in range (of course, strengthen it first with Bone Marrow Ash)--the best time to do this is after he slams his hands and lowers his head, you can bait this attack really easily. You can get two shots, and Cannon when upgraded to +6 gives you around 450-ish damage IIRC so it's a quite significant chunk of his health that you can cut there, especially since it WILL open him up for a visceral (don't forget to use Bolt Paper since he's weak to Bolt). If you don't have enough Bolt Paper just go ahead and beat Paarl first to unlock them in shops; at level 63 Paarl will be child's play, especially since you use Ludwig.
Also, chances are you have opened up various areas where you can have Chunks. Frontier has 2, and you can find one in Forbidden Woods, allowing you to upgrade Holy Blade to plus 7. You can also find 5 of them in Cainhurst Castle, which I assume you have access to since you have opened Forbidden Woods.