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Bloodborne Story and Lore Discussion Thread [Unmarked Spoilers]


Chalice dungeon rituals must be some kind of inter-dimensional or time travel mechanism. Only way I can explain why you see Bloodletting Beast in two different physical states as well as pregnant Yharnam.
People aren't sure. Some say that it is the bloodletting beast, but others say that it happens because the patches spider is in that map as a vendor close by and it's just what he says if you die close to him.

I'll take the Merchant Patches nearby! Seems like a legit explanation.

Regarding the old guy from the intro, he has covered eyes, like Gascoigne and Djura. Maybe he was a former hunter too? I feel like he's more important than he seems to be.

The suspicious beggar from Forbiden Woods has covered eyes too, tho...


Defiantly feel like some big things were cut in the game and the story was changed, or perhaps the game still holds more secrets

Hmm, maybe not the story itself was changed, just the storytelling. It wouldn't be the first time they removed perfectly developed content and dialogue just to make it less obvious. Oscar's removed content would have him fighting you after the final boss, with a different dialogue depending on your ending choice, making not only the fact that there is a different ending obvious, but the lore behind it.

And personally I was really glad they did it when I learned of the removed content for him, that would completely defeat the purpose of the narrative being the way it was for the main story in Dark Souls.

Probably already covered, but why is Laurence mentioned by Gehrman off-screen after returning from the Old Abandoned Workshop?

He also mentions Willem, who, despite being alive, is really of no use to him. So I'm siding with people saying he's just been in the dream for so long he has no idea those two are long gone by now.


What is Paleblood? Is it blood from Yharnam, the woman?

Any ideas?

There are way too many pages for me to fully catch up on (ever), and perhaps this has already been said and/or I'm just wrong, but I thought ---

"Seek the Paleblood to transcend the hunt".

Paleblood --

Pale = light / white = innocence (ie, the white dress of brides, etc).

So it's innocent blood.

To 'transcend the hunt' you need the blood of the innocent, and in Yharnum there are no innocents... except babies. I think perhaps that's why you need the umbilical cords (which are conduits for blood) for the 'true ending', 'transcending' the hunt.

I mean, in my playthrough I literally needed to kill a newborn (granted, it wasn't really human) to get what I needed.

So that's my take on what 'seek the paleblood' means.

[related possibility - the final boss (main story) is also a wetnurse for a baby... so perhaps that baby is the 'paleblood'.]

I apologize if this has been said a million times, been disproven, or whatever (though if either is the case i'd love to hear more)


There are way too many pages for me to fully catch up on (ever), and perhaps this has already been said and/or I'm just wrong, but I thought ---

"Seek the Paleblood to transcend the hunt".

Paleblood --

Pale = light / white = innocence (ie, the white dress of brides, etc).

So it's innocent blood.

To 'transcend the hunt' you need the blood of the innocent, and in Yharnum there are no innocents... except babies. I think perhaps that's why you need the umbilical cords (which are conduits for blood) for the 'true ending', 'transcending' the hunt.

I mean, in my playthrough I literally needed to kill a newborn (granted, it wasn't really human) to get what I needed.

So that's my take on what 'seek the paleblood' means.

[related possibility - the final boss (main story) is also a wetnurse for a baby... so perhaps that baby is the 'paleblood'.]

I apologize if this has been said a million times, been disproven, or whatever (though if either is the case i'd love to hear more)

I was fighting Bloodletting Beast in Phtumeru Ihyll and when I died, a voice said:
"The time has come again I fear.
But if the fate smiles upon us, we will meet again.
Farewell, dear friend."

Sounded like Patches, but I was surprised and I never heard that line again when I beat him. Bloodletting Beast have no head at all, by the way... I'm so confused, anyone have an idea of the signification of this?

I...think I said this a couple pages ago, maybe not, but a lot of people think it's because the Bloodletting Beast was Laurence's Beast Form.

Specifically it's because the BLB has 2 forms, one that has a normal head and one that has a caved in head; the skull in the Chapel you fight Amelia in has a crushed skull and when you touch it you see Gehrman and Willem which...wouldn't make much sense if it was just a random beast skull. Gehrman's Burial Blade looks like it'd be able to do that kind of damage.

Also, and it's entirely possible it's still a glitch but I got that dialogue too and hadn't unlocked Patches in Chalice dungeons at the time.


There are way too many pages for me to fully catch up on (ever), and perhaps this has already been said and/or I'm just wrong, but I thought ---

"Seek the Paleblood to transcend the hunt".

Paleblood --

Pale = light / white = innocence (ie, the white dress of brides, etc).

So it's innocent blood.

To 'transcend the hunt' you need the blood of the innocent, and in Yharnum there are no innocents... except babies. I think perhaps that's why you need the umbilical cords (which are conduits for blood) for the 'true ending', 'transcending' the hunt.

I mean, in my playthrough I literally needed to kill a newborn (granted, it wasn't really human) to get what I needed.

So that's my take on what 'seek the paleblood' means.

[related possibility - the final boss (main story) is also a wetnurse for a baby... so perhaps that baby is the 'paleblood'.]

I apologize if this has been said a million times, been disproven, or whatever (though if either is the case i'd love to hear more)
Paleblood might refer to the paleblood moon. After reaching the paleblood moon you're given your next objective which is "seek the nightmare newborn", this imply that you completed your first objective "seek the paleblood" and that paleblood refer to the paleblood moon.


Paleblood might refer to the paleblood moon. After reaching the paleblood moon you're given your next objective which is "seek the nightmare newborn", this imply that you completed your first objective "seek the paleblood" and that paleblood refer to the paleblood moon.

Well, there's also the "Behold a paleblood sky!" Note that's around before the red moon even appears. Implies the moon is paleblood before it goes red.

On a tangent, did anyone feel let down that after Rom the music in the prison disappears? Coulda been good boss fight or "things going to hell" music.


Also the VA credits have one listed for "blood minister". I assume that's the dude in the beginning. Should throw out any crackpot theory that he's Gascoigne/Laurence/some other named NPC. Weird that he's just a random dude but oh well, guess he's not really important after all.
Based Miyazaki wouldn't spoil the great mystery of Bloodborne by slipping up in the VO credits.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I remember reading somewhere that there was going to be a big secret/revelation about the doll... did I miss something?

I'm liking the potential theory that she's a Great One.

She will at least always be Greatest One. In my heart.


This is the Paleblood Sky, as I understand it:



VO credits confirm that real Iosefka is turned into a kin and who we talk to later is another person. Everything is a clue. ;p
That's not a reveal. It's hard to pick up on because the VO difference is subtle, the dialog doesn't yell out, HEY THIS IS AN IMPOSTER, and it's probably hours between when players last talk to the real Iosefka and the fake Iosefka. But the change isn't suggested. It's very plain and obvious. Seeing that in the credits is more like, oh of COURSE it was an imposter. Duh.



Mind is legit blown that Gerhmann truly thinks freeing you from dream is doing you good.

That dialogue where he begs someone to free him from the dream. Makes his final death dialogue make so much more sense.

Legit shook.


Paleblood might refer to the paleblood moon. After reaching the paleblood moon you're given your next objective which is "seek the nightmare newborn", this imply that you completed your first objective "seek the paleblood" and that paleblood refer to the paleblood moon.

I'm pretty sure this is right.

"The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Paleblood."
"Behold! A Paleblood sky!

Yeah the imposter should be easy to pick up on when you go into the clinic and that one kin? celestial mob? whatever. has iosefka's blood vial on them in the front room. :(


One thing happen with fake Iosefka, after getting inside the clinic and leaving without fighting her, when I teleported back and talked to her from behind the door, looking through the cracks on the door, her weapon was coated with fire. Did the same thing on at least two other play throughs and it never happened again!
Are they all going to be circular stories?
I guessed that at the end you'd make a "decision" and either become the the thing you fight or leave it, but you know it's gonna still go on, just based on all the other Souls style games
. I'm kind of hoping that anything in the future does something different.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, seeing all the endings and generally not being all that enthralled. Still loved the game, but I think I'm ready for the "soul" story to go new places.
Paleblood might refer to the paleblood moon. After reaching the paleblood moon you're given your next objective which is "seek the nightmare newborn", this imply that you completed your first objective "seek the paleblood" and that paleblood refer to the paleblood moon.

But you don't get the nightmare newborn message until after the moon is no longer pale and becomes the "red moon".

Paleblood refers to the great ones. "A Paleblood Sky!" is basically saying "The Sky and the Cosmos are one", and the sky is full of Great Ones. Particularly the moon.


But you don't get the nightmare newborn message until after the moon is no longer pale and becomes the "red moon".

it's not really red though, its more of a pink, would you could sort of describe as a pale bloody color... I think a lot of the confusion about this comes from the fact that the note you find that reads "behold! a paleblood sky!" in hypogean gaol/unseen village can be found before the moon changes as well as after.


Gold Member
I remember reading somewhere that there was going to be a big secret/revelation about the doll... did I miss something?

She is could be a Great One or is closer to them, after all she raises your stats exchanging echoes, my theory is that she was created by the Great ones on order to help the hunters to become the perfect vessel to hold the newborn. The Doll is more than a mere tool otherwise why she takes care of you once you become a baby squid in the ending.
She is could be a Great One or is closer to them, after all she raises your stats exchanging echoes, my theory is that she was created by the Great ones on order to help the hunters to become the perfect vessel to hold the newborn. The Doll is more than a mere tool otherwise why she takes care of you once you become a baby squid in the ending.

Only problem with that is that she specifically says that YOU (read: humans) created her. That and the Abandoned Workshop's doll reject sorta implies Gehrman created her.


I think the doll is just a doll, but was "born" as part Great one by using the umbilical cord which you find in the abandoned workshop. I think that's why you need insight to speak to her.


Junior Member
Can someone clarify the whole dream thing? Like how/why does the whole dream state exist? In the ending when Gehrman kills you and you wake up in Yharnam, is it a different Yharnam from the one you've been traveling? If not, what's the point of being released from the dream?


il capo silenzioso



How about you see it on the side first, after Alfred rips her head off? It had that distinctive hawk nose. And of course they won't make it EXACTLY the same, like all the other Berserk-inspired designs.

that looks like the Cleric Beast for me.

Also, that dialogue from the Bloodletting beast when you get defeated never appeared to me (and I fought him lots of times).

it happened to me, and countless of people on Youtube.

were you fighting the headless version of the boss?


How about you see it on the side first, after Alfred rips her head off? It had that distinctive hawk nose. And of course they won't make it EXACTLY the same, like all the other Berserk-inspired designs.

first: you called it Griffith's mask.

and you can clearly see, the it has a completely different shape.


il capo silenzioso
first: you called it Griffith's mask.

and you can clearly see, the it has a completely different shape.

oh excuse me, make that a mask inspired by Griffith's mask* like the million other Berserk-inspired stuff in this series

Did you see it on the side?


Alright then!


il capo silenzioso

it's a helmet, like knights wear them.
that's it.

you couldn't find a clear picture? Loooool

Did they all have the hawk nose? Did anyone else wear this knight's helmet in this game? If yes, then fair enough. :) it's pretty interesting that she was locked into this mask by someone (possibly Logarius?)
So, I just did the Childhood's Beginning ending. Did I commit a suicide when I killed the Moon Presence? Moon Presence kind of hugged the Hunter and then aggroed (took the soul/presence of the Hunter?). Then after the battle The Doll comes and asks "Are you cold? Oh, good Hunter." when holding a piece of that beast and the Hunter is nowhere to be seen. And then we're reanimated as a new Hunter as the new nightmare begins.

So confused now.


il capo silenzioso
at least I provided a pic.


don't tell me it's not even remotely possible that it was inspired (which seems like a concept too difficult for you to grasp) by it? :)

not even by the idea? ;)

I just want more Berserk references in BB :pp


il capo silenzioso
Yep, fought both. I feel it's either a bug or the patches thing (note: not playing in english, if that does help).

that could be it! Hmmm, maybe they didn't bother or forgot to dub this line?

FWIW, I didn't encounter Patches (inside his room) before that point! So he wasn't a Chalice vendor in my game yet

do I even want him as a vendor? All he sells is overpriced goods, or so I hear.


don't tell me it's not even remotely possible that it was inspired (which seems like a concept too difficult for you to grasp) by it? :)

I never said that.

I was just replaying to your initial comment saying it is Griffith's helmet.


il capo silenzioso
I never said that.

I was just replaying to your initial comment saying it is Griffith's helmet.

and I fixed that initial comment you keep clinging to

it's not his helmet, just like this isn't the wheel weapon, that isn't Eileen the Crow, the one next to him isn't the priest from the Cathedral and those aren't the Executioners you encounter in the Witch's Abode

just little things here and there that reference Berserk
Why would anyone think Dark Souls/Demon's Souls/BloodBorne isnt inspired by Berserk.

Of course it is. It's not a surprising thing too, it's a fantastic piece of manga.

cm osi

So, I just did the Childhood's Beginning ending. Did I commit a suicide when I killed the Moon Presence? Moon Presence kind of hugged the Hunter and then aggroed (took the soul/presence of the Hunter?). Then after the battle The Doll comes and asks "Are you cold? Oh, good Hunter." when holding a piece of that beast and the Hunter is nowhere to be seen. And then we're reanimated as a new Hunter as the new nightmare begins.

So confused now.

read the trophy description. :)

anyway, what does Iosefka means when she say i have a "moon scent"


read the trophy description. :)

anyway, what does Iosefka means when she say i have a "moon scent"

More NPCs also mention this. Either hunters have this moon scent or you in particular have this scent, which would make you special.

The latter might make more sense given the specific dialogue where it's mentioned and the importance of the moon, but the Souls series so far has never been about "the chosen one", they even subvert this idea in Dark Souls, where The Chosen Undead is basically anyone who can get shit done, so I'm more inclined to believe in the former.
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