I don't work from home, but between 2021-2023 I worked as a contractor for a large Fortune 500 company and 75%+ of us worked from home, particularly the internal employees, but I was allowed to work from home as well because I had/ have a great boss. The business operated/operates exactly the same, no issues. Everyone has long since adjusted to what fits their lifestyles, and there is no need/ desire at all to simply turn back the clock to 2019.
You're making a blanket generalization that "it's not working", which is not accurate across the board. It entirely depends on the situation and what industry you are talking about. Which is why your blanket statement really just fundamentally doesn't make sense. People who have been WFH since COVID, in an office-based environment where literally the entire job is Teams meetings and computer work, you can absolutely do the same job just as effectively from home. And just go into the office as needed for certain meetings, or an office party or gathering, etc for some kind of in-person event. Add to that, people's lived have changed in the last 4 years. People got pets during COVID, they had kids, they got rid of vehicles, etc. So simply stating "it's not working", you're applying a blanket generalization to an extremely complicated and nuanced issue, across hundreds of different industries. And that simply isn't true across the board. Might be true in your specific experience or situation, but it is not so across the board.