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Bob Iger on George Lucas's involvement in the Force Awakens


Bob Iger released a book called The Ride of a Lifetime: LESSONS LEARNED FROM 15 YEARS AS CEO OF THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY". He talks about George Lucas's reaction to The Force Awakens and that they didn't use his ideas. It might be a good thing that they didn't use his ideas but would have been interesting to see his version of the movies.

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I think the "Jedi-Killer" thing could have worked if they wanted to make a smaller scale, more personal, character driven, story.

I t would still have decent stakes for all characters with Luke probably being the Jedi Master trying to save/protect his students and Han and Leia dealing with the fact that the Jedi Killer would be their son.

Obvious conclusion being that the force needs to be permanently "nullified" in some way to put an end to the dark side/light side cycle.

It's as simple as saying the originals did bring an end to The Empire but did not bring balance to the force and so the final trilogy is about dealing with that.

Feels like that is just one movie though.

Personally I feel like they could have done a one-off "epilogue" type movie using the OT characters that gives them a final scene together.
This would also reintroduce Star Wars to movie audiences and say "look it's not terrible" at the very least.

Then have a series of movies set LONG before the events of Episode 1 etc that explores the SW universe with new characters etc.

It's like every time they had a decision to make with these, they made the wrong one.


It’s obvious GL thinks the new films are crap so now we’ve had series former star and creator both admitting the new stuff is kinda shit. New CEO blames the fans! Who would have imagined?

LOL at the confirmation of a no disparagement clause too. Maybe those conspiracies were right
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There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Lucas also ruined the prequels.
I wish Star Wars would just die to make room for something new and better in terms of science fiction.
All that talent and money spent on milking a creatively rotten cow is such a waste.
Also, often I feel that people would care even less if the new movies didn’t have a political agenda. They are just really boring movies. I gave the first two a chance, but I am done with the series.
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Regardless of what people think about the prequels it’s heartening to see that George had issues with these new films, especially the “there is nothing new” part. He might very well have had batshit insane ideas about how to continue the story but no doubt he would have made it feel like Star Wars.

It’s rough hearing that Iger outlined a non-disparagement clause, talk about not having faith in your own product.


without George Lucas Star Wars wouldn't exist. PT came out 20 years ago, u would think people would be over it by now. look at it like a 60s sci fi space movie. it is like judging the acting in an old episode of the Twilight Zone or Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

RLM did some interesting work, and made a lot of good criticism, but IMO they are responsible for a lot of people that can't seem to let go. PT can't simply be a dumb series of movies, a cheesy costume docu drama depicting historical events of the fall of the Republic and it's Knights order. it has to be this Godfather level serious movie. PT has plenty to offer, for all it's shortcomings. ST has thrown that into stark relief with it's lack of interesting new planets, creatures, visuals and setpieces.

PT is not really that far off from ROTJ in terms of believability or serious filmmaking. it is pulp adventure, a high budget b-movie serial, yet the uber fans seem to demand a level of capital-A Art perfection (TLJ the high embodiment of the demand for flash over substance). it has flaws but works perfectly fine as fan service and world building galore. it need not be this monumental failure that we always blame him for not living up to. so the Jedi don't make sense to the OT? that is because this takes place when they were in power, when they were knights, a la King Arthur's Round Table (which ultimately fell amidst internal divisions) this reveals their arrogance, depicts their fall, all the stuff TLJ pretend to do anew. it is as if Luke watched the PT after the events of ROTJ or something. this action hero silly cartoon Jedi was sort of the OG depiction, when Lucas came up with the background information during the creation of Star Wars in the first place. in many ways the PT is him delivering the stuff that he invented alongside coming up w the backstories (Obi Wan Clone Wars dropped in the first hour of the series).

he made Anakin a kid because he had a kid and he already did the trilogy for teen/twentysomethings. he wanted to start him young to give him some innocence, a depiction of Vader before he was corrupted, before he ever even knew the Jedi. people demanded he use an older actor, that he start it later, etc. he wanted something his kids could watch, something that they could grow up with, growing alongside the actors, for it is a story of transformation. the new characters are far more static by comparison. he did what he wanted, regardless of fan demand, and just has he had done with Star Wars, he also reinvented the industry through investing in new visual and sound technology, and provided a blueprint for high budget CGI pulp fantasy that is basically copied by movies 10-15 times a year. people should be building statues to this guy all over Hollywood ffs.
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The ERA thread on Lucas's "There is nothing new" comment is so hilariously predictable and what I was thinking for so long around 2014 to 2017 NEOGAF:

Reply 1: "He's not wrong"

Reply 2: "He's not wrong"

Reply 3: "He's not wrong"

Reply 200: "He's not wrong"

LOL NPC is real

Is it so hard to just say:

"Yeah I agree with him"


"I think he is right"


"I disagreed with him back then, but I agree now"


"He' right"


"I see where he is coming from"

....not a single original thought LOL
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ChatGPT 0.001
George Lucas looks like a villain right now, abandoning Star Wars but George in his first Star Wars movie was unbelievable, Star Wars fans are blinded by the prequel movies.


Props to Bob Iger for publishing this stuff. He walks it back a bit, but he still puts it out there, despite the ongoing Star Wars controversy. Very cool. That tells me this book might be a good, honest-for-the-most-part read.

It’s interesting to hear Lucas hit TFA criticism bang on the head, before it even started. That shows me a creator, that for all his faults, really understands Star Wars and how to bring it forward. His actions back up his words with the prequels and Clone Wars CG show as well — always trying something new, always attempting to thrill audiences, worldbuilding like crazy.

It’s a shame that Lucas just didn’t get to make his trilogy. For better or worse, I think it would have been more interesting than Disney’s efforts. I say that having enjoyed TFA, before everything went to crap.

To an extent, I almost think it’s karma. All those people that took it far beyond criticism in the prequel era, pushing into constant personal attacks... well, they’re the ones that put Lucas off of filmmaking, and he said exactly as much. Now you’ve got a soulless, corporate product that’s being passed around like the village bicycle to people that have no business working on a Star Wars movie.
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He definitely hits my biggest complaint of the new trilogy thus far. Nothing new. Rogue One at least did a good job of making a decent self-contained film that felt like Star Wars without leaning on old characters that basically changed 180 degrees from the old films with no reason or explanation. Solo I did not enjoy, and eps 7 and 8 I actively disliked.

I actually enjoyed the admittedly goofy and clearly video-gamey story in The Force Unleashed better than any of the Disney films.


The ERA thread on Lucas's "There is nothing new" comment is so hilariously predictable and what I was thinking for so long around 2014 to 2017 NEOGAF:

Reply 1: "He's not wrong"

Reply 2: "He's not wrong"

Reply 3: "He's not wrong"

Reply 200: "He's not wrong"

LOL NPC is real

Is it so hard to just say:

"Yeah I agree with him"


"I think he is right"


"I disagreed with him back then, but I agree now"


"He' right"


"I see where he is coming from"

....not a single original thought LOL

Wait ERA are agreeing with George?? Thats a first considering they stan TLJ hard, hell truly has frozen over.

Still to hell with ERA even if they finally agree tlj is boring.
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Wait ERA are agreeing with George?? Thats a first considering they stan TLJ hard, hell truly has frozen over.

Still to hell with ERA even if they finally agree tlj is boring.
TLJ threads there are fascinating and hilarious. At this point it's like Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" aka 10 Little Indians. Only 5 or 6 TLJ defenders left. And they got to the point where they don't really even defend the movie's story anymore...rather just type "In 10 year you will all realize it's the 2nd best SW movie" or "You all will be eating crow when Rise of Skywalker grosses more than Endgame!" or "91 percent rottentomatoes!!!!" or "It got an A cinemascore, so there!!!"

Honestly I think Joe Rogan's take on TLJ is kind of what many normal people who aren't huge movie buffs thought about it: Generally positive at first with some minor criticism, like "Eh, it was enjoyable I guess"....then with time they just forget about it because it's so dull:

Then months later:

So Anthony Cumia is saying back in 1979...Alien "subverted expectations" because the chestburster scene had them thinking "Wait what?? The main character died already?" and then Ripley, a woman, takes over....and audiences LOVED it.
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Depending on when Bob wrote it, the complete lack of mentions of Rian Johnson kinda confirms what I kinda assumed was true: Disney are outright ignoring The Last Jedi, and by proxy Johnson, and are focusing on JJ as “the Star Wars guy”.

Glad to hear George echoed the major complaints - they’ve had two films, and created literally nothing.


So Anthony Cumia is saying back in 1979...Alien "subverted expectations" because the chestburster scene had them thinking "Wait what?? The main character died already?" and then Ripley, a woman, takes over....and audiences LOVED it.

I watched this recently. Alien is rightfully brought up often in discussions about strong female representation going back decades despite the prevailing Narrative. It's a masterpiece and none of it's sequels have ever even come close to that achievement. It is so damn refreshing to see a movie that can put a woman in a strong role without feeling unbelievable or like it's woke pandering, without snide remarks directed at the men, etc. It is effortlessly believable.
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That used to be how movies operated in general. Look at Blade. It was just an R-rated comic book movie. Nobody was pinning the fabric of society on it.
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After the prequels and his constant screwing up of the OT I have no faith in George Lucas at all. Like most of those film makers in the 70's, he had lost the plot by the 90's.

Who knows what we lost by him not making these movies. He didn't have to sell, he could've made them had he wanted. But the mention of Midichlorians and the "whills" in his ST confirms the view that he has no idea why Star Wars worked so well in the first place.

Lucky escape? Maybe, which is crazy considering how poor Disneys Star Wars films have been. It might have been good had they stuck to his vague outlines but had other writers and directors handle the actual making of the film.
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This gem right here:

but he also wasn’t appreciating the pressure we were under to give ardent fans a film that felt quintessentially Star Wars.


After the prequels and his constant screwing up of the OT I have no faith in George Lucas at all. Like most of those film makers in the 70's, he had lost the plot by the 90's.
nah, PT added tons of value to the franchise. u think that $4 billion was for the OT alone? all the new characters and worlds he created with the PT, many of them are being harvested currently in the ST. Rogue One uses the same actors casted to play Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in ROTS. the precedence of a prequel trilogy alone probably doubles or tripled the potential value of the franchise.
but he also wasn’t appreciating the pressure we were under to give ardent fans a film that felt quintessentially Star Wars.
"ardent" fans (ie "toxic" fans). once again they are blaming fans for their lack of vision.

see, it was fans that made them rip off the plot of A New Hope! it was our fault all along!

here is me to them:

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It’s obvious GL thinks the new films are crap so now we’ve had series former star and creator both admitting the new stuff is kinda shit. New CEO blames the fans! Who would have imagined?

LOL at the confirmation of a no disparagement clause too. Maybe those conspiracies were right

It's so obvious that Hamill hates TLJ. I don't think he disliked TFA because (as a ANH beat-for-beat remake) it was Star Wars, but you can just see him struggling for words to not criticize TLJ in every interview.

Of course, I would be struggling too if one wrong word meant a mouse would take a baseball bat to my kneecaps.


I don't think he disliked TFA
while maybe he was fine w the outcome, it must have been a blow to finally come back to a role you haven't played in 30 years, and to sign onto that with your two friends that were alongside you back in the day, only to discover that you didn't have any scenes with any of them. in fact, you didn't have any lines at all, and you are in one scene in the movie. even though they will put you in the trailer, you aren't really in the film at all. that's got to be a let down.

i mean, it's a great cliffhanger, but it's also kind of a dick move, and blatant baiting of the audience with nostalgia. as an actor, you can't be help feeling used in a situation like that. tbh i think what Mark objects to more than the qualities of the movies is the overall direction and misuse of the OT cast.
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nah, PT added tons of value to the franchise. u think that $4 billion was for the OT alone? all the new characters and worlds he created with the PT, many of them are being harvested currently in the ST. Rogue One uses the same actors casted to play Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in ROTS. the precedence of a prequel trilogy alone probably doubles or tripled the potential value of the franchise.

I couldn't care less about the value of the franchise. Without good films its meaningless. I don't care if they make money or not, I just want to watch a film that doesn't suck. This seems to be way beyond Lucas and the cronies at Disney.

The prequels may have added a lot for a certain type of fan, but they're bad films. They may expand the universe (I'd argue they don't, they make it smaller. Remember Vader built C3-PO...) and be full of details about the world but they're boring as hell.


I couldn't care less about the value of the franchise. Without good films its meaningless. I don't care if they make money or not, I just want to watch a film that doesn't suck. This seems to be way beyond Lucas and the cronies at Disney.

The prequels may have added a lot for a certain type of fan, but they're bad films. They may expand the universe (I'd argue they don't, they make it smaller. Remember Vader built C3-PO...) and be full of details about the world but they're boring as hell.
They made Palpatine a lot more interesting at least.

Ewan McGregor did a good job adding more depth to Obiwan. I have nitpicks like him just walking off letting Anakin burn alive.

I wish they didn't turn Anakin into a chosen one because it writes the SW lore into a corner where any big conflict where the dark side makes a comeback comes off like a retcon.

I also wish rule of two was never a thing which is why I was glad that Kylo and Snoke were not Sith.

Wait... Kylo including the sith in his list of things that need to die makes no sense in that the sith don't exist anymore. Another RJ screw up.

Naboo was beautiful world building... In spite of jar jar and the gungans it just looks amazing.
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