Well, I finally got my platinum on BB a couple of nights ago! So satisfying. At times I didn't know if I would make it through the Chalice Dungeons.
I had put off on fighting Mergo's Wet Nurse until I had completed the dungeons. Once I finished those, I was able to do the three endings without too much trouble using my PS+ cloud save. However, now that I'm into NG+, I hate that I don't have any lamps lit to be able to co-op with friends.
I've also picked up several new games since starting BB that could use my attention: ESOL, Batman: AK, and DriveClub PS+ Ed. But I don't know if I'm ready to let go of BB yet. There probably should be a help group for people coming off of their BB addiction.
First off, hello there. First post in this community. I am absolutely loving this game.
I do have a couple questions. To give a sense of where I am - I am currently in Yahar'Gul, and I believe I've done most of the side stuff up to this point (Cainhurst, Eileen, Alfred all complete).
My first question is can I or should I sell my lower quality blood gems? It's getting to be a somewhat painstaking process to scroll through so many useless gems at this point. My second question is what would be whether or not I can upgrade a weapon past +6 without worrying about the materials. The chunks have been really limited thus far, and I am hesitant to upgrade one of my current weapons as a result.
The second question is an issue because I am not really in love with any weapon at this point. I use the rifle spear to cheese some enemies with charge attacks, and I have the saw spear and ludwig as my main but am underwhelmed by both.
For your blood gems, why don't you just put them in your storage in the Hunter's Workshop? (Sure, you'll have to scroll through them there but they will be out of your inventory)
Don't really have an answer to your second question. It depends on how many upgrades you've made to other weapons. I know in my game, there were definitely some weapons I wish I wouldn't have upgraded so I could have used those resources on other weapons. But your answer to which or how many weapons to upgrade will differ with each player. Yes, blood chunks are limited and blood rocks are extremely so. Edit: So as Morrigan said wisely "Choose carefully" (If I understood your question)