Yeah but CDPR actively marketed the game as such. You can’t blame people for having those expectations when CDPR build up those expectations.
Its not like we marveled at Watchdogs or Saints Row having a whole police system, driving cars while in combat, smart NPCs or something, that was kinda moot and expected.
This isn't even fucking asking it to be Skyrim or GTA, this is asking it to be a open world game to todays expected standards of features. What fucking game is coming out in 2020 or even right now by a big AAA company, that is open world, in a city with humans, where you can drive cars, but enemies can't, broken AI? lol Nothing like this has occurred to this scale for anyone to really believe what was expected, was a GTA clone or Skyrim clone.
We did expect the AI can do, what you can, shoot etc. That isn't even wild request, its merely odd the game literally shipped without theses elements and thought in 2020 that wasn't going to be talked about or something, thats like Watchdogs 4 releasing with no AI and dumb enemies that can't drive and Ubisoft's excuse is "well, its not GTA DOE CUH" lol
So I'm not expecting Rockstar level of polish, but I am expecting those features to be met if CDPR is telling us this world is this or that. How come the game doesn't support that idea? That isn't really a debate on polish, that is questioning how a open world game with a police system can launch in 2020 with almost no AI, to the point of it being patched years later to complete what should be, a base feature. It would be like thinking ONLY Rockstar has launched a game with AI or where people can drive cars and come after you or something. That isn't about Polish, HOW WELL it works might be about polish, but any game can come out with some of theses features and I promise you the feature alone wouldn't be front page news type of thing
Look at the new Saints Row game.....
Keep in mind, I agree that Witcher 3 was their first big AAA title, but I don't think it was ignorant to believe they could pull off a AAA open world title like what CP2077 was trying to be, with the right resources, we are not even talking about brand new, never been done before concepts. They are actually dated concepts. If anything, we as a community didn't know how poorly staffed that team was for a project like this, but this being their first shift in such a different genre and game, simply can be an excuse.
Look at Horizon Zero Dawn, GG literally went from Killzone, a FPS title, to a 3rd person open world RPG and moved millions of units and won many awards and was jam packed with obvious RPG type features. Its not even saying THAT is the norm of that move, shit for all we know if Sony only gave em 400 or so to do it, maybe it would turn out as bad as Cyberpunk, so I don't think this is because they never did a game like this before, I think its because they didn't have the support needed to make that game exist based on its original vison. (I blame the publisher for this btw, not the team)